Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98284 total results. Showing results 30541 to 30560 «152415251526152715281529153015311532Next ›Last » Gardaí in contact with Australian intelligence over Irish-Russian woman deemed a ‘security risk’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The garda security service is to carry out its own inquiries into Irish citizen Marina Sologub, who has been declared a potential threat to Australia's national security. But this investigation will depend on information provided by their Australian counterparts about the activities and associations of the Cork student when she was in Ireland. While the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), in leaks to Australian media, has identified the 39-year-old space industry consultant a potential security risk, no specifics have been given as to the basis of that declaration. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 27/2/2023 News ‘The MPS is too big to govern’ Dr John Fox explains how it should be broken up. Police Professional 27/2/2023 Feature, Opinion The blue line is being stretched too thin to keep us safe NEW ZEALAND: The public clamour continues for enhanced police presence, patrols and responsiveness in Christchurch. The central city remains a focal point of frustration at the blue line’s inability to routinely foot-patrol the retail precinct, nor rapidly respond to the street crime and disorderly behaviour, menacing the heart of the city. Stuff (New Zealand) 27/2/2023 Feature, Opinion ‘Illegal’ strip searches of children among claims made by Queensland watch-house whistleblower AUSTRALIA: Exclusive: Officer’s submission to state’s youth crime bill describes adult prisoners exposing themselves to children and imitating sex acts The Guardian 27/2/2023 News Police fatally shoot man inside Auburn Police Station, in Western Sydney AUSTRALIA: In an incident inside a Western Sydney police station, police fatally shoot a man who, they say, had stabbed a stranger just minutes before. Police say the man — whose identity is not yet known — was holding a knife and threatening officers before he was shot, just after midnight, after attending Auburn Police Station. ABC News (Australia) 27/2/2023 News Specialist rape hearings should be in ‘every Crown Court’ says Labour Shadow Justice Minister also says rape legal advocates across the country would cost £4 million. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/2/2023 News GMP’s 999 call average down to one second Last week, the force's average 999 answering time was as low as one second. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/2/2023 News Chiefs in three large forces ask for right to charge suspects West Midlands, GMP and West Yorkshire Chief Constables have written an open letter asking for the right to charge suspects for more offences. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/2/2023 News PSNI releases CCTV of car used by gunmen who shot off-duty detective The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) has released CCTV footage of the car used by the gunmen who shot senior detective John Caldwell at a sports complex in Co Tyrone last week. Police Professional 27/2/2023 News Officer due in court charged with common assault A Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer will appear in court this week charged with two counts of common assault during the arrest of a man in Elephant and Castle in August last year. Police Professional 27/2/2023 News PFNI thanks community and political leaders for ‘heartening’ support following attempted murder of officer PFNI thanks community and political leaders for ‘heartening’ support following attempted murder of officer Police Professional 27/2/2023 News An empirical analysis of depolicing behavior Depolicing is a behavior that occurs when law enforcement officers disengage from proactive police work. Despite the term’s more recent popularity, these behaviors have been identified in policing literature for decades. Scholars have primarily tried to quantify the depolicing phenomenon through the lens of public scrutiny and the Ferguson Effect. However, there are currently no quantitative studies that have attempted to examine the multitude of reasons as to why depolicing behavior could potentially occur. The current inquiry uses survey data retrieved from eight municipal law enforcement agencies to further examine potential predictors of depolicing. The predictor variables consisted of public scrutiny, liability concerns, organizational unfairness, burnout, physical danger, COVID-19, and years of experience. Our results indicate that public scrutiny, liability concerns, COVID-19, and years of experience are all significant and positive predictors of depolicing. We also found that agency location and rank significantly impacted depolicing behavior. The findings and limitations are discussed. Police Practice and Research - Subscription at source 27/2/2023 Research article Examining reasons for victim retraction in domestic violence and abuse: A qualitative analysis of police retraction statements in the United Kingdom Understanding the factors that influence domestic violence and abuse (DVA) victims to withdraw from the Criminal Justice System globally continues to be a key focus for professionals and academics working within this area. There is a dearth of extant literature examining the motivations behind victim withdrawal, particularly retraction occurring post provision of an initial statement. This