Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98554 total results. Showing results 28881 to 28900 «144114421443144414451446144714481449Next ›Last » Man tasered by police falls off balcony and dies A man has died after being tasered by a police officer and then falling off a balcony in a tower block. The Times - Subscription at source 18/4/2023 News A fair share? Police force funding and precept levels in England and Wales for 2023/4 It’s long been argued that the police funding formula in England and Wales, which relies mainly on a combination of central government grant and locally set precept, is in need of reform, and fails to recognise the areas of greatest need; Policing Insight’s Ian Wiggett looks at the increasing dependence on the precept, the challenges around deprivation, and whether politicians are really willing to tackle a funding conundrum that has no comfortable fix. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/4/2023 Analysis, Feature Machetes and zombie knives to be banned after loopholes leave police powerless Weapons can be bought online under current law and police cannot seize them from homes The Independent 18/4/2023 News Home Office look to ban gang knives as SVRO pilots kick in Seven-week consultation on the proposals launched on Tuesday. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/4/2023 News Plans to ban more machetes and zombie knives used by criminals in legal loophole More machetes and zombie knives could be banned in England and Wales with criminals who buy or sell them facing up to two years in jail under Government plans. Police Professional 18/4/2023 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/4/2023 News Serving police officer charged with raping woman while on duty Police Sergeant David Stansbury - a serving officer with Hertfordshire Police - is charged with three counts of rape. Sky News 18/4/2023 News Violence against women in UK soaring while trust in police plummets, worrying data reveals The trust gap has become a gulf as 40.3 percent of women polled in a recent survey claim they have lost faith in the police. Express 17/4/2023 News North Yorkshire Police set to beat Home Office target with 450 new officers since July 2019 More than 450 new police officers have joined North Yorkshire Police since July 2019 as the force is on track to exceed the Uplift programme recruitment target set by the Home Office by more than 55 officers. Harrogate Advertiser 17/4/2023 News Car thefts on the rise – but police only investigate 1 in 4 crimes Shocking new statistics have been released that show that police across England and Wales are only investigating less than one in four car thefts. RAC 17/4/2023 News Vishal Mehrotra: Killed boy’s family cannot forgive police inaction The family of an eight-year-old boy whose body was found in woodland more than 40 years ago has accused police of failing to fully investigate his death. BBC 17/4/2023 News Cambridgeshire chief will retire from service in September Nick Dean has been chief of Cambridgeshire Constabulary for five years. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/4/2023 News Garda Sergeant convicted of sexual assault challenges his dismissal from force REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A Garda Sergeant convicted of sexually assaulting a young woman has launched a High Court action aimed at preventing his dismissal from the force. The action has been taken by Sergeant Cathal Middleton, who claims the Garda Commissioner's proposal that he should be summarily dismissed from his job, before his appeal against his conviction is heard and in the absence of any disciplinary hearing or inquiry, is flawed and in breach of fair procedures. Breaking News (Republic of Ireland) 17/4/2023 News The knife crime crackdown — protecting the public or infringing civil rights? AUSTRALIA: Queensland's parliament has granted the state's police an extraordinary extension of their search powers. Using portable metal detectors known as wands, police will be able to search people for knives and other weapons, as they patrol public transport routes and nightclub districts. The goal is to reduce knife crime, after a spate of stabbings. Stephanie Zillman reports. ABC News (Australia) 17/4/2023 Feature, Video Scottish courts to use VR for victims and witnesses Two Scottish courts are to begin using a prototype of a virtual reality (VR) system to prepare victims and witnesses familiarise themselves with the buildings in advance of giving evidence. 17/4/2023 News Facial recognition technology for garda use should not be delayed says Simon Harris REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Green Party believes issue of technology's us is 'far too complex to be dealt with by way of an amendment to an existing bill' The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) - Subscription at source 17/4/2023 News Inquiry begins after man falls to his death in London police Taser incident Met officers had been called to a block of flats in Peckham amid reports the man was threatening to jump The Guardian 17/4/2023 News NT police commissioner launches legal action against NT chief minister, government AUSTRALIA: Northern Territory Police Commissioner Jamie Chalker has launched legal action against Chief Minister Natasha Fyles, Police Minister Kate Worden and the NT government in a bid to prevent his dismissal. ABC News (Australia) 17/4/2023 News Why accused criminals are challenging evidence in Sydney from one of the world’s biggest police stings AUSTRALIA: Dozens of accused criminals are testing the admissibility of evidence obtained during one of the world's biggest police stings. ABC News (Australia) 17/4/2023 News Queensland government to ‘investigate’ 32-day detention of child, 13 AUSTRALIA: The Queensland government is investigating reports of a child being detained for a month despite the boy telling a court he wanted to plead guilty to charges for which a judge says he was unlikely to be sentenced to detention. The Guardian 17/4/2023 News «144114421443144414451446144714481449Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events