Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98413 total results. Showing results 29621 to 29640 «147814791480148114821483148414851486Next ›Last » ‘Fraudulent non-disclosure’: Massive Toronto police drug case collapsed amid allegations officers misled court CANADA: Project Brisa — billed Toronto police’s largest international drug takedown — fell apart as the defence alleged officers misled a judge to obtain a key wiretap warrant. Toronto Star (Canada) - Subscription at source 24/3/2023 News Six-figure sum of cocaine and cannabis seized and woman arrested in north Dublin raid REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai seized suspected cocaine with an estimated value of €155,000 and suspected cannabis with an estimated value of €15,000 Dublin Live (Republic of Ireland) 24/3/2023 News An Garda Síochána launch new recruitment drive REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: People who emigrated from Ireland and those who belong to minority groups will be the target of a new Garda recruitment campaign from this morning. Today FM (Republic of Ireland) 24/3/2023 News Commissioner Harris calls for people from all backgrounds and communities to apply to become a garda REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda Commissioner has today welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Justice Simon Harris TD that the latest Garda recruitment competition will open on 24 March 2023 An Garda Síochána 24/3/2023 News Victims’ charities warn against protecting identity of suspects The College of Policing which sets guidance for police in England and Wales is instead considering advising that forces can name suspects in such cases. The Times - Subscription at source 24/3/2023 News Swab Out Crime: Y-Chromosome DNA Database Swab Out Crime is a Home Office funded project to establish a UK-specific Y-Chromosome reference database. It will be used to accurately quantify the likelihood of a crime stain matching a suspect's Y chromosome. Forensic Capability Network 24/3/2023 News Cumbria Police custody suite inspection report revealed The findings of an assessment of police custody suites in Cumbria have been published. The Mail (North West) 24/3/2023 News Report on an inspection visit to police custody suites in Cumbria This report describes our findings following an inspection of Cumbria Constabulary custody facilities. The inspection was conducted jointly by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services and the Care Quality Commission in January 2023. It is part of our programme of inspections covering every police custody suite in England and Wales. The inspection assessed the effectiveness of custody services and outcomes for detained people throughout the different stages of detention. It examined the force’s approach to custody provision in relation to detaining people safely and respectfully, with a particular focus on children and vulnerable adults. To help the force improve, we have made one recommendation to it and its police and crime commissioner. This addresses our main causes of concern. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 24/3/2023 Report Report on an inspection visit to police custody suites in Cumbria Today we published a report on our findings following an inspection of Cumbria Constabulary custody facilities. To help the force improve, we have made one recommendation to it and its police and crime commissioner. This addresses our main causes of concern. The inspection was conducted jointly by HM In HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 24/3/2023 News Police nab 200 juveniles in operation across Queensland AUSTRALIA: MORE than 200 young people have been arrested on hundreds of charges across Queensland in a new high-visibility police operation targeting youth crime. Gold Coast Bulletin (Australia) 24/3/2023 News, Video NSW and Victoria police tackle bikie groups together AUSTRALIA: Drugs, guns and explosives are among the items seized in a five-day NSW-Victoria blitz on bikies and organised crime groups. The Age (Australia) 24/3/2023 News The Irish diaspora and minority groups here to be key focus of new garda recruitment drive REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai are set to launch a social media blitz today to attract immigrants to return home to join the force as they begin their new recruitment campaign. As reported on Tuesday by The Journal cabinet has cleared the way for the garda organisation will begin a major drive to recruit 1,000 new guards to fix an ailing campaign for trainees. The new campaign will see a major media spread of adverts across social media, radio and television. The theme of the campaign, which will be open for three weeks, will have the theme “that it can be a tough job – but it is a job worth doing”. The strategy will see gardaí setting up information stands, advertising across third level colleges and also targeting under represented parts of society. The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 24/3/2023 News Support measures for Garda recruits as part of hiring campaign hoping to bolster force with 1,000 new cops REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A number of new supports for Garda recruits are to be included in new recruitment campaign in a bid to help drive up the force's ranks. The move is aimed at supporting candidates and applicants looking to successfully make their way through the recruitment process. The Irish Sun (Republic of Ireland) 24/3/2023 News People will not want to join police in wake of Casey review, warns top officer One of Britain’s most senior police officers has warned that people will be put off joining the service after a damning review exposed shocking behaviour and culture within the Met’s ranks. Express & Star 23/3/2023 News Casey review: how different is the Met police from the UK’s other forces? The series of scandals that has hit the UK’s biggest police force suggests longstanding and serious underlying problems. The newly published Casey review details these problems in depth, adding another stain to the Metropolitan police’s reputation. The Conversation 23/3/2023 Analysis, Feature If police in my hometown don’t consider rape an ‘emergency’, how will women like me ever feel safe walking its streets again? Kent Police are under fire for a sign that was put up in Maidstone police station listing rape and sexual assault as ‘non-emergencies’ that should be reported via an online form. As well as rape and sexual assault, other ‘non-emergency’ crimes included domestic abuse, hate crimes, missing persons, anti-social behaviour, and fraud. Glamour Magazine 23/3/2023 Feature, Opinion Sexual offences in England and Wales overview: year ending March 2022 Data on sexual offences from the year ending March 2022 Crime Survey for England and Wales, police recorded crime, and victim services. Office for National Statistics (ONS) 23/3/2023 Report Three held over attempted murder of police in Strabane Two women and a man have been taken to Musgrave Serious Crime Suite for questioning. The Independent 23/3/2023 News Cleveland PCC on why he’s not opening more front desks PCC Steve Turner is the APCC joint lead on local policing. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/3/2023 News Force running parts of Humberside mental health model Merseyside Police plans to fully implement the Right Care Right Person initiative to allow those experiencing mental health issues to be seen to by medical professionals as a priority. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/3/2023 News «147814791480148114821483148414851486Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events