Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98382 total results. Showing results 29961 to 29980 «149514961497149814991500150115021503Next ›Last » Police pursuit ‘appropriate’ prior to death of man at railway station Metropolitan Police Service officers (MPS) acted “appropriately and in line with driving and pursuit policies” prior to the death of a man at Hounslow railway station in 2021, an investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has found. Police Professional 15/3/2023 News Two Sussex officers sacked over PC’s “inappropriate relationship” with woman Two Sussex Police officers have been dismissed for gross misconduct following an investigation into a police constable’s “inappropriate relationship” with a woman. Police Professional 15/3/2023 News Cumulative exposure to citizens’ trauma and secondary traumatic stress among police officers: the role of specialization in domestic violence prevention Police officers are routinely exposed to a variety of critical incidents and as a result are a population vulnerable to various mental health issues. However, little is known about the impacts of exposure to citizens’ trauma on officers’ mental health and whether officers specializing in domestic violence prevention can better cope with the stress resulting from citizens’ trauma. This study aims to address these research gaps by analyzing the data collected from a sample of 734 Taiwanese police officers through an online survey. Findings indicate that cumulative exposure to citizens’ trauma was positively associated with secondary traumatic stress. Though officers specializing in domestic violence prevention experienced a higher level of secondary traumatic stress than their non-specialist counterparts, their specialization did help them better manage secondary traumatic stress. This study represents the first known attempt to examine the impacts of exposure to citizens’ trauma on police officers’ mental health in an Asian setting; it is also groundbreaking in that it tested whether specialization in domestic violence prevention can serve as a protective factor against exposure to citizens’ trauma. Police Practice and Research - Subscription at source 15/3/2023 Research article Examining Differences in the Individual and Contextual Risk Factors for Police Officer, Correctional Officer, and Non-Protective Service Suicides Suicide rates vary across occupational groups, with protective service occupations at elevated risk for suicide. Yet, research on correctional officer suicide remains sparse, as does research linking the broader social context to police officer suicides and correctional officer suicides. This study examines differences in the individual and contextual risk factors for police officer suicides, correctional officer suicides, and non-protective service suicides in the U.S. from 2003 to 2018 using data from the National Violent Death Reporting System and the American Community Survey. Descriptive analysis and logistic hierarchical models indicated that police officer suicides, correctional officer suicides, and non-protective service suicides had distinct etiologies. Additionally, the broader social context had an appreciable impact on occupation-specific suicide. Ultimately, interventions to address suicidality, including among public safety professionals, should be occupation-specific and consider both individual and contextual risk factors. Justice Quarterly - Subscription at source 15/3/2023 Research article From unreliable sources: Bayesian critique and normative modelling of HUMINT inferences This paper applies Bayesian theories to critically analyse and offer reforms of intelligence analysis, collection, analysis, and decision making on the basis of Human Intelligence, Signals Intelligence, and Communication Intelligence. The article criticises the reliabilities of existing intelligence methodologies to demonstrate the need for Bayesian reforms. The proposed epistemic reform program for intelligence analysis should generate more reliable inferences. It distinguishes the transmission of knowledge from its generation, and consists of Bayesian three stages modular model for the generation of reliable intelligence from multiple coherent and independent testimonial sources, and for the tracing and analysis of intelligence failures. The paper concludes with suggestions for further research, the development of artificial intellignce that may measure coherence and reliability of HUMINT sources and infer intelligence following the outlined general modular model. Journal of Policing Intelligence and Counter Terrorism - Subscription at source 15/3/2023 Research article A Descriptive Study of Police Officer Access to Mental Health Services The culture of policing is thought to emphasize maladaptive methods of coping with stress, such as the use of alcohol, rather than seeking out mental health services. The current paper seeks to better understand police officers’ knowledge about mental health services offered by their department and their willingness to engage in and utilize such services. Pen and paper surveys were administered at daily briefings with 134 members of a Southwestern police department. This descriptive study indicates that while only 34% of officers were explicitly aware that their department provided services to alleviate stress or mental health issues, and 38% of officers were unsure of exactly what those services were, over 60% of officers were willing to participate in an annual mental health checkup or mental health class. Ultimately, officers may now be more willing to participate in and take advantage of mental health and wellness opportunities, but the knowledge of what those services are often acts as one barrier, among others, to accessing those services. Knowledge dissemination of mental health and wellness opportunities represents one way to engage more officers in preventative health options. