Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98714 total results. Showing results 26661 to 26680 «133013311332133313341335133613371338Next ›Last » A job like no other Belinda Goodwin, National Board member and Wellbeing lead, talks about the importance of response policing and recounts a memorable incident she responded to as a young Met response officer. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 15/6/2023 Feature, Opinion Update on investigation into police handling of missing person reports prior to vehicle and occupants found in St Mellons The Independent Office for Police Conduct’s (IOPC) investigation into police actions following missing person reports relating to five people who were later found with a car off the A48 in the St Mellons area of Cardiff, is continuing. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 15/6/2023 News Australia police review finds officers have ‘inadequate training’ to deal with domestic violence AUSTRALIA: An investigation into Australia’s New South Wales Police Force released Wednesday found that police officers lack appropriate training to manage domestic violence cases and identified gaps in reporting processes. Jurist (Canada) 15/6/2023 News SPF calls for Chief Constable Jo Farrell to support frontline officers and recognise the impact of low pay on the service The Scottish Police Federation is calling on the new Chief Constable of Police Scotland, Jo Farrell, to support frontline police officers and to recognise the impact of low pay on the service. Scottish Police Federation (SPF) 15/6/2023 News St Mellons crash: Officer served with misconduct notice in crash probe A police officer has been served with a misconduct notice relating to the search for a group of young people who were found days after a fatal crash. BBC 15/6/2023 News More action to fight fraud, bribery and other economic crime Plans have been submitted to modernise the identification doctrine, a legal principle which can hold corporations criminally liable for an offence. Home Office 15/6/2023 News Officers conduct proactive join operation with An Garda Síochána in Armagh Following a joint operation with colleagues from An Garda Síochána, officers from the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Unit, assisted by officers from the Armagh Neighbourhood Policing Team, conducted a proactive policing operation at a business premises in the Armagh area. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 15/6/2023 News Tasmanian Agencies Transition to $763m Telstra, Motorola Solutions Critical Communications Network AUSTRALIA: The Tasmanian Government has announced eight Tasmanian public safety agencies will soon transition to the Government Radio Network (TasGRN) provided by Telstra and Motorola Solutions. The Critical Communications Review 15/6/2023 News Study examines impact of police body armour on breast health A new study is examining how police body armour affects the breast health of female officers. BBC 15/6/2023 News Teenage burglars behind surge in youth crime across Victoria, police figures show AUSTRALIA: Youth crime in Victoria has surged, with the latest crime statistics showing burglaries committed by 10 to 14-year-olds almost doubling in the past year. Statistics, released on Thursday, show a small increase in the state's overall crime rate, although Victoria Police say the figures are lower than in the pre-COVID era. ABC News (Australia) 15/6/2023 News Police don’t support carve outs for serious offences in ACT’s criminal responsibility age raise bill AUSTRALIA: Police do not support exceptions for young people accused of serious crimes, including murder and sexual assault, when the ACT raises the age of criminal responsibility. The Canberra Times (Australia) 15/6/2023 News Ex-Staffordshire PC Alan Rossi barred from serving A former policeman who made false entries on police computer systems and also lied to a victim of crime has been barred from ever serving again BBC 15/6/2023 News Ōpōtiki Mongrel Mob Barbarians death: MP says new powers to crack down on gangs used for first time NEW ZEALAND: New laws aimed at cracking down on gang activity were used for the first time yesterday following a funeral procession near Whakatāne for a slain Mongrel Mob boss, Justice Minister Kiri Allan says. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 15/6/2023 News Use of police dog to find hiding woman ‘out of proportion’ – IPCA NEW ZEALAND: The police watchdog has ruled an officer should not have set his dog on a woman hiding in a bush. The woman had been a passenger in a car that failed to stop for police. The bite left her with life-long injuries. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 15/6/2023 News Operation Regis: Police, Customs, alongside international partners, intercept millions worth of methamphetamine at the border NEW ZEALAND: A multi-million dollar international drug operation has been upended with New Zealand, Australian, and Canadian authorities working together to uncover an elaborate scheme to import methamphetamine hidden in maple syrup. New Zealand Police 15/6/2023 News Greater Manchester Police hands criminals’ cash to charities More than £5m seized from criminals will be spent on supporting victims, preventing crime, and funding a range of activities for young people. BBC 15/6/2023 News Child killer Colin Pitchfork can be released from prison, Parole Board says Board says it is no longer necessary for the protection of the public for Pitchfork, 63, to remain in jail The Guardian 15/6/2023 News Police officer charged with sexual assaults A Surrey Police officer has been charged with two counts of sexual assualt, the force says. BBC 15/6/2023 News Police officer appears in court on coercive behaviour charge A police officer has appeared in court accused of coercive behaviour. BBC 15/6/2023 News NPCC and college publish joint response to Daniel Morgan murder inquiry The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) says the “fundamental mistakes” made in the investigation into the 1987 murder of Daniel Morgan “should not be repeated today”. Police Professional 15/6/2023 News «133013311332133313341335133613371338Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events