paper examines the phenomenon of retraction, by thematically analysing N = 60 police retraction statements (PRS) collected by police officers in a large suburban police force in the North West of England. In examining these statements, insight can also be garnered from those victims still in an active relationship with their abusers. Findings highlight female victims’ motivations for retraction and are framed around victim problem solving including: a) accepting the relationship which resulted in a discordance in proceeding with the prosecution of the abuser b) rejecting the relationship thereby rendering the prosecution as redundant c) engaging in procedural problem solving where alternative measures such as civil actions were sought to substitute a CJS prosecution and d) the effect of children where motivations were split between retracting to return to the complete family unit including the victim as the mother and retracting due to recognising the importance of the father’s role without involvement from the mother. Notwithstanding limitations, this paper demonstrates that there is significant value in conducting an analysis of PRSs in furthering the understanding of why victims choose to retract at this point in their prosecution journey. The extracts from this dataset add insight and understanding into DVA female victim motivations to retract post-initial statement provision and highlight the differences within victim populations who retract their original statement. The Police Journal: Theory Practice and Principles 27/2/2023 Research article The Downstream Effects of Body-worn Cameras: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis By virtue of their ability to capture evidence of criminal behavior, body-worn cameras (BWCs) have been associated with enhanced investigations and prosecutions. To date, however, research on these outcomes has been inconsistent, and there has been no attempt to systematically review or synthesize the results of these studies. To address this gap, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of 12 experimental and quasi-experimental studies examining the impact of BWCs on prosecutorial and court-related outcomes. In aggregate, we find no significant effects of BWCs across any reported outcome measure, however, we find that studies focused on domestic violence offenses are associated with significant and large treatment effects across most outcome measures. While these results show promise, extant domestic violence studies are generally quasi-experimental in nature, and thus the effect of crime type cannot currently be separated from that of research design. Policy implications and directions for future research are discussed. Justice Quarterly - Subscription at source 27/2/2023 Research article It’s not all about the stick – or the tech Against the backdrop of the public outcry over police criminality and misconduct, Psychologist Dr Heather Taylor argues that the key to reducing the risk of problematic workforce behaviours lies as much in the hands of thoughtful leadership and effective HR management as it does in a powerful culture of vetting checks and professional standards enforcement. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/2/2023 Analysis, Feature Ontario’s police watchdog investigates circumstances of a shooting in Guelph CANADA: Ontario's police watchdog is investigating the circumstances of a shooting in Guelph Sunday afternoon that sent a man to hospital. CBC News (Canada) 27/2/2023 News “Too many serious violent offenders are being released on bail” CANADA: As police chiefs with experience in many Canadian cities, we believe we need to address a serious problem: the release into our communities of too many people who have histories of repeated serious criminal violence. In recent weeks we have seen the horrific impact of that failure in our justice systems. Blue Line (Canada) 27/2/2023 Feature, Opinion What factors drive trust in police after civil wars: the case of Colombia We know that civil wars have negative and long-term consequences for public trust in state institutions. However, few studies have examined the post-peace challenges of rebuilding trust in state institutions. In this study, we utilise the case of Colombia to explore the impact of civil wars on the institutional trust of the police. We find that perspectives on abuse, punishment, and corruption are significant predictors of trust in the Colombian police. Further, we find that when we test all three phenomena together, perceptions of police abuse and experience with bribery are the key drivers of trust of police in Colombia. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice - Subscription at source 27/2/2023 Research article Fraud Prevention Month 2023: Fraud losses in Canada reach another historic level CANADA: In the past decade, technology has completely transformed the criminal landscape, making fraud easier to commit, more widespread, and more sophisticated than ever before. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 27/2/2023 News ‘Children as young as six are being groomed by drug dealers’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Children as young as six are being used as “runners” for drug dealers, who “seek out” vulnerable kids and lure them in with 'gifts' such as top-end runners and 'free' drugs. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 27/2/2023 News «152415251526152715281529153015311532Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events