Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98722 total results. Showing results 26641 to 26660 «132913301331133213331334133513361337Next ›Last » Vancouver Police Board member resigns after vote to reconsider school liaison officer program cancelled CANADA: A member of the Vancouver Police Department's board has resigned after a vote on the proposed return of the school liaison officer (SLO) program was cancelled. CBC News (Canada) 16/6/2023 News, Video CPS authorises sexual offence charges against Michael Lockwood Rosemary Ainslie, Head of the Special Crime Division at the CPS, said: “After carefully considering all of the evidence provided to us by Humberside Police, we have authorised charges against Michael Lockwood, 64, for nine offences under the Sexual Offences Act 1956. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 16/6/2023 News The Police – Military Veterans Wellness Program: An update CANADA: In the November 2020 issue of Blue Line, Cst. Aaron Dale joined me as a co-author to introduce the newly created Military Veterans Wellness Program. Blue Line (Canada) 16/6/2023 Feature The challenge of policing e-bikes PFEW Roads Policing Lead Brian Booth has discussed the ongoing pressures faced by police in relation to the increase of electric vehicles on the roads of England and Wales. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 16/6/2023 News Garda Drugs Unit to receive first ever ‘detector’ dog REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A new specialised Garda ‘detector’ dog which is trained to detect drugs like cannabis and cocaine, is to be located in Donegal. Donegal News (Republic of Ireland) 16/6/2023 News Former minister Pat Carey to receive ‘substantial damages’ over Garda leak REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda Commissioner has said information about an investigation into allegations of child sexual abuse against former minister Pat Carey should never have found their way into the public domain. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 16/6/2023 News Former minister Pat Carey receives garda apology over leak REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Lawyers for the Garda Commissioner have apologised in the High Court to former Fianna Fáil TD Pat Carey for the leaking of information about an investigation relating to him in 2015. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 16/6/2023 News, Video Understanding Domestic Abuse Perpetrators: using unsupervised machine learning to analyse a longitudinal dataset of domestic abuse incidents from Essex Police. A Home-Office funded project. 2022 This project set out to address the following question: Are there any common profiles of domestic abuse perpetrators in Essex, and do they present different risks and opportunities for targeted interventions? To answer this question we conducted a mixed-methods study, analysing a large, longitudinal database of domestic abuse incidents and suspect data -relating to 16,491 suspects and 40,488 observations between 2016-2020- provided by Essex Police. Our findings, presented in this executive summary, reveal at least 4 distinct clusters of domestic abuse suspects in Essex. We explore the implications of these for interventions, training, and commissioning, and make recommendations for further research. CRIMRXIV 16/6/2023 Research article The end of protest? Service values and public trust are more important than assessing ‘more than minor hinderance’ The UK’s new Public Order Act completed its late night passage through the House of Lords this week, with the Government using rare secondary legislation to secure its success; Senior Policing Lecturer Owen West, a former chief superintendent and public order policing specialist, believes it is not only members of the upper house who regret the new law – police officers and commanders will face an impossible task in trying to interpret and implement the Act. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/6/2023 Analysis, Feature, Opinion Police force reports on the effectiveness of vetting and counter-corruption arrangements Today we published reports on the effectiveness of vetting arrangements in eight police forces [Cheshire, City of London, Cleveland, Essex, Gwent, Lancashire, North Wales and Staffordshire]. Some of these also include findings on IT monitoring and counter-corruption. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/6/2023 Report Former police watchdog chief Michael Lockwood charged with rape of girl Lockwood, 64, is accused of six counts of indecent assault and three counts of rape against a girl under the age of 16 The Guardian 16/6/2023 News Youth crime rises dramatically in recent Victorian crime data AUSTRALIA: The number of children committing criminal offences has risen by nearly 50 per cent, new data released by Victoria Police shows. The data, released this week, has shone a spotlight on youth offending in Victoria and in particular the growing prevalence of youth gangs. Perth Now (Australia) 16/6/2023 News NSW Police plan for major strike unless Labor step in AUSTRALIA: Chris O’Keefe spoke to Police Association’s Pat Gooley to explain why the cops are in a spot of strife. [AUDIO] 2GB (Australia) 16/6/2023 News Six men charged amid global crime syndicate’s attempt to traffic $1.7 billion worth of methamphetamine to Australia AUSTRALIA: Two men have been charged with attempting to import methamphetamine from a global criminal syndicate that has attempted to traffic almost $1.7 billion worth of the high-harm drug to Australia over several months. A further four men, who allegedly tried to buy the illicit drugs in Australia, have also been charged. The AFP and Victoria Police Victorian Joint Organised Crime Taskforce (JOCTF), working with Five Eyes Law Enforcement Group partners, has prevented more than six tonnes of liquid crystal methamphetamine from arriving in Australia in four separate ventures. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 16/6/2023 News Te Pae Oranga expands to help more Waikato communities NEW ZEALAND: A successful way of responding to offending that also helps people in trouble to turn their lives around is expanding to help more communities in Waikato. New Zealand Police 16/6/2023 News Joint response to Daniel Morgan Independent report published The NPCC and College have published a joint response detailing the progress made against recommendations laid out by the Daniel Morgan Independent Inquiry report in June 2021. Police Oracle 16/6/2023 News Support for new police powers to stop slow-moving portests Surrey PCC Lisa Townsend and the National Chair of the PFEW Steve Hartshorn have backed a new interpretation of 'serious disruption' which will allow officer to intervene earlier. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/6/2023 News ’Breaking point’: Union outraged over Chalker payout revelation AUSTRALIA: The police union has hit out at the NT government’s decision to skim Jamie Chalker’s mystery payout off the top of the police budget. The Courier Mail (Australia) - Subscription at source 16/6/2023 News Calls for greater Garda presence in Cork after Grand Parade stabbing REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: There have been fresh calls for an increased Garda presence on the streets in Cork city centre after a man was critically injured in a stabbing incident at Grand Parade on Wednesday evening. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 16/6/2023 News Project ADDER programme data TRANSPARENCY DATA: Data on Project ADDER, a programme launched in November 2020 to reduce drug-related offending, drug deaths and drug use. Home Office 16/6/2023 Report «132913301331133213331334133513361337Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events