Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 27801 to 27820 «138713881389139013911392139313941395Next ›Last » Six steps to help officers deal with uncertainty at their job CANADA: Almost everyone in law enforcement deals with the fear of uncertainty at their job. Blue Line (Canada) 18/5/2023 Feature, Opinion RCMP Transparency and Trust Strategy Enabled by Open Government CANADA: Transparency at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), enabled by an Open Government approach, offers up opportunities to enhance accountability, foster trust, drive innovation and change, enhance services and policies, foster evidence-based decision making, nurture community policing and become a more efficient and responsive public safety organization as a whole. Government of Canada 18/5/2023 Report CPS ‘cherrypicking’ cases to prosecute, say senior police chiefs Sir Mark Rowley and Craig Guildford suggest service in England and Wales taking only ‘easy cases’ to court The Guardian 18/5/2023 News RCMP launches its Open Government strategy CANADA: The RCMP is releasing its Transparency and Trust Strategy and Action Plan to the public today. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 18/5/2023 News Motorist jailed for dragging garda along roadway after she tried to intercept drug deal REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Det Garda Catherine McCarthy, the first female member of the West Cork Divisionsl Drugs Unit, suffered long-lasting injuries in April incident. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 18/5/2023 News Sligo Garda station is ‘not fit for purpose’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Sligo Garda Station is “not fit for purpose”, the May monthly meeting of Sligo County Council was told. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 18/5/2023 News Garda Commissioner to meet with Ministers over refugee camp attacks REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Minister for Justice Simon Harris and Minister for Integration Roderic O’Gorman will meet with Garda Commissioner Drew Harris on Thursday following last week’s attack on a refugee camp in Dublin. Breaking News (Republic of Ireland) 18/5/2023 News WMP “urges” officers to consider 30++ rejoiner scheme West Midlands Police are contacting those who are due to retire or who have recently completed their 30 years’ service “urging them” consider re-joining via their new 30++ scheme, in a bid to retain specialist skills and experience. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/5/2023 News First national threat assessment of VAWG crimes issued to police chiefs Police chiefs have issued the first ever national threat assessment of crimes posing the most danger to women and girls. Police Professional 18/5/2023 News Equipment Theft (Prevention) Bill: Call for evidence OPEN CONSULTATION: The Equipment Theft (Prevention) Bill was introduced to prevent the theft of machinery and equipment used by the agricultural sector, in particular quad bikes and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). The bill allows for the requirements to be extended to other equipment via secondary legislation. Home Office 18/5/2023 News Reawakening criminology: the importance of scientific method and inquiry in policing practice Purpose: Criminology both as a field of study and as a practice draws on a broad range of disciplines from the social, behavioural, human, natural and medical sciences. However, over recent times, the natural and medical sciences have been dismissed, overlooked and even ridiculed, largely since the rise of critical criminology and related contemporary conflict and social harm approaches from the 1960s onwards. This has led to a chasm emerging between the study of criminology and the practice of criminology such as within a policing context. This paper aims to provide a review of an emerging forensic biological method, that of neuroscience, within a criminological context, to illustrate the importance of criminology embracing and reawakening its natural and medical science roots. Design/methodology/approach: The paper draws on a conceptual design to realign criminology with the full range of disciplines used to inform its theory and application. Findings: Through illustrating the role of forensic neuroscience, the paper reawakens the scientific method and inquiry of criminology reflecting the importance of the discipline being, and remaining, multi- and trans-disciplinary in nature. The paper, while reflecting on the limitations of scientific method and inquiry, outlines the strengths this approach to criminology engenders, promoting and delivering a scientific-based research agenda that aims to support industry partners in the prevention, disruption and reduction of crime, disorder and threats to public security. Journal of Criminological Research Policy and Practice - Subscription at source 18/5/2023 Research article Family of missing teenager have lost trust in Met after Levi Bellfield confession Elizabeth Chau’s family say after 24 years of agony, Met says it will not dig site where serial killer confessed to burying her The Guardian 18/5/2023 News UK police plan crackdown on ‘non-compliant’ solicitors UK police are investigating up to 100 solicitors who they believe are “abusing” laws protecting trafficking victims and asylum seekers, according to reports. Scottish Legal News 18/5/2023 News New DNA database will provide ‘stronger evidence’ for RASSO cases The Swab Out Crime campaign will produce an anonymous Y-STR reference database using samples from 10,000 men in the UK. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/5/2023 News Once admired, now reviled, Hong Kong police force failing to attract new recruits HONG KONG: Long-serving officers have left and generous incentives are not enough to fill vacancies in what is today seen as a brutish arm of the Chinese state The Guardian 18/5/2023 News NSW police allegedly Taser 95-year-old woman with dementia, leaving her with fractured skull AUSTRALIA: The woman was taken to Cooma district hospital and family say they do not expect her to survive as police launch internal investigation The Guardian 18/5/2023 News New approach on law and order delivers NEW ZEALAND: Budget 2023 continues our investment in numerous programmes to continue keeping communities safe, including a successful youth offender programme, more support for police, focusing resources on victims of crime and improving access to justice. The Government is expanding its early intervention programme targeting recidivist child offenders to Hamilton, Christchurch and Auckland City after it has been proved to be highly successful in preventing further crime. New Zealand Government 18/5/2023 News Gambling Commission calls for ‘shake-up’ to tackle crime and harms related to addiction The final report of the Commission on Crime and Gambling-Related Harms has called for reforms and a stronger commitment at a political level to address crime and other harms, a message echoed by the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, which argues that crime linked to problem gambling must be tackled with the “same urgency and focus as other addictions”, as Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/5/2023 Analysis, Feature John Caldwell: 400,000 hours of CCTV footage seized in shot detective case An estimated 400,000 hours of CCTV footage has been seized for analysis in the hunt for those involved in the shooting of a Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) detective. The investigation into who shot Det Ch Insp John Caldwell is one of Northern Ireland's biggest in recent times. BBC 18/5/2023 News Met officer denies being shown CCTV of car used by Wayne Couzens during flashing A police officer accused of failing to properly investigate Wayne Couzens denied she was shown CCTV evidence of a car he used while flashing victims. Metro 18/5/2023 News «138713881389139013911392139313941395Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events