Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 28561 to 28580 «142514261427142814291430143114321433Next ›Last » Province relaxes requirements for new police hires CANADA: In an effort to attract more people into policing and get rid of officer shortages in Ontario, the provincial government has lowered some requirements. The shortage of front-line officers has existed for several years according to Jeff McGuire, the executive director of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police. “It’s a crisis in hiring right now,” said McGuire. “Within the last couple of years the OPP had 8 hundred vacancies, 8 hundred positions they had to fill.” McGuire said a lot of police services have up to 20 percent of officers off on stress leave. CTV News (Canada) 26/4/2023 News Audit Report of Police Scotland on the triage of Complaints about the Police 2023 Police Scotland handle approximately 6,500 complaints each year1 . The way in which an organisation handles complaints is illustrative of how it values good customer service. Dealing with complaints timeously, effectively and empathetically can restore a complainer’s confidence in the organisation. Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) 26/4/2023 Report Commissioner publishes report on the handling of complaints by Police Scotland The Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC) has published a report containing a series of findings and recommendations following an audit of Police Scotland’s triage procedures for the handling of complaints made by the public. Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) 26/4/2023 News Fire service staff to undergo more rigorous background checks Following on from the HMICFRS report into culture and values in the fire and rescue service, the Government has made the first step to introduce changes that mean that employers will be able to carry out a new level of criminal record checks on staff. Emergency Services Times 26/4/2023 News Number of police officers protecting our streets at record high PRESS RELEASE: Government delivers on its manifesto commitment to recruit 20,000 additional officers. Home Office 26/4/2023 News Police taking over five hours to respond to priority calls in England Police forces in England are taking on average five and a half hours to respond to priority calls, new figures show. BBC 26/4/2023 News More than 20,000 police officers recruited in England and Wales PM celebrates fulfilling election pledge but Labour and Police Federation accuse government of backfilling earlier cuts Financial Times 26/4/2023 News Met short of 1,000 officers and only police force in England and Wales to ‘not hire enough’ Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley says the bad reputation of London's police service is to blame for the lack of people coming forward to join My London 26/4/2023 News Sexual assault survivors welcome Scottish plans to scrap ‘not proven’ verdict Other proposals include pilot of judge-only trials for rape cases The Guardian 26/4/2023 News Suella Braverman says police should not intervene in ‘legitimate debate’ on trans people and race Home secretary accuses police of being too ‘politically correct’ after wave of racism and misogyny cases The Independent 26/4/2023 News Empowering your IT department to proactively solve policing problems Oliver Ledgard, EMEA Government Vertical Lead, Zebra Technologies. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 26/4/2023 Feature Queer business failed by police over attacks, owners say The police response to a series of attacks on a "queer business" has been a failure, its owners have said. BBC 26/4/2023 News Police Scotland receive formal notice about cloud system Scotland’s biometrics watchdog has issued Police Scotland with an information notice over its deployment of a cloud-based digital evidence system, following disclosure of major data protection concerns by Computer Weekly Computer Weekly 26/4/2023 News Man declared brain dead after being stun-gunned multiple times by Prince Albert police has died CANADA: A Prince Albert, Sask., man who had been on life support for weeks after an altercation with police has died. At least six members of the Prince Albert Police Service (PAPS) used stun guns, pepper spray and batons while trying to arrest Boden Umpherville, 40, in the early morning of April 1. Umpherville sustained severe injuries as a result and was sent to hospital. He was taken off of life support Wednesday morning. CBC News (Canada) 26/4/2023 News ‘Reactionary’ Garda hub at Heuston Station ‘only the first step’ – NBRU REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A Garda transport hub in Dublin's Heuston Station must be a 'first step' in a wider programme to protect people on public transport, according to the NBRU. It comes amid plans to station Gardaí in train stations from next month. The new hub, known as a Command and Control Centre, is set to open at Heuston Station on May 5th. newstalk (Republic of Ireland) 26/4/2023 News Gsoc to be independently examined after investigator attended Hutch party REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gsoc is expected to appoint an independent examiner to investigate potential failings in the Garda oversight body. Mid-career vetting in the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (Gsoc) has also been suggested by Justice Minister Simon Harris. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 26/4/2023 News Speech by Minister for Justice Simon Harris at the Garda Representative Association (GRA) Annual Delegate Conference REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: President, Vice President, General Secretary, Commissioner and Delegates, Thank you for your invitation to attend your Annual Delegate Conference. I hope you have had a good conference. I am delighted to be here with you to talk about our shared vision of a safer Ireland. An Ireland where we have no tolerance for criminal behaviour. Government of Ireland 26/4/2023 Feature, Opinion Some forces have ‘abandoned impartiality’ says Home Secretary Public need to know the 'police are unequivocally on their side not pandering to politically correct preoccupations.' Police Oracle - Subscription at source 26/4/2023 News Uplift numbers ‘do not stand up to scrutiny’, says PFEW The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) says the uplift in police officer numbers, while “desperately needed”, does “not stand up to scrutiny”. Police Professional 26/4/2023 News Queensland Police lack employment ‘despite the population growth’ AUSTRALIA: Queensland Opposition leader David Crisafulli says Queensland Police have fewer frontline officers than they did two years ago “despite the population growth”. (Australia) 26/4/2023 News, Video «142514261427142814291430143114321433Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events