Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98306 total results. Showing results 30361 to 30380 «151515161517151815191520152115221523Next ›Last » Urgency is now needed after high profile attacks on garda REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Political representatives from all parties met this week to try and move forward plans for an implementation body, following attacks on gardai in Ballyfermot last week. (Republic of Ireland) - Subscription at source 3/3/2023 News Police legitimacy and culture revisited through the lens of self-legitimacy This conceptual article contributes to the scientific debate on police culture and police legitimacy by exploring and refining the concept of self-legitimacy. It argues that endogenously constructed self-legitimacy co-produces and reinforces certain core characteristics of police culture. ‘Self-legitimacy’ in this context is the degree to which those in power believe in the moral justice of their power. Endogenous self-legitimation processes occur when officers identify with the professional police identity and the police organisation, and self-legitimacy is brought about by those in power attributing unique characteristics to themselves and seeking validation from an inner circle of similar power-holders. Drawing on the analysis, suggestions are made on how police culture and police legitimacy can be influenced by facilitating a shift in officers’ perception of their ‘professional identity’. Policing and Society 3/3/2023 Research article Serious assaults and violence against gardaà rise sharply REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Provisional stats issued by An Garda SÃochána show noticeable increases in many categories of crime when comparing 2022 to 2019, including thefts, murders, and sexual violence. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 3/3/2023 News GMP Chief to join College Board of Directors CC Watson will attend his first board meeting later this month in the position specifically reserved for a Chief Constable. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/3/2023 News Relationship Between Criminal Intention and Criminal Behavior This study employed the theory of planned behavior to explore the relationship between criminal intention and criminal behavior and the factors influencing them. The present study focused on injury, theft, and drug use, the three most prominent types of criminal behavior in Taiwan. An anonymous online questionnaire survey of male adults was conducted with 864 valid responses returned. The responses revealed that attitudes toward crime, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control effectively predict the intention to injure, steal, or use drugs. Criminal intention effectively predicts the occurrence and the frequency of injury to others, theft, and drug use. Planning and anticipated regret do not moderate the relationship between criminal intention and criminal behavior. The implications of the findings and their practical application are discussed. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Subscription at source 3/3/2023 Research article Celebrating International Women’s Day: Working towards lives free from violence, abuse and fear In the first in a series of articles celebrating this month’s International Women’s Day, Dr Holly Taylor-Dunn and Dr Anna Hopkins of the Open University’s Policing Organisation and Practice Department explore both the current challenges for police and the wider criminal justice system, and the work being done by OU Policing, in support of women and the issues they face. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/3/2023 Feature, Opinion Sentinel event reviews: applications in criminal justice settings Sentinel event reviews were developed in the medical, military, and aviation fields and involve systematic assessment of the processes that resulted in a critical event such as an unexpected death of a patient or an airplane crash. The sentinel event review is intended to identify system weaknesses that resulted in the negative outcome and to inform corrective actions. Sentinel event reviews have rarely been used in the criminal justice system, although recent years have witnessed experimentation in the use of review processes to examine negative outcomes such as domestic violence homicides and drug overdoses. This study examined the development and implementation of sentinel event review processes in three midwestern cities. The sentinel event reviews built upon existing reviews of shooting incidents and extended those reviews through a systematic approach that involved deeper investigation into specific critical incidents. The research involved participant observation, review of the materials related to the sentinel event reviews, and a small number of key actor interviews. The results suggest that the reviews hold promise for informing decision makers on system weaknesses and for improving criminal justice practices. Yet, they also revealed obstacles to effective implementation and utilization of sentinel event reviews in criminal justice settings. Journal of Crime and Justice - Subscription at source 3/3/2023 Research article Exploring Perceptions of Police Legitimacy: The Role of Family, Friends, and Procedural Justice Since its inception in 1990, Tyler's process-based model of regulation has provided a fundamental framework for understanding why people obey the law. Numerous studies have found support for Tyler's process-based model of regulation, with the majority of research reporting an association between procedural justice and legitimacy. The research is limited, however, in its ability to explain the correlates of legitimacy outside of procedural justice, which is surprising considering research indicates that the development of behaviors and attitudes toward legal institutions and actors is complex. Based on the legal socialization literature, the current study explores how perceptions of police legitimacy may be impacted by family and/or peer views of the police. In order to investigate this relationship, the current exploratory study relies on data from students located at two universities in the United States. The results suggest that family views, peer views, and procedural justice are all significantly related to perceived police legitimacy. These findings are explored and contextualized in the broader literature on police legitimacy. Criminal Justice Review - Subscription at source 3/3/2023 Research article MoJ launch ‘Rapid Deloyment Cells’ to cope with prison demand The units can be built and rolled out at speed with a lifespan of around 15 years. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/3/2023 News Driver caught using elbow to steer car transporter on motorway A driver was caught by police using just his elbow to steer a car transporter on a busy motorway. Police Professional 3/3/2023 News National Chair, Steve Hartshorn, comments on the recent leaked texts from Matt Hancock The leaked texts from Matt Hancock, if true, have revealed a total lack of respect for the police at the very heart of a government that clearly found it acceptable to use derogatory language and negative stereotyping when talking about policing. During the pandemic my colleagues were faced with legislative and legal changes on a weekly basis. They were expected to deal with protest and disorder at the height of Covid-19, yet were not prioritised for the vaccination, like other frontline workers. They faced abuse, assault and were spat at by people who said they had Covid – literally putting their lives and the lives of their families on the line. So, to discover that then Government ministers referred to them as ‘plod’ who ‘got their marching orders’ is an absolute disgrace. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 3/3/2023 News NPCC Chair responds to leaked health secretary texts The Chair of the National Police Chiefs' Council Martin Hewitt has responded to leaked WhatsApp exchanges from a former health secretary to a senior civil servant in 2020 revealing concerns over enforcement of Covid-19 regulations. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 3/3/2023 News Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police joins the College board Chief Constable Stephen Watson QPM joins us as one of the most experienced senior officers in the country College of Policing 3/3/2023 News Covid was top line-of-duty death for US police for third year running in 2022 USA: Report shows pace has slowed, however, with 70 law enforcement deaths recorded in the line of duty The Guardian 3/3/2023 News Force profile: preventative measures Merseyside Police has a dedicated team leading prevention work across the force. The chief constable and the team leader talk to Police Oracle. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/3/2023 Feature Necessary to ‘get heavy with police’ over Covid lockdown, Matt Hancock said Leaked WhatsApp exchanges from then health secretary to top civil servant in 2020 reveal concerns over enforcement of rules The Guardian 3/3/2023 News Force profile: preventative measures Merseyside Police has a dedicated team leading prevention work across the force. The chief constable and the team leader talk to Police Oracle. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/3/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion UK ministers did not understand their own Covid rules, says ex-police chief Peter Fahy says confusion caused ‘huge resentment’ among officers trying to enforce lockdown rules The Guardian 3/3/2023 News Manchester Arena attack: Security services might have prevented bombing, inquiry finds "There was a realistic possibility that actionable intelligence could have been obtained which might have led to actions preventing the attack," says the inquiry's third and final report into the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. Sky News 3/3/2023 News NSW Police, eSafety Commission join forces to fight online abuse AUSTRALIA: A spike in online harms such as child abuse and sexual extortion has led two key agencies, the eSafety Commission and the NSW Police, to formalise how they work together in the future. The updated memorandum of understanding allows information gained from eSafety investigations to be shared with NSW Police, which can pursue matters if required. The Mandarin (Australia) 3/3/2023 News «151515161517151815191520152115221523Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events