Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98242 total results. Showing results 30881 to 30900 «154115421543154415451546154715481549Next ›Last » Nicola Bulley: home secretary wants answer over police alcohol comment Force refers itself to watchdog over welfare check on family The Times - Subscription at source 17/2/2023 News Assaults on police hit a five-year high Assaults with injury have increased year-on-year from 516 for the period April 2018 to March 2019, to 911 for the period April 2021 to March 2022. From April 2022 to this year to date, there have been 923. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 17/2/2023 News Wiltshire Police’s use of force in custody ‘concerning’ Inspectors have expressed concern about the use of force in police custody suites. BBC 17/2/2023 News Differential Effects of Procedural Justice?: Examining Heterogeneity in the Perceptions and Effects of Procedural Justice Across First-Time and Recurrent Detainees Several scholars have suggested that perceptions of procedural justice matter less for legitimacy beliefs and compliant behavior among serious offenders, but it remains unknown to what extent this also holds true for male detainees interacting with multiple criminal justice authorities. Using longitudinal data from the Prison Project on adult detainees entering Dutch pre-trial detention centers, the current study examines whether effects of procedural justice—arising from encounters with police officers, prison staff, and judges—on felt obligation to obey and recidivism operate in a different manner for first-time detainees and recurrent detainees. Our findings support the idea that procedural justice exerts differential effects on beneficial outcomes depending on detainees’ prior detention experience. Crime and Delinquency - Subscription at source 17/2/2023 Research article Rezoning beats: Edmonton police create 3 new downtown patrol areas CANADA: Edmonton police are re-zoning downtown beat divisions to cover areas considered high in crime, violence, and disorder that don't currently have dedicated patrols. CBC News (Canada) 17/2/2023 News Councillor calls for Winnipeg police to reopen district stations to the public 24-7 CANADA: Winnipeg city council is set to consider a call for police to reopen district stations that have been closed to the public since the start of the pandemic. CBC News (Canada) 17/2/2023 News Report on an inspection visit to police custody suites in Wiltshire This report describes our findings following an inspection of Wiltshire Police custody facilities. The inspection was conducted jointly by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services and the Care Quality Commission in November 2022. It is part of our programme of inspections covering every police custody suite in England and Wales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 17/2/2023 Report Police notebook lost, names and addresses circulated among ‘criminal element’ CANADA: Officer’s notebook lost for five days in December contains names of about 60 individuals related to police activity or investigations, along with 50 addresses, and was used to commit a criminal offence, police say. [AUDIO] Times Colonist (Canada) 17/2/2023 News Shooting of George Nkencho: GSOC probe completed ahead of decision on sending report to DPP REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda watchdog investigators have completed their report into the fatal shooting by a garda of George Nkencho and a review is now underway before a decision is taken on sending it to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 17/2/2023 News Explainer: what’s behind the biggest recruitment crisis in the gardaí’s 100-year history? REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: With An Garda Síochána facing its biggest ever recruitment crisis and as members experience increasingly dangerous working conditions, is it time to rethink the force’s entry requirements? Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 17/2/2023 News Report on an inspection visit to police custody suites in Wiltshire Today we published a report on our findings following an inspection of Wiltshire Police custody facilities. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 17/2/2023 Report ‘Car crash’ police communications on Nicola Bulley case fuelled speculation Police forced to tread fine line between appeasing information-hungry public and protecting personal details The Guardian 17/2/2023 News Prison officer ‘smuggled cannabis’ and had ‘inappropriate relationship’ with inmate A former prison officer has appeared in court accused of smuggling drugs and a phone into the Salford prison. Express 17/2/2023 News ‘I wouldn’t want 34,000 Catherine Cawoods, but a few would be good’: Met police chief reveals he is a Happy Valley fan London's top cop has revealed that he is a fan of gritty police drama Happy Valley - but said he wouldn't want all of his officers to behave like the show's unorthodox heroine, Catherine Cawood. LBC 17/2/2023 News Police release of Nicola Bulley’s personal details ‘as sexist as it comes’ The release of sensitive details about the missing woman Nicola Bulley was “as sexist as it comes”, the former victims’ commissioner has said, as Lancashire police come under further pressure over their handling of the case. Dame Vera Baird condemned the force’s “dreadful” decision to divulge medical information about Bulley, saying it was “the biggest error that I have seen for quite a long time”. The Guardian 17/2/2023 News Victoria police deal with privacy breach after notebook lost by officer CANADA: Victoria police are dealing with a serious privacy breach that has the personal information of dozens of people circulating among criminals. Global News (Canada) 17/2/2023 News Nicola Bulley: Home secretary asks police to explain health disclosures The home secretary has raised concerns with police after they revealed personal information about missing mother Nicola Bulley. BBC 17/2/2023 News Queensland police beef up assessments of sovereign citizens, people with extremist beliefs following Wieambilla ‘terrorist attack’ AUSTRALIA: Queensland police must report matters involving sovereign citizens, religious extremists and conspiracy theorists to top counter-terror teams in the wake of the Wieambilla shooting in which two officers and a local man were killed. In an email sent to all Queensland Police Service (QPS) members, which has been sighted by the ABC, officers have been briefed on new procedures for recording interactions with conspiracy theorists and those spouting religious-related ideology. It was disseminated yesterday, the same day police held a press conference in relation to the Wieambilla shooting referring to it as a "religiously motivated terrorist attack". ABC News (Australia) 17/2/2023 News Celebrating 100 years of the Police Association of Tasmania AUSTRALIA: Today at the Police Association of Tasmania annual conference, Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Felix Ellis, congratulated the Association on their 100-year milestone of supporting Tasmania Police and thanked local officers for their work keeping the Tasmanian community safe. Tasmanian Government 17/2/2023 News Undercover gardaí checking pubs for drug use REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Justice Minister Simon Harris has said there will be increased Garda operations in nightclubs and pubs to crack down on people using and dealing drugs. Gardaí are already carrying out undercover checks in licensed premises, it is understood. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 17/2/2023 News «154115421543154415451546154715481549Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events