Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98361 total results. Showing results 30321 to 30340 «151315141515151615171518151915201521Next ›Last » Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/3/2023 News Ethnic minorities less likely to be found when they go missing Research from Missing Persons the first of its kind in the UK has shown ethnic minorities less likely to be found when they go missing. The Times - Subscription at source 7/3/2023 News Black and Asian children disappear for longer, less likely to be found by police There is a 'worrying disparity' in missing people in the UK along racial lines Wales Online 7/3/2023 News Hampshire’s new top cop Scott Chilton promises ‘visible’ policing Hampshire and Isle of Wight’s first ‘home grown’ chief constable took up his position last Thursday with a commitment to provide exceptional local policing. Petersfield Post 7/3/2023 News Monitoring agency access to stored communications and telecommunications data under Chapters 3 and 4 of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 AUSTRALIA: This report presents the results of inspections conducted by the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman (our Office) under s 186B of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 (the Act) from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. [pdf] Commonwealth Ombudsman (Australia) 7/3/2023 Report Hundreds of Scottish police officers and staff suffering from long Covid Nearly 350 Police Scotland officers and staff have been off work with long Covid since the pandemic hit, new data has revealed. Police Professional 7/3/2023 News Heavy users of pornography at risk of viewing child abuse images, charity warns Heavy users of pornography are being drawn into viewing child abuse images online as their habits get more extreme, a charity has warned. Police Professional 7/3/2023 News ‘Martyn’s law’ anti-terrorism bill to be published this spring, says Braverman Ministers promised legislation forcing venues to draw up plans to prevent attacks, in wake of Manchester Arena deaths, in December The Guardian 6/3/2023 News Officer from ‘Bottles and Stoppers’ chat wants to appeal dismissal CNC officer PC Matthew Forster was dismissed without notice in December for sending discriminatory messages in a WhatsApp group of which Wayne Couzens was also a member. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/3/2023 News Officer convicted of sexual assault A serving Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer has been convicted of sexually assaulting a colleague while on duty. Police Professional 6/3/2023 News Gloucestershire Police told they must do more to promote diversity Equality campaigners have said Gloucestershire Police must do more to promote diversity in its workforce. BBC 6/3/2023 News Garda roster row: So, how many hours do gardaí work and will they actually go on ‘strike’? REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Q&A: A withdrawal of service by Garda members – a strike in all but name – could be just weeks away The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 6/3/2023 Feature Zachary Rolfe to be retired from NT police after psychological and risk assessments AUSTRALIA: A Northern Territory police officer who shot and killed an Indigenous teenager is due to be retired from the force based on psychological and risk assessments. The Guardian 6/3/2023 News Queensland watch house officers repeatedly failed to properly check woman was breathing, inquest told AUSTRALIA: Officers at a Queensland watch house failed to properly check that a woman was still breathing on at least 11 occasions before she died in custody, an inquest has heard. The Guardian 6/3/2023 News Victorian man jailed for 16 years over 63kg methamphetamine import AUSTRALIA: A member of a transnational organised crime syndicate has been sentenced to 16 years’ imprisonment by the Melbourne County Court for his involvement in the importation of 63kgs of pure methamphetamine. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 6/3/2023 News Ill son’s life ‘worth nothing’ to police after mum’s complaint over gang members in hospital ignored NEW ZEALAND: A mother believes her son’s life is worth nothing to police after they did not respond to her calls for help as Mongrel Mob members caused “chaos” at Christchurch Hospital while her child was being treated for cancer. Stuff (New Zealand) 6/3/2023 News Mongrel Mob president sentenced to 10 years’ jail for murder of rival gang prospect NEW ZEALAND: A Mongrel Mob president has been sentenced to at least 10 and-a-half years in jail for the murder of a rival gang prospect in an unexpected and brutal slaying. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 6/3/2023 News MPS ‘sorry’ Wayne Couzens not arrested for exposure crimes before murdering Sarah Everard The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has apologised for not arresting Wayne Couzens for indecent exposure, which may have stopped him murdering Sarah Everard. Police Professional 6/3/2023 News Petition started to keep police Eagle helicopter in Hawke’s Bay NEW ZEALAND: Hundreds of Napier residents are calling for the police Eagle helicopter to stay in Hawke's Bay beyond the disaster response. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 6/3/2023 News We implore police chiefs and the Government to work together for the benefit of officers Fire Brigades Union members have agreed to a pay settlement acceptable to the workers of the fire service averting yet another industrial action. Police officers in England and Wales were the only group of emergency workers to withstand a pay freeze during the pandemic and yet they were at the forefront of saving lives. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 6/3/2023 News «151315141515151615171518151915201521Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events