Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 28081 to 28100 «140114021403140414051406140714081409Next ›Last » Basildon police officer who hit man in head would have been sacked A former Essex Police officer who struck a man in the head with his elbow would have been sacked if he had not already resigned, a disciplinary panel has concluded. BBC 10/5/2023 News Milton Keynes: Police get enhanced powers to stop and search Police have enacted extra stop-and-search powers following a number of violent incidents in a city. BBC 10/5/2023 News North Wales Police signs CGI for IT services North Wales Police has agreed on a trio of managed IT services contracts worth a total of £15 million with CGI. 10/5/2023 News Coronation duty: boots on the ground tell a different story Chris Hobbs was on the ground observing the day before and during the Coronation and says he witnessed a much-criticised service doing a fine job Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/5/2023 Feature Suspects held in City of London Police custody being screened for ADHD in UK first The assessment curator says it will ‘prove how many people held in police stations have undiagnosed ADHD’ and could help against reoffending The Standard 10/5/2023 News Police officer sacked after he lied about passing maths GCSE A police officer has been dismissed for gross misconduct after the force discovered he had lied about passing his maths GCSE. The Times - Subscription at source 10/5/2023 News New technology developed to improve police interview skills Developed with funding from the MoD the app has been piloted by several forces. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/5/2023 News Garda to face prosecution over N7 crash that killed three men REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A garda is to face a criminal prosecution over his driving in relation to an incident in which three men were killed in a collision on the N7 in Dublin two years ago while fleeing from gardaÃ. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 10/5/2023 News City of London Police first in the country to screen suspects for ADHD The City of London Police is the first force in the country to screen detainees in custody for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The checklist has been devised by qualified counsellor and therapist Sarah Templeton, who has worked in four English prisons. The checklist helps ensure that there is a pathway to diagnosis with urgent cases being fast-tracked to an NHS provider of adult ADHD assessments. Dame Sally Coates’ HMIP report in 2021 suggested that it would be reasonable to assume that at least 50 per cent of prisoners have some form of neurodivergence. Sarah Templeton believes the figure is considerably higher. City of London Police 10/5/2023 News PCC faces criticism after standing in local council elections Cleveland's PCC and his wife both stood to be elected as local councillors but were unsuccessful. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/5/2023 News Major incentives for Queensland police recruits AUSTRALIA: A raft of new incentives have been announced to encourage more people to consider a career with the Queensland Police Service. myPolice - Queensland Police News 10/5/2023 News Queensland Indigenous truth-telling inquiry will be able to force police to give evidence AUSTRALIA: Queensland’s Indigenous truth-telling inquiry will have the power to force the state’s police commissioner to give evidence under legislative changes passed in parliament. The Guardian 10/5/2023 News Police and political conspiracy over Bruce Lehrmann case ‘possible, if not probable’, inquiry told AUSTRALIA: The chief prosecutor in the trial of Bruce Lehrmann says he thought it was possible there was a conspiracy involving police and politicians to ensure the former Coalition staffer walked free. The Guardian 10/5/2023 News Traffic bylaw to discourage street racing nearly there in Palmerston North NEW ZEALAND: Palmerston North is on the cusp of adopting new traffic and parking rules to help curb antisocial street racer gatherings. Stuff (New Zealand) 10/5/2023 News Court of Appeal finds officer illegally photographed man during random traffic stop NEW ZEALAND: The Court of Appeal has found an officer illegally photographed a man during a random traffic stop, amounting to a breach of the Bill of Rights. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 10/5/2023 News Judge manuals should be released: ‘We need to understand their decision making” NEW ZEALAND: Legal experts fear the information relied on by judges to make decisions may be out of date, and are questioning why these so-called "bench books" are not publicly available. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 10/5/2023 News Jameson Shapiro shooting trial: Why police trials perform a vital public service Three Ontario Provincial Police officers involved in the fatal shooting of an 18-month-old baby and his father are shortly due to stand trial for manslaughter; Adjunct Professor Patrick G Watson, Postdoctoral Fellow Carmen Nave and PhD Candidate T Sidhu believe that aside from holding officers accountable for their actions, such trials are also positive mechanisms that allow for public scrutiny of the use-of-force training, policies and practices of police forces. Policing Insight 10/5/2023 Analysis, Feature Lowering standards for police recruits will not solve the problem, says former chief CANADA: As a former police chief in the City of Hamilton I was disappointed with the recent announcement, that our government solutions to the staffing problems in police services across this province is reducing the education standards and tuition fees for police recruits. Toronto Star (Canada) 10/5/2023 Feature, Opinion Toronto-area police probe more sudden deaths for ties to Kenneth Law CANADA: At least two Toronto-area police agencies are reviewing recent sudden deaths for possible links to Kenneth Law as a growing number of authorities across the country confirm they too have been involved in the sprawling probe. CBC News (Canada) 10/5/2023 News Basildon police officer who hit man in head would have been sacked A former Essex Police officer who struck a man in the head with his elbow would have been sacked if he had not already resigned, a disciplinary panel has concluded. BBC 10/5/2023 News «140114021403140414051406140714081409Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events