Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 26961 to 26980 «134513461347134813491350135113521353Next ›Last » Met says it will make public key findings of coronation arrests review Assistant commissioner declines to give publication date and defends right to make arrests without evidence The Guardian 7/6/2023 News New legislation aims to prevent officers resigning during misconduct proceedings Police officers will no longer be able to resign to avoid disciplinary proceedings under proposed new laws in Scotland. Police Professional 7/6/2023 News Officer charged with breaching notification requirements under the Sexual Offences Act The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has authorised charges against Superintendent Novlett Robyn Williams for breaches of notification requirements under the Sexual Offences Act. Police Professional 7/6/2023 News University looking for officers and staff to take part in wellbeing study The University of Lincoln is inviting police officers and staff to take part in research on wellbeing. Police Professional 7/6/2023 News Edmonton police constable, 2 former community peace officers charged in holding-cell death CANADA: An Edmonton police officer and two former peace officers have been charged in relation to the 2020 death of a man who overdosed in a holding cell. CBC News (Canada) 7/6/2023 News Almost 90% of bike thefts in England go unsolved Almost 90% of bike thefts reported in England in 2022 went unsolved, according to figures from the House of Commons Library. BBC 7/6/2023 News Added police presence about sense of safety, not ‘root causes’ of concern CANADA: The additional police presence downtown doesn’t address the “root causes” of real and perceived safety concerns, acknowledges the man responsible for overseeing a foot patrol pilot project now underway, but that’s not the goal. [AUDIO] Guelph Today (Canada) 7/6/2023 News Assessing reasonable grounds – three times a charm CANADA: It took three levels of court before an officer’s grounds for impairment were finally found to be objectively reasonable. In R. v. Macfie, 2023 SKCA 39 an off-duty officer was driving a police vehicle home at the end of his shift when his attention was drawn to a truck that was oddly parked at a grocery store at 4:40 a.m. Blue Line (Canada) 7/6/2023 Feature Bill to prevent officers resigning to avoid misconduct Bill means officers facing allegations will be placed on advisory list and outcomes will be published online. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/6/2023 News Metropolitan Police will apologise if mistakes made over coronation arrests The Metropolitan Police has previously expressed "regret" for arresting some individuals, including the leader of an anti-monarchy group, before releasing them without charge. Sky News 7/6/2023 News Byrne arrest ‘a blow’ to Kinahan crime group, says senior garda REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Assistant Garda Commissioner for Organised and Serious Crime has described the arrest of Liam Byrne by Spanish authorities as "a blow" to the Kinahan Organised Crime Group. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 7/6/2023 News Canadian police are becoming more militarized, and that is damaging public trust With police tactical response units using the latest hi-tech equipment that often shares striking similarities with military kit, new Canadian research has highlighted the impact that such an appearance and approach can have on public trust in the police, as University of Waterloo PhD Candidate Tandeep Sidhu explains. Policing Insight 7/6/2023 Analysis, Feature 2022 was Cork’s worst year for crime in past five REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A comprehensive overview of the crime situation in Cork has been delivered in an analysis of figures tabulating the numbers of offences reported to each of the country’s 564 Garda station in 2022 which was published this week. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 7/6/2023 News Operation Thor – Winter phase 2022/ 2023 (Provisional residential burglary statistics) REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: 2.8% decrease in residential burglaries during Operation Thor Winter Phase 2022/2023 (2,988 residential burglaries) compared to Summer Phase 2022 (3,067 residential burglaries). An Garda Síochána 7/6/2023 News Hiding in plain sight: identifying partner stalking in intimate partner violence episodes reported to New Zealand Police In relationships characterised by current or previous intimate partner violence (IPV), partner stalking is a commonly occurring phenomenon. In this study, we examined police-recorded partner stalking in IPV episode reports across 1150 cases to (a) consider the overlap between IPV and partner stalking, and the relevance of the aggressor and victim’s relationship phase to defining partner stalking; and (b) contribute empirical evidence about partner stalking prevalence rates and identification rates by police and victims. A secondary aim involved exploring possible differences between IPV cases with and without partner stalking. Although few police or victims explicitly used the label ‘stalking', we identified evidence of partner stalking within one in every seven IPV cases reported