Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 27041 to 27060 «134913501351135213531354135513561357Next ›Last » Warwickshire – National child protection inspection post-inspection review This inspection reviewed the progress made by Warwickshire Police since the publication of our report for Warwickshire in 2022. It is part of a rolling programme of inspections of all police forces in England and Wales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 6/6/2023 Report Cheshire – National child protection inspection post-inspection review This inspection reviewed the progress made by Cheshire Constabulary since the publication of our report for Cheshire in 2022. It is part of a rolling programme of inspections of all police forces in England and Wales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 6/6/2023 Report Cheshire Constabulary and Warwickshire Police – child protection inspections We returned to Cheshire Constabulary and Warwickshire Police to follow up on our previous inspections into how well these police forces keep children safe. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 6/6/2023 News It is all about individuals, not institutions: Get the right gardeners to prune the apple tree, don’t cut it down The continuing debate about institutional racism and policing remains under the spotlight following last month’s statement by Police Scotland Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone that the force is institutionally racist; but former Police Scotland Superintendent Martin Gallagher, now an Associate of the London Policing College, believes that the real problem lies with individuals rather than institutions – including a number of senior leaders. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 6/6/2023 Feature, Opinion Community perceptions – Impact of communications and transparency on trust in the Calgary Police Service CANADA: The Commission’s community perception research has evolved over the past five years from annual quantitative surveys to quantitative and qualitative methods alternating annually. Calgary Police Commission 6/6/2023 Report Meeting Lara Chambers of Fortem: Celebrating First Responder Day Lara Chambers, Fortem's Regional Lead for Western Australia, explains more about First Responder Day on 7th June, and Fortem's work with First Responders. Fortem is a charity that focuses on providing support - whether on mental health and well being, on career management, or on clinical care - to First Responders and their families across Australia. PolicingTV 6/6/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video Correspondence relating to Transgender Prisoners: FOI Review Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 Scottish Government 5/6/2023 Report Town sees anti-social behaviour drop by almost half after introducing just one ‘bobby on the beat’ Cumbria Police hope other forces across the UK will take note and reintroduce more local ‘beat’ policing The Telegraph - Subscription at source 5/6/2023 News New FCN videos to help explain the accreditation journey FCN has released a suite of new videos and written guides to help police forces get ready to meet the Forensic Science Regulator's (FSR) requirements from later this year [VIDEO]. Forensic Capability Network 5/6/2023 Video Reading terrorist had assault charge dropped weeks before attack, court told CPS and Home Office had ‘miscommunication’ over Khairi Saadallah, who went on to kill three, pre-inquest review hears The Guardian 5/6/2023 News Police in Manchester ‘far better prepared’ for terror attack, inquiry is told Police in Manchester will be “far better prepared” for a terror attack after the arena bombing but other forces in the country should be doing more, a deputy chief constable said. Lancashire Telegraph 5/6/2023 News Politician calls for free public transport for gardai and soldiers – to tackle anti-social behaviour REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Free public transport for Gardai and Defence Forces members when they are on and off duty would help to stamp out anti-social behaviour, it has been claimed. Senator Aidan Davitt, a spokesperson for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation is calling for Gardai and Defence Forces members to be given free travel on public transport in a bid to address the “scourge” of anti-social behaviour. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 5/6/2023 News Why legally qualified chairs are key to helping build public confidence in policing As the Government hints at giving more powers to chief officers at police misconduct hearings, PFEW Conduct and Performance Lead Phil Jones discusses the history of legally qualified chairs at hearings and their vital role in maintaining an impartial, fair and transparent system for the police and public Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 5/6/2023 News Police fail to solve single burglary in half of neighbourhoods in last three years Analysis reveals no break-ins were resolved in 48.2 per cent of neighbourhoods across England and Wales in the three years to March 2023 The Telegraph - Subscription at source 5/6/2023 News ICO issues reprimand after suspects get hold of witness’ address A TVP officer had released contextual information to a Housing Authority. Thames Valley Police has been issued with a reprimand after an officer "inappropriately" disclosed contextual information about a witness to a Housing Authority. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 5/6/2023 News Survey aims to identify emerging workforce challenges in policing and wider justice sector Since 2010, Skills for Justice has conducted regular large-scale national surveys to provide a comprehensive picture of new and emerging workforce challenges in policing and the wider criminal justice system. Police Professional 5/6/2023 News Hopeless police giving muggers the green light Yes, the police need more resources. But to put those resources to proper use means a wholesale change of mindset, writes Stephen Pollard. Express 5/6/2023 Feature, Opinion Search for human remains begins after Surry Hills fire AUSTRALIA: Human remains could be found in the rubble of a fire that tore through a building in Sydney’s Surry Hills. The West Australian (Australia) 5/6/2023 News Indigenous deaths in custody at record high and public perception of police worst in 10 years, report finds AUSTRALIA: Indigenous deaths in custody are at their highest in the 15 years that records have been kept while public perceptions of the honesty and fairness of police officers has reached a 10-year low, according to new data from the federal Productivity Commission. The Guardian 5/6/2023 News Met Police officer charged with assault by beating relating to arrest of man in Romford A Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer is due in court tomorrow to face a charge of assault by beating relating to the arrest of a man in Romford, east London in November 2022. Police Constable Jonathan Marsh, 33, who is attached to the East Area Command will attend Westminster Magistrates’ Court on 6 June. He has been charged in connection with an ongoing investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 5/6/2023 News «134913501351135213531354135513561357Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events