Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 28381 to 28400 «141614171418141914201421142214231424Next ›Last » Parliament protest report shows NZ police have come a long way since 1981 NEW ZEALAND: As the recent report of the Independent Police Conduct Authority made clear, the 2022 occupation of Parliament grounds was very different from earlier protests in New Zealand. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 2/5/2023 Analysis, Feature It is easy to get away with murder in Chicago: Two-thirds of all homicides go unsolved in Windy City, after it was revealed half of all US murderers are never brought to justice UNITED STATES: The true toll of crime in Chicago has been revealed, after figures showed just one third of murders are solved in the Windy City. Mail Online 2/5/2023 News Police crack down on boy racers in Whangārei NEW ZEALAND: Northland Police targeted boy racers and illegally modified cars with huge success during the weekend. New Zealand Police 2/5/2023 News Police go soft on knife carriers as charges drop to record low Possession itself increasingly left without a charge, despite overall knife offences doubling last year The Telegraph - Subscription at source 2/5/2023 News Six deny plotting murder with Chris Kaba before he was killed by police Six men have denied planning a murder with Chris Kaba six days before he was shot dead by police. The Times - Subscription at source 2/5/2023 News Police reviewing how it treats indecent exposure after Wayne Couzens scandal College of Policing, covering England and Wales, looking at the crime after study shows 25% of offenders go on to carry out serious attacks The Guardian 2/5/2023 News Edmonton has 2nd-most police-involved deaths among municipal forces in Canada, database shows CANADA: 'This is basic information that the public should have access to that they currently do not' CBC News (Canada) 2/5/2023 Analysis, Feature Former PCSO jailed for indecent image offences involving children A former Surrey police community support officer (PCSO) has been jailed for six years after pleading guilty to indecent image offences involving children. Police Professional 2/5/2023 News What these previously unreleased police discipline files show about conduct at the RNC CANADA: When a complaint is lodged against a Royal Newfoundland Constabulary police officer, the process almost invariably unfolds behind closed doors. CBC News (Canada) 2/5/2023 News Terrorist prisoners to face tougher restrictions behind bars Convicted terrorists will be banned from taking a leading role in religious services and face more rigorous checks for extremist literature as the Government redoubles efforts to crack down on dangerous radicalisers behind bars. Police Professional 2/5/2023 News Garda brands suspension process ‘very unfair’ amid calls for greater transparency REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Liam Hennessy of the GRA also told how the decision to suspend members is taken too lightly and officers are not even being given the opportunity to explain their own side of the story. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 2/5/2023 News Police called to thousands of incidents of patient violence at hospitals Police have been called to deal with incidents at Scotland’s hospitals and health centres on nearly 10,000 occasions in the past five years. Police Professional 2/5/2023 News Garda watchdog handing half of its cases back to gardaí to investigate REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Solicitors, complainants and former GSOC staff voice frustration at slow investigations with few resulting sanctions. The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 2/5/2023 News 12 ways digital evidence management is transforming policing Digital transformation is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in policing – from data analytics and mobile workforce optimization to online citizen engagement and investigations. But when it comes to delivering on the promise of digital transformation, one technology that police departments are embracing in growing numbers is cloud-based DEMS (Digital Evidence Management System). This article explores 12 powerful ways that DEMS is transforming policing, from crime to justice. Policing Insight 2/5/2023 Advertisement, Feature Ian Bell: ‘There is a real sense of purpose, a real understanding of why we’re here and what we need to do’ Policing has long struggled to deliver digital transformation programmes, especially those seeking to replace major pieces of legacy IT; but with COVID-19 adding fresh impetus to the digital agenda and the national strategy set for a ‘refresh’, Ian Bell, CEO of the Police Digital Service, sees exciting opportunities on the horizon, as Policing Insight’s James Sweetland reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/5/2023 Feature, Interview Parliament protest report shows NZ Police have come a long way since 1981 – but practice and law must still improve A new report into the policing of the 2022 occupation of parliamentary grounds in Wellington describes a largely successful operation with a positive outcome; but Professors Alexander Gillespie and Claire Breen of the University of Waikato warn that while policing has moved on significantly since previous high-profile demonstrations, there is still room for improvement around practice, equipment, legislation, and ensuring police independence. Policing Insight 2/5/2023 Feature, Opinion Police Education Conference 2023: Book your place today! The Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies will host a conference on the topic of police education on Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 June 2023. The conference, supported by Policing Insight as media partner, will be of interest and relevance to police practitioners, senior officers, and managers, particularly those who are involved in training and development. Equally to those who are involved in the development and delivery of police education in higher education and those preparing students for these programmes. Policing Insight 2/5/2023 Advertisement, Feature Criminology in Policing: Classical criminology – crime as a rational act? In the second of a new series of The Police Student focusing on Criminology in Policing, Policing Insight Academic Editor Dr Carina O’Reilly looks at the classical concept of crime as a rational act, and considers traditional justice, enlightened thinking, and the range of critiques which have founded the wider discipline of criminology. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/5/2023 Feature Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/5/2023 News UK town sparks backlash after banning hoodies to tackle anti-social behaviour People visiting in Romford will not be allowed to wear ski masks, hoodies or helmets that cover their face as part of a trial scheme Mirror 2/5/2023 News «141614171418141914201421142214231424Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events