Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98284 total results. Showing results 30521 to 30540 «152315241525152615271528152915301531Next ›Last » Northern Territory police need 300 more officers, Deputy Commissioner Murray Smalpage tells Kumanjayi Walker inquest AUSTRALIA; The demand on Northern Territory police "regularly exceeds" the capabilities of the force, after a 30 per cent increase in overall crime over the last decade, according to Deputy Commissioner Murray Smalpage. Giving evidence today to the coronial inquest into the police shooting of Kumanjayi Walker, the deputy commissioner said the agency needed around $500 million more in infrastructure to do its job. "We need in the vicinity of 300 [additional] officers to enable us to meet the demand on our services and provide an effective response to crime and social order right across the Northern Territory," Deputy Commissioner Smalpage said. ABC News (Australia) 28/2/2023 News WA police seize ‘phone’ that they believe may be used as firearm AUSTRALIA: An alleged drug dealer has been charged with owning what police believe could be a replica gun that looks like a mobile phone, as they try to work out whether it can be used as a firearm. WA Police searched a house on Cassinia Street in Baldivis, south of Perth, earlier this month. They seized a range of items, including more than $100,000 in cash, live ammunition, flick knives and drug paraphernalia. Among the items was the mobile phone, which police said could be folded to appear as a replica firearm. Police said ballistic testing, which studies the performance of a firearm, is underway to determine whether it can be operated as a gun. ABC News (Australia) 28/2/2023 News Public consultation plans confirmed for out-of-court disposal rebrand as proposed relaunch is delayed As stakeholders from across the criminal justice system gathered last month for a Met Police innovation hub to rebrand out-of-court disposals (OOCDs) ahead of the launch of new two-tier framework, it was confirmed that any new name for the measures would be likely to go out to public consultation to ensure that communities are given a voice, as Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/2/2023 Analysis, Feature Drug dealers targeting boys as young as 13 to work in gangs Teenage boys as young as 13 are being lured with promises of money and gifts to work for drug dealers, officers have warned. Police Professional 28/2/2023 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/2/2023 News Grievance-fuelled violence: Modelling the process of grievance development AUSTRALIA: Acts of extreme or mass violence perpetrated by lone offenders have become increasingly common in liberal democracies over the past 20 years. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 28/2/2023 Report Modelling drivers of grievance-fuelled violence AUSTRALIA: Acts of extreme or mass violence perpetrated by lone offenders have become increasingly common in liberal democracies over the past 20 years. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 28/2/2023 Research article Victoria Police CALD Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2024 AUSTRALIA: As the Executive Sponsor of Victoria Police CALD employee networks and the CALD Council (VP CALD Council) it is my pleasure to present the second Victoria Police CALD inclusion action plan. Victoria Police (Australia) 28/2/2023 Report Victoria Police Access and Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2024 AUSTRALIA: I am pleased to introduce this Victoria Police Access and Inclusion Action Plan 2023–2024. Victoria Police (Australia) 28/2/2023 Report Controlled operations annual report 2021–22 AUSTRALIA: The Australian Federal Police, the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission are pleased to submit the Controlled Operations Annual Report 2021–22. [pdf] Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) 28/2/2023 Report Police Scotland failed to attend at one in four housebreakings Police failed to attend one in four house break-ins in Scotland last year with officers blaming frontline pressures for dwindling contact with the public. The Times - Subscription at source 28/2/2023 News Recharging policing Years of under-resourcing mean the CPS is no longer able to provide timely charging advice. It’s time the power to do so was returned to the police say Chief Constables Craig Guildford, John Robbins and Stephen Watson. Police Professional - Subscription at source 27/2/2023 Feature, Opinion Thirteen Gloucestershire police staff being investigated for violence against women "Each case has to be judged on its own merit but it’s not a good statistic.” Gloucestershire Live 27/2/2023 News National Referral Mechanism and Duty to Notify statistics UK, October to December 2022 Statistics on referrals to the National Referral Mechanism, for potential victims of modern slavery in quarter 4 2022. Home Office 27/2/2023 News New chief constable Catherine Roper seeks to rebuild trust in police Wiltshire's new chief constable says the force needs more focus on reducing violence and tackling burglaries. BBC 27/2/2023 News Face biometrics getting deeper into policing, sparking concerns Those worried about the use of facial recognition by law enforcement have warned about how the technology could become entrenched in bureaucracies, growing in use and getting harder to question from outside governments. 27/2/2023 News Police union in Surrey, B.C., accuses city councillor of conflict of interest violations CANADA: The union representing officers with the fledgling independent police service in Surrey, B.C., has filed a complaint accusing a city councillor of breaking conflict of interest rules in discussions around policing last year. The Surrey Police Union (SPU) on Monday said Coun. Rob Stutt failed to disclose his family connections to the RCMP when council voted on matters related to the city's transition away from having Mounties as the police of jurisdiction. CBC News (Canada) 27/2/2023 News National Referral Mechanism and Duty to Notify statistics UK, end of year summary 2022 Statistics on referrals to the National Referral Mechanism, for potential victims of modern slavery in 2022. Home Office 27/2/2023 News Vancouver police shoot man twice with less-lethal rounds in case of mistaken identity CANADA: A Toronto man says he was left in excruciating pain after Vancouver police shot him twice with less-lethal rounds in a case of mistaken identity. On Wednesday, around 5:20 p.m., 40-year-old Elijah Barnett was in downtown Vancouver on Richards Street walking his friend's dog. In a written complaint to the Office of the Police Complaints Commissioner, he said he was surrounded by a number of VPD officers. They accused him of being a man wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for home invasion. CBC News (Canada) 27/2/2023 News Thousands more police would be on beat if they did not have to attend mental health call-outs Research shows 20 per cent increase in number of mental health incidents police attended last year across 29 forces The Telegraph - Subscription at source 27/2/2023 News «152315241525152615271528152915301531Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events