Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 27781 to 27800 «138613871388138913901391139213931394Next ›Last » Court hearings: ‘officers’ booked annual leave should be protected’ The West Midlands Police Federation is calling on courts to respect officers' annual leave during court listings. Police Oracle 19/5/2023 News Lancashire Police faces no ICO action over Nicola Bulley case – but forces reminded of data-protection responsibilities Regulator issues advice for law enforcement after concluding investigation into high-profile disappearance. Lancashire Police will face no regulatory action over its handling of personal data during its investigation into the disappearance of Nicola Bulley earlier this year, the Information Commissioner’s Office has confirmed. 19/5/2023 News Cambridgeshire ‘inadequate’ at tackling serious and organised crime HMICFRS has inspected how well Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Norfolk and Suffolk tackle SOC, as well as assessing their ROCU. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/5/2023 News Taoiseach calls for Garda Commissioner to engage with Gardai about protest training concerns REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The AGSI raised concerns on Friday that Gardaí felt "grossly undertrained" to deal with protests that have occurred in recent weeks. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has suggested that Garda Commissioner Drew Harris should meet with Gardaí to discuss concerns they do not have adequate protest training. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 19/5/2023 News Leicestershire Chief appointed to Sentencing Council on interim basis CC Rob Nixon has been appointed as a policing member of the Council until Novemeber 30, pending the outcome of a recruitment campaign for the role. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/5/2023 News Met Police struggling to hire specialist officers to tackle cyber crime, report finds The Specialist Crime Command is facing a recruitment battle with the private sector where highly trained staff are better paid The Telegraph - Subscription at source 19/5/2023 News Townsville police arrest four teenagers over alleged crime spree, assault of 81yo woman AUSTRALIA: Police have arrested four teenagers over an alleged crime spree in North Queensland that included the assault of an 81-year-old woman in her home and the crashing of two stolen cars on a main road. ABC News (Australia) 19/5/2023 News Clare Nowland: NSW police’s decision to Taser 95-year-old woman leaves community ‘gobsmacked’ AUSTRALIA: About a week ago, Clare Nowland was in a hospital bed, knitting needles nearby, chatting with one of her daughters and Cooma’s local parish priest, Mark Croker. The Guardian 19/5/2023 News Britain is becoming incapable of policing crime The relationship between the Met and CPS must be reconfigured to ensure deterrence and justice for victims The Telegraph - Subscription at source 19/5/2023 News Not caging children under 14 is the bare minimum we can do to not torture kids AUSTRALIA: It is deeply distressing that on the one hand I, a 30-year-old white woman cancer patient, receive cards from strangers in the mail wishing me well and a speedy recovery while my former clients – 10-to-14-year-old Aboriginal children who have been mucking about – receive death threats online despite seriously needing our help. The Guardian 19/5/2023 Feature, Opinion We should study live juries to improve rape trials The ban on studying real juries should end, says says Dr Lewis Ross, while Pete Stockwell writes in support of Nicola Sturgeon’s backing for a pilot of judge-only rape trials The Guardian 19/5/2023 Feature, Opinion Officer dismissed after conviction for sexually assaulting a child A serving Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer has been dismissed without notice after he was convicted of sexually assaulting a child. Police Professional 19/5/2023 News HMICFRS rates ERSOU ‘good’ at tackling serious organised crime The Eastern Region Special Operations Unit (ERSOU) has been rated ‘good’ at tackling serious organised crime, with a new report highlighting its “specialist capabilities and work pursuing some of the region’s most dangerous offenders”. Police Professional 19/5/2023 News Drug gang exposed kids to dealing, firearms – police NEW ZEALAND: Eight men are facing charges following police raids across multiple North Island centres. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 19/5/2023 News CPS Says: Conviction rates play no part in deciding whether or not to charge a case Conviction rates play no part in CPS decision making – so we know a story this week “CPS failing victims by cherry-picking cases’ may have caused concern. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 19/5/2023 News Waikato Police arrest eight people involved in organised crime NEW ZEALAND: Yesterday, the Waikato Police Organised Crime team, alongside Asset Recovery Unit staff, arrested and charged eight people in relation to organised criminal activity and the distribution of drugs throughout the mid North Island. New Zealand Police 19/5/2023 News Courts’ Common Platform completion now set for 2025 The implementation of the Common Platform for criminal courts in England and Wales is now expected to be completed by March 2025, a year later than earlier indicated. 19/5/2023 News A day in the life of a national Federation rep out with operational officers National Board member and Devon and Cornwall Sergeant Sue Honeywill recently visited her local police station in Bodmin to speak to members about the pressures of the job and get involved with frontline duties after being off for a period of time recovering from an injury sustained on shift. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 19/5/2023 Feature, Opinion Nine police officers in Canada have been slain since last September. The big question is why now? CANADA: The police are representatives of social order and are unfortunately being targeted not as mere individuals, but for what they represent or embody, says one sociology professor. Ottawa Citizen (Canada) 19/5/2023 News Report from the Public Complaints Commission: “In the Matter of a Public Complaint against the Prince Albert Police Service” CANADA: The Commission received a request from the Prince Albert Police Service to open the investigation on February 11, 2022, following concerns raised about the Service's response to incidents surrounding Tanner's death. The Commission undertook an investigation into this matter under its jurisdiction through The Police Act, 1990. Government of Saskatchewan (Canada) 19/5/2023 Report «138613871388138913901391139213931394Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events