Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98392 total results. Showing results 29941 to 29960 «149414951496149714981499150015011502Next ›Last » €1m cannabis seized in joint Garda and Revenue drugs bust CANADA: Gardaí and Revenue Commissioner officers say they have seized over €1 million drugs bust in Kildare. Laos Live (Republic of Ireland) 16/3/2023 News Garda Commissioner pays tribute to late Colm Horkan following trial REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has paid tribute to the late Colm Horkan after a jury found a man guilty of the capital murder of the detective garda. The Connaught Telegraph (Ireland) 16/3/2023 News Silver found guilty of capital murder of Garda Horkan REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A 46-year-old man has been found guilty of the capital murder of a detective garda in Co Roscommon almost three years ago. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 16/3/2023 News, Video Joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to children and families who need help in Sunderland Today Ofsted published a report with findings from a joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to children and families who need help in Sunderland. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/3/2023 Report Former officer who was ‘violent and abusive’ towards ex-partners would have been dismissed A former Sussex Police officer who was “violent, abusive and coercive” towards two former partners would have been dismissed had he not already resigned, following a disciplinary hearing. Police Professional 16/3/2023 News Indonesia football crush: Families devastated as police acquitted ASIA: An Indonesian court has acquitted two policemen charged over the Kanjuruhan stadium crush last year, angering relatives of victims in the tragedy. BBC 16/3/2023 News Talking with former Assistant Chief Constable Kerrin Wilson QPM (Part 2) PolicingTV and Policing Insight Founder and Publisher, Bernard Rix, recently visited Durham, England, to meet former Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) Kerrin Wilson QPM MBA. In this second part of a three part series, Kerrin and Bernard discuss Kerrin's international policing career, including the challenges she faced in making the move from England to Iraq. PolicingTV 16/3/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video Talking with former Assistant Chief Constable Kerrin Wilson QPM (Part 2) PolicingTV and Policing Insight Founder and Publisher, Bernard Rix, recently visited Durham, England, to meet former Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) Kerrin Wilson QPM MBA. In this second part of a three part series, Kerrin and Bernard discuss Kerrin's international policing career, including the challenges she faced in making the move from England to Iraq. PolicingTV 16/3/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video ‘Hostile, authoritarian’ UK downgraded in civic freedoms index Civicus Monitor cites hostility towards campaigners and charities, and clamp down on public protests The Guardian 16/3/2023 News Truth and lies: Artificial intelligence tools to tackle digital disinformation Disinformation campaigns can impact on citizens’ health, environment and security, potentially provoking community tensions and violence; now a new EU initiative is bringing together academic, industrial and media partners from across Europe, as well as the latest artificial intelligence tools, to tackle the dangerous threat of digital disinformation, as Policing Insights’ Andrew Staniforth reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/3/2023 Analysis, Feature Drunk officer who threw beer bottle at man in nightclub dismissed without notice An off-duty officer who a threw a beer bottle at a man in a nightclub has been dismissed without notice following an accelerated misconduct hearing. Police Professional 16/3/2023 News Government and emergency services exercise tests response to terror attacks Members of emergency services and major government departments have completed a two-day exercise to see how they would deal with a serious terror attack. Police Professional 16/3/2023 News PSNI Chief Constable says Joe Biden visit will stretch police resources The PSNI Chief Constable has admitted police resources will be stretched to cover a US presidential visit to Northern Ireland next month. Belfast Telegraph 16/3/2023 News IBAC’s independent oversight of Victoria Police – 2022 (infographic) AUSTRALIA: A snapshot of IBAC's police oversight work between 1 January and 31 December 2022. Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) - Victoria (Australia) 16/3/2023 Report Single-use plastic at crime scenes – a criminal waste? I’ve been a CSI for 23 years and during that time I’ve seen a huge increase in the amount of single-use plastic generated at crime scenes. Even though we attend fewer jobs these days compared to a decade ago, the quantity of plastic waste generated appears to increase. In a two month period I attended 62 scenes and collected 255 exhibits, with each one generating an average of 55g of plastic waste. That’s 14kg of unrecyclable rubbish, which goes straight into the bin. One job alone generated two kilograms of waste, lots of it unused. If we can’t recycle or reuse those products, we need look at reducing it at source. Forensic Capability Network 15/3/2023 Feature, Opinion West Yorks detention officer convicted of terror offence after UDA posts The officer pleaded guilty at Westminster Magistrates Court today. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/3/2023 News IOPC interim DG: new focus of getting cases done within six months The interim Director General of the IOPC has said that 90% of cases are now completed within 12 months. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/3/2023 News CNC helps inspire next generation of police Five Lakes College students recently completed a work experience placement at the Civil Nuclear Constabulary’s Griffin Park Tactical Training Facility. Civil Nuclear Constabulary 15/3/2023 News Engagement launched on Joint Strategy for Policing 2023-26 The Authority and Police Scotland have launched a public engagement exercise on the draft Joint Strategy for Policing 2023-26. Scottish Police Authority (SPA) 15/3/2023 News Security and Policing 2023 Countries, territories and organisations invited by Department for Business and Trade, UK Defence and Security Exports (UKDSE) on behalf of the Home Office, to attend the Security and Policing 2023 event. UK Defence and Security Exports 15/3/2023 News «149414951496149714981499150015011502Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events