Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98688 total results. Showing results 26941 to 26960 «134413451346134713481349135013511352Next ›Last » Met Police apologises for failings towards LGBTQ+ community in ‘historic first’ The head of the Met Police has apologised for past failings towards the LGBTQ+ community in a historic first. Metro 7/6/2023 News Surrey Police Union launches new website critical of Mayor Brenda Locke CANADA: With the future of policing in Surrey still up in the air, the Surrey Police Service's union has launched a new website. accuses Mayor Brenda Locke of stalling on the police decision and playing political games while officers are kept off the streets. Global News (Canada) 7/6/2023 News WA Police Commissioner praises officers who helped constable after being run over in Ascot following Perth pursuit AUSTRALIA: The WA police commissioner has revealed how an officer apprehended three suspects and rescued their partner who had been dragged and pinned underneath a vehicle. ABC News (Australia) 7/6/2023 News Increase in homicides, threats to kill, drugs and robberies by young offenders in 2020 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Juvenile crime in relation to homicide, threats to kill, drugs, robberies and use of weapons including firearms all increased in the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, despite a reduction in overall crime by young offenders during 2020, according to a new report.Figures recorded by the Garda Youth Diversion Programme (GYDP) also reveal increases in other types of crime committed by teenagers and children under 18 years including possession and distribution of child pornography, abuse of animals and road traffic offences. Breaking News (Republic of Ireland) 7/6/2023 News An Garda SÃochána appointed as a competent authority under the EU Terrorist Content Online Regulation REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: On 1 June, Minister for Justice Simon Harris signed the European Union (Online Dissemination of Terrorist Content) (Designation of the Commissioner of the Garda SÃochána as a Competent Authority) Regulations 2023 (the Regulations) into law. The Regulations designate An Garda SÃochána as: Lexology 7/6/2023 News RCMP union tells Ottawa to stop making Mounties investigate colleagues CANADA: The union representing RCMP officers says one way to improve accountability in the national police force is to stop tasking Mounties with investigating colleagues accused of wrongdoing. The federal government is working to pass a bill that would expand the mandate of the RCMP's watchdog, the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission, before Parliament rises for the summer break. CBC News (Canada) 7/6/2023 News Greater Manchester Police officer convicted of unauthorised access to computer material A Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) accused of unauthorised access to computer material following an Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) investigation has been found guilty following a trial at Preston Crown Court. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), Police Oracle 7/6/2023 News Licensing officer accused of corruption says ‘my work was impartial’ West End licensing unit officer has admitted accepting gifts. A Metropolitan Police officer who took bribes from nightclub owners and security bosses has told a jury: "My work was always impartial." Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/6/2023 News Senior officer accused of failing to disclose information Supt Novlett Williams will appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on June 16. A Met Superintendent who was put on the sex offenders' register for five years are being convicted of possessing a child abuse video is to be charged with five notification offences the CPS has said. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/6/2023 News Frontline officers to receive advanced casualty first aid training by 2025 College of Policing lead tells Arena bomb progress hearing that training provision will be increased. All frontline officers will receive advanced training by April 2025 which will help officers learn life-saving techniques such as how to stop catastrophic bleeding and the management of an airway, a hearing to monitor recommendations made following the public inquiry into the Manchester Arena bombing has heard. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/6/2023 News Met custody sergeant killed with revolver hidden in underarm holster Search of suspect on arrest found ammunition and cannabis but not firearm court told. A police station detainee shot dead a custody sergeant while he was handcuffed, using an antique revolver he had hidden in an underarm holster, a murder trial has heard. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/6/2023 News Queensland Indigenous communities fearful as police set back community rehabilitation AUSTRALIA: Queensland police faced criticism this week after it was revealed they had allegedly threatened to raid a government-supported justice rehabilitation camp for Indigenous children, and had twice disrupted local efforts to steer a young boy away from crime. National Indigenous Times (NIT) (Australia) 7/6/2023 News Violent and vulnerable: Ricky, 14, has been to jail 15 times. In Queensland’s youth justice system, he lost hope AUSTRALIA: Designated a ‘serious repeat offender’ by the state, Ricky has been written off by a conflicted, punitive and overwhelmed authority. The Guardian 7/6/2023 Feature Chinese nationals arrested for allegedly trafficking meth AUSTRALIA: The AFP has charged two Chinese nationals for their alleged roles in a Sydney drug trafficking operation that was working with multiple criminal syndicates. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 7/6/2023 News Huge hauls of meth at the border dwarf police seizures NEW ZEALAND: Down at Ports of Auckland in a spotless warehouse Customs staff are hauling out some of the items they've found big hauls of illicit drugs in. 1 News (New Zealand) 7/6/2023 News, Video Police officer who tasered unarmed man three times in cells no longer working for NZ Police NEW ZEALAND: A Tauranga police officer who tasered an unarmed, mentally-ill man three times in the court cells, including as he lay face down on the concrete, has stopped working for New Zealand Police - four years after the incident. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 7/6/2023 News Supreme Court rejects final appeal bid by mother of police shooting victim Steven Wallace NEW ZEALAND: The country's highest court has ended a mother's decades-long battle for accountability for the fatal police shooting of her son. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 7/6/2023 News Soft touch Britain: Police fail to solve single burglary in HALF of areas Police have failed to solve a single burglary in nearly half of areas in England and Wales over the past three years GB News 7/6/2023 News Police will apologise over coronation arrests if officers made mistakes The security operation included the arrest of six anti-monarchy protesters and three charity volunteers who were all later released without charge The Independent 7/6/2023 News The secret life of a Met detective: why Jess McDonald quit her job – and decided to tell all Jess McDonald was still on probation as a trainee police detective when she encountered her first alleged rapist. Like much else she describes in her memoir, No Comment, the interview didn’t go at all as expected. The Guardian 7/6/2023 Feature, Interview «134413451346134713481349135013511352Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events