Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98575 total results. Showing results 28861 to 28880 «144014411442144314441445144614471448Next ›Last » New Annual Police Plan 2023-24 Police Scotland’s Annual Police Plan (APP) has now been launched. Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone QPM presented the plan to the Scottish Police Authority Board in March. It was then laid in the Scottish Parliament as required under the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012. Police Scotland 18/4/2023 Report Met Police use of anti-terror laws to arrest French publisher condemned Two publishers and the National Union of Journalists have condemned the police after anti-terror laws were used to arrest a French publisher as he arrived in London. Ernest Moret was searched under counter-terrorism legislation after travelling from Paris on Monday. BBC 18/4/2023 News Two police forces are spared a £1 million fine for unlawfully recording more than 200,000 phone calls with victims, witnesses and suspects without their knowledge Two police forces were spared a £1million fine yesterday for unlawfully recording more than 200,000 phone calls with victims, witnesses and suspects without their knowledge. Sussex Police and Surrey Police were found to have secretly stored 'highly sensitive' conversations containing personal details from cases. Both forces were formally reprimanded instead of fined by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). Mail Online 18/4/2023 News NPCC welcomes new proposals in fight against knife crime Home Office consultation on new knife legislation proposals launched today (18 April). National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for knife crime, Commander Stephen Clayman, said: “I welcome these proposals as they offer a robust and powerful response to deal with those who seek to use knives for violence. Ultimately, these measures provide a greater means to protect the public and safeguard our communities." National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 18/4/2023 News Surrey and Sussex police unlawfully recorded phone calls via app, watchdog finds Two police forces have been reprimanded by Britain’s data watchdog after officers unlawfully recorded more than 200,000 phone conversations using an app originally intended for hostage negotiators. The automatic recordings, made over several years, included “highly sensitive” conversations with victims, witnesses and perpetrators of suspected crimes, according to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The Guardian 18/4/2023 News Driver arrested on New South Wales Mid North Coast as police seize $30m worth of methylamphetamine AUSTRALIA: Police have arrested a 26-year-old man following the seizure of $30 million worth of methylamphetamine on the New South Wales Mid North Coast. ABC News (Australia) 18/4/2023 News Coroner slams NSW Police handling of search for Gordon Copeland, who drowned trying to evade officers AUSTRALIA: Police have been urged to fix mistakes made around the death of Indigenous man Gordon Copeland who drowned while trying to evade officers in northern NSW. National Indigenous Times (NIT) (Australia) 18/4/2023 News ICO reprimands two forces for recording more than 200,000 phone calls without people’s knowledge The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has issued a reprimand to two police forces following the rollout of an app that recorded phone conversations and “unlawfully captured personal data”. Police Professional 18/4/2023 News Queensland among worst violators of children’s rights in youth justice system, research finds AUSTRALIA: Queensland is among the worst offenders for violating children’s rights in the youth justice system, with an ex-detainee claiming police treat young people “like scum”, according to new research. The Guardian 18/4/2023 News Year-long $3.5m review into police conduct at Parliament occupation imminent NEW ZEALAND: The Independent Police Conduct Authority will release the findings of its inquiry into police operations during the protest and occupation of Parliament grounds last year on Thursday. Stuff (New Zealand) 18/4/2023 News, Video PCC welcomes additional powers for officers to tackle knife crime Sussex police and crime commissioner Katy Bourne says the rollout of serious violence reduction orders (SVROs) from Wednesday (April 19) will allow police to “identify, challenge and hopefully change behaviours of known knife carriers”. Police Professional 18/4/2023 News Rotorua: Police capture five youths after alleged Hamurana robbery, pursuit NEW ZEALAND: Five youths allegedly robbed commercial premises while armed with hammers before fleeing police through Rotorua this afternoon. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 18/4/2023 News Ready to ROCC in Southland NEW ZEALAND: “I’ve learnt that not everything has to be done alone” was a key theme from last month’s official launch of the Resilience to Organised Crime in Communities (ROCC) initiative Hapori Manawaroa ki Murihiku, in Invercargill. New Zealand Police 18/4/2023 News Force welcomes new deputy chief constable Scott Green said he was looking forward to steering “a renewed focus on driving down crime and disorder” as he was sworn in as the new deputy chief constable at West Midlands Police on Monday (April 17). Police Professional 18/4/2023 News Forces across North West launch joint campaign to tackle online sexual exploitation Forces across the North West are launching a two-week campaign to raise awareness of the growing problem of people viewing and sharing sexually explicit images of children online. Police Professional 18/4/2023 News Machetes and other bladed articles: proposed legislation OPEN CONSULTATION: Consultation on new knife legislation proposals to tackle the use of machetes and other bladed articles in crime. Home Office 18/4/2023 News Man who died in London Taser incident ‘was distressed hours before police called’ Neighbour says man had shouted about jumping from balcony hours before officers arrived The Guardian 18/4/2023 News Independent Review of the Disclosure and Barring Regime Report and recommendations of the independent review carried out by Simon Bailey CBE, QPM. Home Office 18/4/2023 Report Chair welcomes proposals to ban more knives APCC Chair Marc Jones said: “I welcome these proposals which will see more lethal weapons removed from our streets. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 18/4/2023 News Insulate Britain protesters warned Met Police they were going to block the M25 the day before, but force failed to pass on tip-off to officers working the patch, court hears Insulate Britain protesters sent police a warning email to inform them they were planning to block the M25, a court heard. Mail Online 18/4/2023 News «144014411442144314441445144614471448Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events