Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98407 total results. Showing results 29721 to 29740 «148314841485148614871488148914901491Next ›Last » ‘Monster’ misogyny problem allegedly in Humberside police, after Baroness Casey’s damning review of the Met One officer tells Sky News she was "ostracised" by colleagues after reporting a senior officer who seduced her into a controlling relationship. Sky News 22/3/2023 News Talking with former Assistant Chief Constable Kerrin Wilson QPM (Part 3) PolicingTV and Policing Insight Founder and Publisher, Bernard Rix, recently visited Durham, England, to meet former Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) Kerrin Wilson QPM MBA. In this last part of a three part series, Kerrin and Bernard discuss Kerrin's thoughts on the future of policing, and what can (and should) be done differently in policing, particularly to increase trust and confidence. PolicingTV 22/3/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video Talking with former Assistant Chief Constable Kerrin Wilson QPM (Part 3) PolicingTV and Policing Insight Founder and Publisher, Bernard Rix, recently visited Durham, England, to meet former Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) Kerrin Wilson QPM MBA. In this last part of a three part series, Kerrin and Bernard discuss Kerrin's thoughts on the future of policing, and what can (and should) be done differently in policing, particularly to increase trust and confidence. PolicingTV 22/3/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video AFP restructures to reflect growing criminal threats AUSTRALIA: The AFP will now have four Deputy Commissioners to combat growing criminal threats under a restructure that has promoted more women to senior positions than any time in the agency’s history. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 22/3/2023 News Response to Baroness Casey Report APCC Chair Marc Jones said: “This report makes for difficult and distressing reading and will undoubtably shake the very foundations of the public’s trust and confidence in policing across the board. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 21/3/2023 News Met Police: Where next for the force after Casey review? Policing in this country is in a state of emergency. The warning lights are flashing. The alarms are wailing. BBC 21/3/2023 News Met Police: Could the force be split up after the Casey report – and how might it work? As well as frontline policing in London, the Met also has city-wide and national teams that focus on protecting parliament, the royal family, government ministers, policing large-scale events, and fighting terrorism. Sky News 21/3/2023 News £1.3m funding for Leicestershire following last year’s disorder The Home Office accepted the Leicestershire PCC's application for Special Grant Funding. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/3/2023 News Call to break up ‘rotten’ Met Police amid fears it’s beyond saving Sir Mark Rowley admits he didn’t see ‘the level of toxicity that Louise calls out’ The Times - Subscription at source 21/3/2023 News Khan criticises Rowley’s refusal to describe Met as institutionally biased Metropolitan police commissioner says ‘institutional’ label is confusing and political as fallout from Casey report continues The Guardian 21/3/2023 News ‘Perilous’ police staff numbers risk violent crime rise in SNP’s lawless Scotland Chief Constable Sir lain Livingstone has warned the Scottish Government that the budget for Police Scotland will do nothing to change the critically low number of officers Scottish Daily Express 21/3/2023 News ‘Not every one of my members is racist, sexist, homophobic’, police federation chair says We asked Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley for an interview but it was refused. We spoke to Chief Superintendent Harvi Khatkar from the Police Superintendents’ Association, and Steve Hartshorn from the Police Federation who represent rank and file officers. Channel 4 News 21/3/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video Police force secures £1.3m funding to help cover huge Leicester East disorder bill as investigation continues Leicestershire Police is expected to face a total bill of more than £1.5m after the unrest that broke out in parts of the city last year Leicestershire Live 21/3/2023 News Starmer criticises government’s ‘hands off approach’ to police reform Casey report ‘provides both a detailed diagnosis of what’s gone wrong and a blueprint for radical reform’, Labour leader says The Guardian 21/3/2023 News Fixing the Met Police: what are the options? Baroness Casey of Blackstock has given the Metropolitan Police a final chance to bring about radical reform rather than recommending it be broken up. Big structural changes, such as removing the Met’s national responsibilities, are left as the nuclear option if its leadership cannot achieve proper, lasting change. The Times - Subscription at source 21/3/2023 Feature New police misogyny claims: Serving Humberside officer says problem at her force is a ‘monster’ One officer tells Sky News she was "ostracised" by colleagues after reporting a senior officer who seduced her into a controlling relationship. She also claims an officer would sift through victims' statements to find women he could ask out and says misogyny is a "monster" at the force. Sky News 21/3/2023 News How can the Met police change its rotten culture if its leaders refuse to see it? It’s not enough to be ‘embarrassed’. To have any chance of repair, the Met must admit it does not know best and accept help. The Guardian 21/3/2023 Feature, Opinion End to Garda ‘ethnic profiling’ sought in Government racism action plan REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: First national plan in over a decade will also tackle discrimination in rental sector, and promote inclusion of minorities. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 21/3/2023 News AGSI launches High Court action against Garda Commissioner over rosters REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Just over a week after hundreds of its members took part in protest marches, the Association of Garda Sergeants & Inspectors (AGSI) launched High Court proceedings against the Garda Commissioner over proposed new work rosters. The AGSI claims proposed new rostering arrangements to replace those introduced as a response to the covid-19 pandemic will adversely impact on its members' health, safety and family lives. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 21/3/2023 News Minister for Justice announces new Garda recruitment campaign REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice, Simon Harris TD, has today announced that a new recruitment campaign for An Garda SÃochána will open for applications this Friday, 24 March 2023, for three weeks. This new recruitment campaign will assist in the recruitment of 1,000 new Gardaà this year, as provided for in Budget 2023, and will secure a strong pipeline of recruits into the Garda College into the future. Government of Ireland 21/3/2023 News «148314841485148614871488148914901491Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events