Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98555 total results. Showing results 28781 to 28800 «143614371438143914401441144214431444Next ›Last » New Zealand Police Association Welcomes IPCA’s Review Into The policing of the protest and occupation at Parliament NEW ZEA;LAND: The New Zealand Police Association, Te Aka Hāpai welcomes the Independent Police Conduct Authority’s review into the policing of the protest and occupation at Parliament in February and March 2022. New Zealand Police Association 20/4/2023 News Rush to give Garda facial recognition technology is ill-judged REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Several US cities banned technology in policing when analysis indicated, at best, 72% accuracy rate with higher rate of false positives for people of colour. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 20/4/2023 Feature Nicola Bulley police confirm reason for second river search and criticise ‘misinformed speculation’ Officers were recently seen in the River Wyre near where Bulley’s phone was found The Independent 20/4/2023 News Former police detention officer from Yorkshire sentenced over UDA terror posts A former police detention officer who posted "racist content" and images showing apparent support of gun-wielding members of a Northern Ireland paramilitary group has been given a community order. The Yorkshire Post 20/4/2023 News Thames Valley Police mentoring programme highlights similarities between UK and Gambian female officers An EU-funded three-month mentoring scheme is connecting female police officers in The Gambia with experienced colleagues in Thames Valley Police; Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons spoke to Sarah-Jane Bray, who is managing the mentoring programme, about the shared challenges facing female officers, and the strong connections built between officers based more than 3,500 miles apart. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/4/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion Police federation chief accepts Met is institutionally racist, misogynistic, and homophobic ‘Acceptance is the first step to moving on,’ Steve Hartshorn says The Independent 20/4/2023 News Labour: working with youth programmes to lessen youth crime NEW ZEALAND: Joining us now is Labour MP Ginny Anderson. The newly minted Police Minister is standing in for Deputy Prime Minister Carmel Sepuloni who in the Pacific Islands this week. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 20/4/2023 News Police officer appears in court charged with raping woman in Plymouth David Stansbury, currently suspended from Hertfordshire force, accused of three offences while on duty in 2009 The Guardian 19/4/2023 News Police detention officer given community order after UDA posts William Lloyd-Hughes was sentenced for posting grossly offensive messages on Twitter and showing support for a proscribed organisation. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/4/2023 News Police Federation chair accepts Met is institutionally racist, sexist and homophobic Steve Hartshorn says making his personal views public is an act of ‘leadership’, after damning Casey report The Guardian 19/4/2023 News Veteran police chief claims no UK force is institutionally racist Greater Manchester Police chief constable says term is unhelpful and misunderstood The Independent 19/4/2023 News North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service: Causes of concern revisit letter Today we published a causes of concern revisit letter relating to North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 19/4/2023 Report More social workers joining Edmonton police to address addiction crisis CANADA: The Alberta government has announced new details about funding that will allow more social workers and health-care workers to partner with Edmonton police in a move the province said will help with the “addiction crisis.” Global News (Canada) 19/4/2023 News John Williamson: It’s time we took a bold approach to roadside drug testing NEW ZEALAND: We’ve been away for a bit, spending the kids’ inheritance on a delayed cruise around Australia. This wasn’t our first choice but it became an appropriate way to use up Covid-generated cruise credits before they expired. This was not just brain-rejuvenating relaxation, but also an opportunity to think through the just-announced news that NZ Police were not going to be able to do random roadside testing for drugged drivers. That possibility has been in the melting pot for over a decade now, as New Zealand grappled with preventing the 100 road deaths per year caused by drugged drivers. The legislation was passed last year for implementation on March 11 this year. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 19/4/2023 Feature, Opinion Anthony Gilbert inquest findings delivered, NSW coroner recommends police training AUSTRALIA: A New South Wales coroner is recommending further training for police officers dealing with intoxicated people that do not meet the criteria for detention after the death of a man in the Hunter region. ABC News (Australia) 19/4/2023 News Strategic partnership agreed to strengthen collaboration between policing and local government A strategic partnership between policing and local authorities in Scotland has been agreed that will strengthen collaboration on a range of priority areas. Police Professional 19/4/2023 News NAGS charge Gold Coast man with cocaine import AUSTRALIA: The National Anti-Gangs Squad (NAGS) has charged a Gold Coast man with importing 1kg of cocaine and possessing 1kg of methamphetamine. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 19/4/2023 News IOPC investigation after death of motorcyclist following police pursuit The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) is investigating the circumstances leading up to a fatal crash in East London following a short pursuit by Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officers. Police Professional 19/4/2023 News United in Tāmaki purpose NEW ZEALAND: Working within an organisation that reflects your values, morals and tikanga is important for Superintendent Scott Gemmell and his recent appointment as Director: Partnerships - Tāmaki Makaurau has reenergised those inherent philosophies and values. New Zealand Police 19/4/2023 News Significant commercial drug operation interrupted: 21 firearms recovered, arrests made NEW ZEALAND: A significant Police operation has dealt a blow to a Central Otago-based syndicate accused of both producing commercial-scale quantities of cannabis in south Westland, and bringing methamphetamine into Cromwell. New Zealand Police 19/4/2023 News «143614371438143914401441144214431444Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events