Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 28441 to 28460 «141914201421142214231424142514261427Next ›Last » New chief outlines vision for future of police service CANADA: The city’s incoming police chief took the job believing he can make a positive difference. Darcy Fleury, the first external Thunder Bay police chief hire in 28 years, has been brought in to restore order to a police service that has been rocked by turmoil and turbulence in recent years, culminating with the suspension of their two top senior officers last year. The chief-designate, who will be formally sworn in as chief next month, sat down for an extensive editorial board meeting with Dougall Media this week, where he outlined his vision and priorities for how he plans to lead the police service. TB News Watch (Canada) 29/4/2023 News Queensland’s sex trade will be decriminalised, but it could have happened years ago AUSTRALIA: The Queensland government has confirmed it will decriminalise sex work and dismantle a licensing system that has been the bane of brothel owners for more than 20 years. Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman announced the move as she released the findings of a Queensland Law Reform Commission (QLRC) review that found solo workers — in other words the vast majority of the state's sex workers — were forced to choose between working safely or working legally. ABC News (Australia) 29/4/2023 Analysis, Feature Cask wine sales ban trialled at Adelaide CBD bottle shops to curb alcohol-fuelled violence AUSTRALIA: Authorities are monitoring the impact of a trial ban on the sale of cask wine in Adelaide's city centre, which has been introduced to curb alcohol-fuelled violence. ABC News (Australia) 29/4/2023 News Police launch new ‘most wanted’ website NEW ZEALAND: The police have launched a website aimed at tracking down wanted criminals. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 29/4/2023 News Withdrawing a police AVO AUSTRALIA: Exploring the Possibilities of Withdrawing Police AVO Mondaq (Australia) 29/4/2023 News Justice is in the eye of the beholder: a vignette study linking procedural justice and stigma to Muslims’ trust in police Objectives: This study examines how stigma moderates the effect of procedurally just and unjust treatment on Muslims’ trust in police. Methods: Survey participants were randomly assigned to receive one of two vignettes describing a traffic stop where officer treatment was manipulated (procedurally just/unjust). Muslims’ feelings of stigma were measured prior to the vignette, while trust was measured after the vignette. Results: We found that the procedural justice vignette enhanced trust in police, and perceived stigma was associated with lower trust. For Muslims who felt highly stigmatized, however, experiencing police procedural justice had a weaker positive effect on trust when compared to those who felt low levels of stigmatization. Journal of Experimental Criminology 29/4/2023 Research article Domestic abuse the “biggest cause of harm in Essex” says police chief Domestic abuse accounts for everything from homicides and murders through to harassment, the chief constable said. Essex Live 29/4/2023 News Police use-of-force training hamstrung by budget constraints, Myles Gray inquest hears CANADA: Expert who helped create provincial de-escalation course for police says it comes with a high cost thAT prevents most forces from doing it. The Globe and Mail (Canada) - Subscription at source 29/4/2023 News How new technology caused a 36% drop in use of force by officers in this CA police department USA: Police departments across the US are using a new AI program called Truleo to analyze officers' bodycam videos and prevent problematic behavior. CNN's Vanessa Yurkevich reports. CNN 29/4/2023 News, Video Northern Territory police forced to fire at three crocodiles charging at offenders in Daly River AUSTRALIA: Police officers in the Northern Territory were forced to fire live ammunition rounds at three crocodiles that were chasing two offenders they were trying to arrest. Four people were arrested by police near the rural town of Daly River on Friday, when two of them jumped into a nearby river that police said has a “significant crocodile population”. When three crocodiles started charging at the alleged offenders, NT Police said the officers were forced to “discharge a bean bag and live ammunition rounds”. 7 News (Australia) 29/4/2023 News Garda concern over bill ‘extending’ GSOC functions as investigation into ex-officer continues REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Senior gardaí have questioned whether it is appropriate to extend the functions of the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (GSOC) while an investigation is being carried out into the circumstance of a senior officer attending a party for Gerry 'The Monk' Hutch. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 29/4/2023 News Watchdog alarm over Garda resources REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda staffing crisis is “constricting” the organisation’s ability to improve community policing, tackle economic crime, and implement reforms, according to the Policing Authority. The watchdog said the covid-related closure of the Garda College had a “profound” impact on Garda numbers with more than 1,000 fewer gardaí available than originally planned. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 29/4/2023 News ‘Protecting children from the most abhorrent abuse’ As he approaches his retirement, Deputy Chief Constable Ian Critchley reflects on 30 years spent in policing, and in particular the work he has done to combat child abuse in all forms. Police Professional - Subscription at source 28/4/2023 Feature Lords debates public confidence in police On Wednesday 3 May, members of the House of Lords will debate the case for restoring public confidence in the police. UK Parliament 28/4/2023 News New UK inspectors of police and fire service appointed Lee Freeman and Michelle Skeer take up dual roles as His Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary in England and Wales and Inspector of Fire and Rescue in England ADS advance 28/4/2023 News Government acts to stop highly disruptive slow walking tactics The Home Secretary has renewed plans to protect the public from highly disruptive protest tactics such as slow walking Home Office 28/4/2023 News What are the police for? They neither solve crime nor protect public, says CAROLE MALONE 200,000 burglaries go unpunished, crime soars and Just Stop Oil protesters get tea and sympathy. What exactly are our police for, asks Carole Malone. Express 28/4/2023 Feature, Opinion Edmonton police chief says 30 per cent of city homicides are gang-related CANADA: About 30 per cent of homicides recorded this year are gang-related, Edmonton’s top cop says. Speaking with reporters Friday morning, Edmonton police Chief Dale McFee said the number of gun-affiliated homicides and brazen shootings is a concern. Edmonton Journal (Canada) 28/4/2023 News Surrey police ‘non-decision’ draws frustration from some community leaders CANADA: There is frustration among some community leaders in Surrey, B.C., over yet another delay in a final decision over the future of policing in the city. It comes after B.C. Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth’s long-anticipated report on whether to keep the Surrey RCMP or continue with a transition to the Surrey Police Service (SPS) recommended the city keep the municipal force — but kicked the final decision back to mayor and council. Farnworth pledged funding to cover excess costs of continuing the transition, saying that keeping the Mounties would cost the city about $72 million. Global News (Canada) 28/4/2023 News Surrey Police Service should replace RCMP, Mike Farnworth says CANADA: Province offers financial assistance to City of Surrey if it chooses to continue transition. Surrey’s transition to the Surrey Police Service should continue, the province has recommended. Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth delivered on Friday morning (April 28) what many in this city would characterize as an agonizingly long-overdue decision on its controversial policing transition, concluding that Surrey should continue with its transition from the Surrey RCMP to the Surrey Police Service. Hope Standard (Canada) 28/4/2023 News «141914201421142214231424142514261427Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events