Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98694 total results. Showing results 26861 to 26880 «134013411342134313441345134613471348Next ›Last » Alarm at Garda use of mental health powers REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Mental Health Commission (MHC) has again expressed alarm at the rising level of involuntary detentions initiated by gardaí and has called for the matter to be addressed “at the highest levels”. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 9/6/2023 News Devon and Cornwall Police to change way it responds to some mental health 999 calls Devon and Cornwall Police is to introduce "new working practices" in how it deals with some mental health calls. It is also changing the way it responds to reports of people missing from care facilities when they are not deemed to be in immediate danger. Devon Live 9/6/2023 News Police receive no training in e-bike chases as watchdog probes third death of teen in a month The College of Policing has extensive guidelines around the pursuit of vehicles including cars and motorcycles, but specifically excludes bicycles – including e-bikes which can travel at up to 28mph i News 9/6/2023 News Trust in police hanging by a thread, inspectorate says Time is running out if the police and the government are to restore public trust in policing, the Chief Inspector of Constabulary has warned. BBC 9/6/2023 News ‘Hanging by a thread’: Public trust in police has fallen to its lowest level ever, watchdog warns His Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary Andy Cooke - who presides over police forces in England and Wales - says too many officers have been able to abuse their position for sexual purposes. Sky News 9/6/2023 News Teenager riding e-bike dies in crash after police chase in Salford He is the third young person in just over a fortnight to have been killed after being pursued by officers The Times - Subscription at source 9/6/2023 News Response to HMICFRS State of Policing 2022 report NPCC Chair, Chief Constable Gavin Stephens responds to His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) report on the State of Policing 2022. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 9/6/2023 News APCC response to HMICFRS state of policing report 2022 APCC Chair, Marc Jones said: “This report rightly recognises some of the key challenges that all policing leaders face in repairing trust with the public. Confidence is fundamental to our policing system and something that Police and Crime Commissioners are working to address as a priority. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 9/6/2023 News Concepta Leonard: Lessons must be learned from woman’s murder, family say The family of an "amazing and kind" woman killed in her own home by her former partner has said police and social services "must learn lessons" from her death. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 9/6/2023 News HMCIC warns public trust in policing ‘hangs by a thread’ as the service faces a ‘limited window’ to act In his first State of Policing assessment report as HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Andy Cooke has warned that public trust and confidence in policing is “hanging by a thread”, with the service having a “limited window of opportunity” in which to act; he also called for change to start from the top, and for more powers for the Inspectorate to be able to direct forces to rectify problems, as Policing Insight’s Keith Potter reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/6/2023 Analysis, Feature Can a Virtual Reality Training Scenario Elicit Similar Stress Response as a Realistic Scenario-Based Training Scenario? One key feature for scenario-based training is introducing stressful, realistic scenarios for trainees. Some law enforcement agencies have begun using virtual reality systems to provide scenario training for their officers. Therefore, the current study was conducted to assess if a virtual reality training scenario can elicit a similar stress response as a realistic scenario-based training scenario. The independent groups quasi-experiment collected salivary markers of acute stress (α-amylase and secretory immunoglobulin A) prior to, and immediately following, either an in-person scenario-based training exercise (n=31) or a virtual reality scenario (n=27) based on the in-person exercise. Difference-in-difference and two-way ANOVA tests were performed. Overall, participants exposed to the virtual reality scenario experienced a similar stress response to the realistic in-person scenario-based training exercise. Implications for law enforcement agencies are discussed to hopefully move police training forward. Police Quarterly - Subscription at source 9/6/2023 Research article Policing with a gender perspective INTERPOL releases centenary compendium outlining initiatives from around the world INTERPOL 9/6/2023 Report Officers must have access to right resources to salvage policing and the police service PFEW National Chair Steve Hartshorn said: “At the outset, I would like to thank Andy Cooke for the timely and realistic assessment of policing in England and Wales. “Policing and the police service are indeed at a historic turning point, and HMICFRS is right when it says that ‘there is a limited window of opportunity to repair public trust’. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 9/6/2023 News Voice parades: research on how voice identification can be improved Peter Goodwin, Dr Harriet Smith, Dr Jeremy Robson and Dr Kirsty McDougall discuss detailed research involving mock-voice parade experiments. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/6/2023 Feature Chief HMIC calls for power to order forces to improve performance 'Too often we've seen forces failing to act, or not acting quickly enough, to address our recommendations.' Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/6/2023 News Public confidence in the police “hangs by a thread, warns chief inspector The police service is at a historic turning point – and there is a limited window of opportunity to repair public trust, His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary has warned. Police Professional 9/6/2023 News Make forces tackle sexual misconduct in the ranks, police chief says His Majesty’s chief inspector of constabulary said “horrendous scandals and disgraceful issues” have left public trust and confidence on a knife edge The Times - Subscription at source 9/6/2023 News Indigenous deaths in custody in 2022 at the highest level in 15 years, report reveals AUSTRALIA: A new report released by the Productivity Commission has revealed Indigenous deaths in custody last year were at the highest level in 15 years. National Indigenous Times (NIT) (Australia) 9/6/2023 News New independent advisory board welcomed to the Royal New Zealand Police College NEW ZEALAND: The newly established RNZPC Independent Advisory Board (the Board) was welcomed to the Royal New Zealand Police College (RNZPC) on Wednesday 31 May. New Zealand Police 9/6/2023 News Over 50% of Irish farmers have been victims of thefts, survey says REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: More than 50% of Irish farmers say they were victims of thefts, where items such as firearms, equipment, tools, machinery, fuel, and money have been stolen. That's according to new research studying farm-based crime which also says more than 70% of victims filed a report with An Garda Síochána, 29% did not. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 9/6/2023 News «134013411342134313441345134613471348Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events