Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 28641 to 28660 «142914301431143214331434143514361437Next ›Last » CPS includes ‘love-bombing’ in prosecution guidance on stalking or controlling behaviours Updated guidance on prosecuting controlling and coercive behaviour has highlighted so-called ‘love-bombing’ as one of the tactics used by abusers. Police Professional 25/4/2023 News IWF Annual Report 2022 #BehindTheScreens In 2022, we assessed a webpage every one-and-a-half minutes. Every two minutes, that webpage showed a child being sexually abused. Internet Watch Foundation 25/4/2023 Report Stephen Lawrence: How family liaison officers became an integral part of policing in the wake of his murder The Macpherson Report into the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence made many recommendations around improving the police response, including ensuring the availability of dedicated, trained family liaison officers (FLOs) at a local level; Professor Fiona Brookman of South Wales University looks at how this role has now become an integral part of policing, and what more can be done to ensure forces are making best use of FLOs. Policing Insight 25/4/2023 Feature, Opinion ‘Extreme’ child sexual abuse material found online doubles in two years The amount of Category A child sexual material discovered online has doubled since 2020, with newborn babies and toddlers among the victims of the most severe kinds of sexual abuse, new data reveals. Police Professional 25/4/2023 News Vancouver police note ‘positive signs’ in crime reduction after DTES decampment CANADA: Nearly three weeks after the City of Vancouver carried out a planned removal of tents and temporary shelters in the Downtown Eastside, Vancouver police say they’ve noted “positive signs” of crime reduction. Global News (Canada) 25/4/2023 News Report calls for major review of policing ‘intersectionality’ to improve treatment of under-represented groups The authors of a new report – the first in a series of five on policing ‘seldom heard groups’ published by Police Scotland, the Scottish Institute for Policing Research and the Scottish Police Authority – have called for more to be done to overcome the challenges of policing people with multiple social identities and characteristics such as race, religion, sexuality and disability, as Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 25/4/2023 Analysis, Feature Ontario scrapping post-secondary education requirement for police recruits CANADA: The Ontario government said Tuesday it is introducing a number of new measures to boost lagging police recruitment numbers, including eliminating a post-secondary education requirement to be hired as an officer and covering the costs of mandatory training. CBC News (Canada) 25/4/2023 News Dispatches: March/April 2023 CANADA: Stuart Betts has been appointed as the new Chief of the Peterborough Police Service. Blue Line (Canada) 25/4/2023 Feature Garda Commissioner heckled, jeered during speech at Garda conference REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Rank and file gardaí jeered and heckled Garda Commissioner Drew Harris on Tuesday as he made a speech about the worsening dispute within the force over new rosters. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 25/4/2023 News Five arrested in investigation into crime gang pretending to be Garda members REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Five people have been arrested by gardaí investigating the activities of a criminal gang involved in theft and fraud by impersonating members of An Garda Síochána. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 25/4/2023 News 5 persons arrested in arrest and search operation targeting criminal gang involved in impersonations of members of An Garda Síochána REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: This morning, Tuesday 25th April 2023 Gardaí from the Garda Eastern Region investigating the activities of a criminal gang involved in theft and fraud by impersonating members of An Garda Síochána have arrested 5 persons, (2 males in their 30s, a male in his 50s, a male in his 60s and a female in their 50s). An Garda Síochána 25/4/2023 News Telefónica Tech’s digital forensic blueprint offers forces the right tech in the right place, for the right reasons Last year’s rather damning report into UK policing’s digital forensics performance highlighted crucial concerns around lengthy delays failing victims, and forces unable to get to grips with a huge and growing backlog; a digital forensic ‘blueprint’ approach offered by Telefónica Tech provides the flexibility, speed and necessary compliant storage to address those concerns, as Will Wilkinson and Ed Taylor explained to Policing Insight’s Keith Potter. Policing Insight 25/4/2023 Advertisement, Feature HMICS Assurance Review of Scottish Police Authority Forensic Toxicology Provision This assurance review of the Scottish Police Authority’s Forensic Services Toxicology Section followed disclosure that drug driving cases had been marked as ‘no proceedings’ by the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service. This occurred primarily due to SPA Forensic Services Toxicology Section failing to analyse and report blood samples within appropriate timescales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 25/4/2023 Report More effective accountability can help tackle the crisis in policing Despite an apparently well-developed framework of accountability arrangements, British policing is still facing a ‘polycrisis’ resulting in a significant loss of public trust and confidence; Police Foundation Director Rick Muir believes that a fresh approach to the principles of accountability – as underlined in a report published recently by the Foundation – could prove crucial in underpinning efforts to tackle the key challenges. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 25/4/2023 Feature, Opinion Critical Communications World 2023: Success in cooperation Uniting mission-critical and business-critical end-users with manufacturers and suppliers for three days of inspiration, knowledge and connections. CCW 2023 is supported by Policing Insight as media partner. Register you free place today for 23-25 May in Helsinki. Policing Insight 25/4/2023 Advertisement, Feature Adnan Ali: Policeman who used cadet scheme for grooming faces jail A former Greater Manchester police officer is facing jail after he used a volunteer police cadet scheme as a “grooming playground” to exploit children and young adults. Adnan Ali, 36, was found guilty at Liverpool crown court yesterday of five charges of sexual assault and 15 charges of misconduct in a public office. The Times - Subscription at source 25/4/2023 News One in five child abuse images found online last year were category A – report Internet Watch Foundation says amount of material showing most extreme form of sexual abuse has doubled since 2020 The Guardian 25/4/2023 News Revealed: The staggering number of people concerned about sexism and racism in the police Three-quarters of people are concerned about sexism and racism in the police, while four in five fear officers are “abusing their power”, new polling shows. A survey found that 68 per cent of Britons were also worried about people dying following contact with the police, and the treatment of young Black people. The Independent 25/4/2023 News Property crime rates fall on Gold Coast, bucking Queensland-wide trend AUSTRALIA: The Gold Coast is experiencing a crime reduction in contrast to soaring figures in the rest of Queensland, according to data released by the state's police service. ABC News (Australia) 25/4/2023 News Derbyshire Police referral to watchdog after body found in river The police watchdog will be contacted after a body was found in the search for a missing woman. BBC 25/4/2023 News «142914301431143214331434143514361437Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events