Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 28401 to 28420 «141714181419142014211422142314241425Next ›Last » Police forces and councils are buying hacking software used to unlock mobile phones Powerful software capable of unlocking devices is being used increasingly by police and public bodies but campaigners warn guidelines around deployment of “intrusive” data extraction remains opaque. i News 2/5/2023 News Hospital staff ‘made thousands of 999 calls’ to police in five years Police have been called to healthcare facilities nearly 10,000 times in the past five years, an FOI revealed. STV News 2/5/2023 News Advancing the Méndez Principles on effective interviewing: How painful lessons have led to just practice in the UK and beyond The Mendéz Principles build on interviewing models in England and Wales to offer a global standard for effective interviewing practices that ensure non-coercive methods and procedural safeguards; ahead of next month’s conference on the subject at the Canterbury Centre for Policing Research (CCPR), Policing Lecturer James Harris and CCPR Director Dr Martin O’Neill explore the background to the principles, and the development of techniques and lessons drawn from UK cases. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/5/2023 Analysis, Feature Ten thousand 999 calls to hospitals in 5years figures show Of those, at least 3,830 were for violence, with some of the health boards not divulging the reason for the calls to police Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/5/2023 News ‘Predatory behaviour’: Victorian police use positions to start sexual relationships, Ibac says AUSTRALIA: Victorian police officers continue to use their position to start sexual relationships with people they meet on duty despite efforts to stamp out “predatory” behaviour. A review by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission assessed 27 Victoria police investigations into alleged predatory behaviour by officers between 2019 and 2022. It found evidence that the issue was ongoing, with many cases unreported. The Guardian 2/5/2023 News New Garda system for logging calls to be rolled out in Cork city in coming weeks REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaí are rolling out a new high-tech system for logging calls with computer aided dispatch in Cork city in the coming weeks, in a bid to increase response times. The new IT system, called 'Garda Safe', is the greatest transformation in Garda communications in decades. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 2/5/2023 News Targets missed in at least 70% of GSOC complaints investigated by gardaí REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Time limits were met by only 23 GSOC complaints that gardaí were assigned and completed in 2022. Ireland’s policing watchdog hands over a significant amount of its investigations into alleged Garda misconduct to gardaí to investigate. The Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (GSOC) is the independent body that handles complaints relating to police misconduct. Complaints are mostly brought by members of the public and are either criminal or disciplinary. The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 2/5/2023 News Festus Akinbusoye: ‘Working with young children, we have to include the fact they are being exploited’ Reducing re-offending is at the heart of Bedfordshire PCC Festus Akinbusoye’s Police and Crime Plan, here he talks to Policing TV’s Tom Gaymor about Bedfordshire’s VERU and the importance of early intervention. (Violence and Exploitation Reduction Unit). Festus Akinbusoye is the elected Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Bedfordshire, the first black ever black PCC providing overarching governance for any police force. He is passionate about, amongst other things, making sure that the good and excellent police work that takes place in Bedfordshire, and more widely across policing, is more widely shared. PolicingTV 2/5/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video More questions for immigration over dawn raids case – Carmel Sepuloni NEW ZEALAND: The Associate Immigration Minister is assessing an immigration decision to detain a Pasifika man in a dawn raid who's accused of overstaying his visa. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 2/5/2023 News When we are at our most vulnerable The Women’s Rights Network began this investigation in response to concerns raised by a number of members that patients and staff were being sexually assaulted and raped in UK hospitals. Womens Rights 1/5/2023 News North Yorkshire Police officer sacked after hotel sex assault A North Yorkshire Police officer who dragged a woman out of bed by her hair and sexually assaulted her has been sacked. The Yorkshire Post 1/5/2023 News Creasy harassment concern raised with Leicestershire police by Labour MPs Move by senior party figures comes after fellow MP said she was worried about how force was handling crimes against woman The Guardian 1/5/2023 News New laws to boost Garda watchdog’s powers to go ahead despite Hutch controversy REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Government is ploughing ahead with new legislation that will give sweeping new powers to the Garda watchdog GSOC, despite internal disquiet over the controversy involving an officer who attended a party at the home of crime boss Gerry Hutch. The Policing, Security and Community Safety Bill, which is progressing through the Oireachtas, has been criticised by the Garda Commissioner, Drew Harris. (Republic of Ireland) 1/5/2023 News Thousands of rapes and sexual assaults in hospitals – Only 4.1% of suspects known to have been charged More than 6500 rapes and sexual assaults - some against children under 13 - have been committed in hospitals in England and Wales over nearly four years Womens Rights 1/5/2023 News High-ranking Met Police officer on £100,000-a-year who was found to be a regular user of ‘high-class’ prostitutes was allowed to keep his job after he was let off with a minor rebuke A high-ranking Scotland Yard officer was allowed to keep his job despite being found to be a regular user of ‘high-class’ prostitutes, the Mail can reveal today. Mail Online 1/5/2023 News ‘Scandalous’ Police Scotland refuses to reveal hospital rape and sex attack stats for UK report The Women's Rights Network found that at 6,500 rapes and sex assaults have been recorded in UK hospitals in four years – but Police Scotland couldn't tell them how many had been recorded north of the border Scottish Daily Express 1/5/2023 News Garda on course to lose 500 members via resignations and retirements by year-end Garda Representative Association voices fears over 'recent trend of resignations' which constitute a 'real issue' The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 1/5/2023 News GRA welcomes Policing Authority’s concerns over garda disciplinary process REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Frontline gardaí have welcomed comments from the Policing Authority that it has “considerable concerns” about the Garda disciplinary process. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 1/5/2023 News Greater Manchester Police seize more than £15m in ill-gotten gains from crooks Just short of £3m has been obtained as a result of Confiscation Orders obtained after a criminal conviction; whilst around £14m has been forfeited under Civil Recovery legislation, which does not rely on a criminal conviction being obtained. Cash and listed assets worth approximately £4m have been forfeited in the last year along with bank balances totalling £8.7m. Wigan Today 1/5/2023 News Hamilton police roll out automatic licence plate readers and in-car cameras CANADA: Hamilton Police Service (HPS) have started using automatic licence plate readers and in-car cameras in vehicles. HPS said it will help with investigations related to wanted or missing people, auto theft and unattached plates. CBC News (Canada) 1/5/2023 News «141714181419142014211422142314241425Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events