to New Zealand Police. Further, this study contributed novel analysis about relationship dynamics by adding an on–off relationship phase to the typically dichotomised categories of intact and separated relationships. In turn, we identified partner stalking relatively rarely within intact relationships; and significantly more frequently, and at similar rates, across both the separated and on–off relationship phases. Finally, we discuss implications for defining the overlap between IPV and partner stalking, police practice, and future research. Psychology Crime and Law 7/6/2023 Research article Circumstances, policing, and attrition of multiple compared to single perpetrator rape cases within the South African criminal justice system Background: Research into the circumstances of rape, and criminal justice system responses, is pivotal to informing prevention and improving the likelihood of justice for victims. In this paper, we explore the differences in the circumstances of multiple-perpetrator rapes (MPRs) and single-perpetrator rapes (SPRs), their case management, and attrition, and describe areas for improvemensuplt around rape response within the South African criminal justice system. Methods: The sample comprised 3952 rape cases reported to the South African Police Services (SAPS) in 2012, selected through a multi-stage random sampling of 172 police stations from a total of 1164 police stations in the nine provinces, followed by the random selection of cases from each station’s case list. Data were abstracted from police dockets, medico-legal examination forms, charge sheets, and trial transcripts. MPRs were defined as cases in which more than one perpetrator had sexual contact with the victim during a single incident, i.e., sexually assaulted or raped. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests for associations were used to compare MPRs and SPRs in circumstances of the rape, case management, and attrition. Results: Seventeen percent of cases were MPRs. MPRs were comparably more violent crimes with a higher frequency of aggressive tactics employed by perpetrators, for example, abductions, firearms use, and threats to kill. Overall, cases were often poorly handled by police, and there were deviations from standard policing and investigation procedures; we found more evidence of this with MPRs compared to SPRs. MPR cases were most likely to have been closed by police due to undetected perpetrators in combination with other victim reasons. The weaker investigations of MPRs were associated with higher attrition rates compared to SPRs, firstly at the police investigation and subsequent stages. Conclusions: The findings confirm differences in case management, patterns of attrition and trajectories of MPRs compared to SPRs. In an overall context of high rape case attrition and impunity for perpetrators, MPR victims are even less likely to see justice served than SPR victims. There needs to be much more effective supervision of rape case investigations by SAPS, particularly in MPR cases. Continual investigator training strengthened supervision and better resourcing are necessary to improve MPRs detection and convictions in adherence to the Directives for rape policing. Crime Science Journal 7/6/2023 Research article Violence against women commissioner should be appointed, review concludes Violence against women and girls commissioner should be appointed by the Scottish Government to ensure it is meeting international human rights obligations, an independent review has concluded. Holyrood Magazine 7/6/2023 News AFP tech lifting search warrant game AUSTRALIA: The AFP has revealed some of the state-of-the-art technology used to locate the illicit treasure troves of criminals across Australia. The AFP Forensic Search and Imagery Team has – for the first time – detailed some of its most advanced, key forensic technology helping investigators locate and seize illicit drugs, money and other objects hidden by criminals in an attempt to evade law enforcement.The formerly secretive technology is part of a suite of high-grade AFP assets – including a range of radars, scanners and detectors that can locate items buried underground, concealed within concrete or solid objects and even underwater. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 7/6/2023 News Indigenous deaths in custody a ‘national shame’. Govt hails justice reinvestment as the answer AUSTRALIA: The government has pledged to support 15 communities in designing and developing early-stage justice reinvestment strategies which will work to reduce incarceration rates. SBS News (Australia) 7/6/2023 News One year on: Examining new powers to tackle terrorist content online New powers introduced by the European Union to tackle terrorist content online includes far-reaching obligations for host service providers both inside and outside the EU; but as Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth reports, much more needs to be done to raise awareness of the regulations among tech providers, government, law enforcement and others in order for them to be effective. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/6/2023 Feature, Innovation «134513461347134813491350135113521353Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events