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 15/3/2023 Research article As Toronto police end overtime patrols on transit, some commuters unsure of results CANADA: A day after Toronto police said they were ending extra patrols on city transit, some residents said they were unsure how much of an effect the measure had on public safety. City News (Canada) 15/3/2023 News Weekend Pizza Hut shooting prompts questions about police information sharing processes CANADA: After a weekend shooting that seriously injured a Pizza Hut employee in Woodcroft, some Edmontonians are asking why it took police so long to publicly release details about the incident. CTV News (Canada) 15/3/2023 News Introduction to moral injury CANADA: First responders are exposed to intense human suffering and cruelty throughout the course of the job. Blue Line (Canada) 15/3/2023 Feature, Opinion No link between asylum seekers and increased crime, authorities state REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: There has been no requirement for an increased policing presence in any area due to asylum seekers, the Garda has said in a documentary which details the effect of a rising immigration movement in Ireland. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 15/3/2023 News Carrigaline garda figures still a concern REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Carrigaline Community Safety Forum, which took place at Carrigaline Community Complex and drew a large crowd, was attended by Chief Superintendent Tom Myers. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 15/3/2023 News Cork Gaeltacht area without a garda sergeant for three years due to lack of Irish speakers REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A garda sergeant hasn’t been recruited to a Cork Gaeltacht area for three years because no Irish speaker has been available to fill the post. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 15/3/2023 News Dalian Atkinson police officer accused of ‘excessive force’ says she ‘did what I had to’ Former Aston Villa striker Mr Atkinson died after being kicked at least twice in the head by West Mercia Police officer, Pc Benjamin Monk, outside the victim's father's home in Telford, Shropshire, in August 15 2016. Birmingham Live 15/3/2023 News The Motherhood Penalty: Evidence of maternal bias in the workplace and why policing needs to do more In the third of a month-long series of articles celebrating International Women’s Day, Kendal Wright and Dr Keely Duddin of the Open University’s Policing Organisation and Practice Department share an insight into a ground-breaking study exploring women’s experiences of motherhood in the police. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 15/3/2023 Analysis, Feature West Yorkshire Police detention officer admits terror offence A police detention officer has admitted a terror offence after he published images showing his apparent support of a Northern Ireland paramilitary group. BBC 15/3/2023 News National Policing Institute 2022 Annual Report USA: Throughout 2022, the National Policing Institute, formerly known as the National Police Foundation, engaged with communities and policing organizations throughout the country to support and enhance local collaboration as well as further establish trust and confidence while taking on common challenges facing police and the communities they serve. As this annual report highlights, we continue to take pride in our efforts to encourage the use of science and evidence; promote joint problem solving and analysis; and build trust, confidence, and legitimacy through these efforts. National Policing Institute (USA) 15/3/2023 Report New global data institute to combat ‘pandemic’ of child sexual abuse The first comprehensive global database of child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) is being established to show the true scale and nature of the problem, which experts warn is now a “pandemic”. Police Professional 15/3/2023 News Dedicated police-prosecutor-probation officer teams will target violent criminals CANADA: The B.C. government is launching a new public safety program, deploying teams made up of police and probation officers and prosecutors tasked with focussing on repeat violent offenders. Grace Ke reports. Global News (Canada) 15/3/2023 News, Video Hamilton Police Association hires lobbyist to influence Ford government CANADA: Police union says lobbying isn't related to local budget. One policing expert calls lobbying 'abnormal' CBC News (Canada) 15/3/2023 News Personal Safety, Australia AUSTRALIA: Rates of physical and sexual assault, family and domestic violence, economic and emotional abuse, stalking, sexual harassment, and childhood abuse. Australian Bureau of Statistics 15/3/2023 Report «149514961497149814991500150115021503Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events