Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98468 total results. Showing results 29361 to 29380 «146514661467146814691470147114721473Next ›Last » More than a quarter of Scottish police properties below ‘satisfactory’ condition Just 60 per cent of Police Scotland's 310 properties were found to be in a 'satisfactory' condition - and it was warned repair works could cost hundreds of millions of pounds and may never be carried out. Aberdeen Live 2/4/2023 News Eviction ban: Gardaí say their stations ‘not a place of safety’ for homeless families REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda stations are “not suitable locations” for homeless families from a health and safety perspective, the force has said, as charities fear the number of individuals entering homelessness will increase following the lifting of the eviction ban. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 1/4/2023 News Outgoing NPCC Chair Martin Hewitt reflects on his time at the NPCC Today is the last of my four years as National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Chair. I have been reflecting back and looking forward as I prepare to hand over the reins. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 1/4/2023 News Police forced to bring in ‘gang negotiators’ to stop street feuds ending in bloodshed The top brass want to outsource the job to a team of professionals who 'understand London's gang landscape' and are willing to mediate between violent youths locked in bloody postcode wars with rival outfits. Express 1/4/2023 News Crime rates have more to do with social factors than number of police officers CANADA: One pervasive urban myth is that more police officers will mean there will be less crime. Premier Doug Ford embraced this myth as his response to recent violent incidents on the TTC, stating we need more police officers in Toronto to deal with these incidents. But there is no evidence to support this statement. Evidence suggests that rates of crime have nothing whatsoever to do with the number of police officers. Toronto Star (Canada) 1/4/2023 Feature, Opinion OPP officer found guilty of sexually assaulting unconscious woman and filming it CANADA: A judge has found that Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Const. Jason Redmond sexually assaulted an unconscious woman while recording it on his mobile phone, and heard from witnesses that Redmond did it to show the victim "how easily she could be raped when she was drunk," and "to teach [her] a lesson." CBC News (Canada) 1/4/2023 News NT Police Commissioner Jamie Chalker on leave amid reports he has been asked to resign AUSTRALIA: The Northern Territory government and police force have confirmed NT Police Commissioner Jamie Chalker is on leave, amid media reports that he has been asked to resign from his position. Sources have told the ABC Commissioner Chalker was informed on Friday that the NT government would ask him to take leave. His contract is due to expire in November this year, and the government was expected to inform him by May whether it intended to renew it. ABC News (Australia) 1/4/2023 News Body of man killed in custody may have been shown to trainees, Yorkshire police admit Body of Christopher Alder could have been seen by cadets after mixup of remains, says South Yorkshire force The Guardian 1/4/2023 News WA Police’s new ‘world leading’ search powers trigger warning from experts about government overreach You're driving along Port Beach Road near Fremantle Port on a calm autumn evening to have a swim at the beach when sirens go off and police pull you over to begin searching your car. You know you've done nothing wrong and there's nothing about your behaviour that would elicit "reasonable suspicion" from a law enforcement officer. But you're told to get out while police go through your vehicle looking for methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, or other illegal drugs. A police sniffer dog circles around you and an officer waves a drug detection wand over your body. Seems far fetched? Well, it's not. ABC News (Australia) 1/4/2023 Analysis, Feature Bullying, harassment and discrimination in every fire service, says inspectorate A new report from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services calls for appropriate background checks on all firefighters and staff and new misconduct standards to be introduced, including a national barred list and new mechanisms for staff to raise concerns. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 31/3/2023 News Policing Vision 2030 The sector-led Strategic Policing Partnership Board has developed Vision 2030 which builds on the successes of the Policing Vision 2025 to make transformative change across the whole of policing. This revised Vision will ensure we are all aiming at the same destination for policing, and it identifies the key priority themes for focus and delivery that will help us get to where we think policing should be by 2030. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 31/3/2023 Report HMICFRS Report: Values and Culture in fire and rescue services Emergency Service Collaboration Lead PFCC Stephen Mold & Deputy Lead PCC Joy Allen, said: “We are genuinely concerned about the findings in this report which sets out shocking levels of unacceptable behaviour and attitudes in the fire sector. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 31/3/2023 News Three imprisoned in one of Britain’s largest dark web drugs cases Three criminals who used the dark web to distribute counterfeit drugs have been jailed today (31 March 2023) in one of the biggest operations of its kind. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 31/3/2023 News First webinar for Special Constables Last night PFEW held its first Special Constabulary webinar; the event was hosted by Special Chief Inspector Laura Hart from Merseyside Police and joining her were guest speakers Deputy Chief Constable Richard Debicki from North Wales, Nicky Ryan Specials Lead, Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) and Dr. Ashley Frayling, Association of Special Constabulary Officers (ASCO). Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 31/3/2023 News Policing Vision 2030 published How we'll get to where we think policing should be by 2030 College of Policing 31/3/2023 News Celebrating International Women’s Day International Women's Day 2023 Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 31/3/2023 Video Policing Vision 2030 Our Vision will inform the activity of individual policing organisations who will have due regard to the Vision’s objectives within their own strategies and business plans. As such, Vision 2030 will be delivered through the activity of these organisations. College of Policing 31/3/2023 Report N.S. premier commits to inquiry’s call for review of policing services CANADA: Premier Tim Houston says his government is committed to a call from the Mass Casualty Commission for provincewide discussions on the future of police services in Nova Scotia. "The goal is safer communities," the premier told reporters at Province House in Halifax on Friday. CBC News (Canada) 31/3/2023 News Police chief, expert say hiring more officers will not lead to lower crime rate CANADA: Addressing the root cause is a more permanent solution than continuing to arrest people, chief says CBC News (Canada) 31/3/2023 News Greater Manchester Police Chief Inspector dismissed for ‘disclosing confidential information’ A Greater Manchester Police Chief Inspector has been dismissed from the force for twice providing a promotion candidate with confidential information. Chief Inspector Nicola Demaine's actions were found to have amounted to gross misconduct and breached the expected standards of a professional behaviour, police say. A disciplinary hearing was held at GMP's headquarters yesterday (March 29). Manchester Evening News 31/3/2023 News «146514661467146814691470147114721473Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events