Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 26421 to 26440 «131813191320132113221323132413251326Next ›Last » Waterworld: the work of Essex Police’s Marine Unit As the number of summer visitors builds Essex Police's Marine Unit is once more launching an operation to keep 562 miles of coastline and waterways safe. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/6/2023 Feature Recruiting now: Authorised Firearms Officer ADVERTORIAL: Northamptonshire Police are looking for authorised firearms officers to join a dynamic team to fight crime and protect the public. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/6/2023 Jobs Thunder Bay Police Services Board names new chair, vice chair as it prepares to get voting powers restored CANADA: The Thunder Bay Police Services Board has named its new chair and vice chair with Karen Machado stepping into the role effective July 1. CBC News (Canada) 21/6/2023 News Rob Shaw: If the Police Act won’t let the province decide Surrey’s police force, fix the act CANADA: Solicitor General Mike Farnworth’s inability to end years of bickering around Surrey policing with a clear provincial decision has made one thing evident. [AUDIO] Pique News Magazine (Canada) 21/6/2023 Feature, Opinion Offences Against the State Act – Independent Review Group’s Reports REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Independent Review Group to Examine the Offences Against the State Acts (“the Review Group”) was appointed by the Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, on 16th February 2021. Government of Ireland 21/6/2023 Report Minister Helen McEntee publishes independent review of State’s primary counter-terrorism legislation REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee T.D. has published the review of the Offences Against the State Acts following its consideration by Cabinet on Tuesday. Government of Ireland 21/6/2023 News EU focus day to prevent burglaries 21/06/2023 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An Garda Síochána, as a member of the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) and 16 European countries aim to step up the fight against domestic burglary by informing citizens on how they can better protect their homes against this crime. An Garda Síochána 21/6/2023 News, Video How the legal tools to prevent forced marriage can lead to further abuse Forced marriage affects millions of people around the world from many different cultures, and forced marriage protection orders (FMPOs) were introduced in England and Wales to prevent such crimes; but new research by Prof Sundari Anitha and Prof Aisha K Gill shows that the legal tools currently available fall seriously short of protecting victims of forced marriage from further abuse. Policing Insight 21/6/2023 Analysis, Feature Home Secretary urges police to ‘ramp up’ use of stop and search The Home Secretary has written to the chief constables of all 43 police forces in England and Wales urging them to “ramp up the use of stop and search”. Police Professional 21/6/2023 News MPS ‘sorry for the trauma’ caused in strip search of ‘Child Q’ The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) says it is “sorry for the trauma” it caused a black schoolgirl who was strip searched by officers. Police Professional 21/6/2023 News Officer given final written warning for falsifying firearms training records would now have been dismissed An officer previously given a final written warning for falsifying firearms training records would now have been dismissed had she not resigned. Police Professional 21/6/2023 News An exploration of police discretion in the identification of child victims of county lines drug trafficking In recent years, children’s involvement in County Lines drug trafficking (CL) has been of increasing concern to national government, the police and safeguarding agencies. However, few studies have explored how child victims of county lines are identified by the police. This exploratory research study provides insights into the police decision-making process for identifying child victims of CL. Interviews with eight police officers from three police forces in South England were conducted to understand how they came to recognise children involved in CL as victims and in turn, how this related to decisions to refer children into the UK’s formal victim-identification system – the National Referral Mechanism (NRM). The research found decisions to recognise children as victims and later refer them into the NRM varied amongst the police officers in the sample. This was because officers had different understandings of what constitutes modern slavery, considered different factors in their decisions about signs of exploitation, displayed varying attitudes towards children involved in CL and viewed their duties in CL cases differently to one another. The research also identifies various barriers in the process of victim-identification. The most significant barrier appeared to be the over-reliance on victim accounts, compounded by the inability of children to disclose exploitation. The notion that children involved in CL may have experienced differing levels of exploitation and display varying levels of willingness to facilitate CL drug dealing, further complicated understandings of what constitutes a victim and in turn an NRM referral. Policing and Society - Subscription at source 21/6/2023 Research article Applying Video-Based Systematic Social Observation to Police Use of Force Encounters: An Assessment of De-Escalation and Escalation within the Context of Proportionality and Incrementalism Although researchers have generated many studies related to police use of force, with an increasing focus on de-escalation, none have sought to systematically assess escalation, related factors, and the extent to which force usage may be considered appropriate from an objectively reasonable framework. Using video-based data (N = 540) from two agencies (Dallas and Smith County, TX) this study employs a Systematic Social Observation (SSO) methodology and incorporates an modified analytical tool (i.e., Resistance Force Comparative Scheme) to assesses de-escalation/escalation. The findings demonstrate that officers most commonly use proportional and incremental force during suspect encounters, neither de-escalating nor escalating. However, when officers do deviate, they are much more likely to escalate as opposed to de-escalate. Further, officers are more apt to use escalated force during proactive encounters, as well as when interacting with suspects who are male and impaired. Additionally, officers with a more negative demeanor (i.e., disrespectful) are more likely to use escalated force. Conversely, officers are less likely to use escalated force when backup officers are on scene, when there is more evidence of a crime present, and when interacting with older suspects. We discuss the training, policy, and research implications of this work, as well as the importance of conducting methodologically rigorous use of force studies within the framework of potential appropriateness. Justice Quarterly - Subscription at source 21/6/2023 Research article The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on the Adjudication of Citizen Complaints of Police Misconduct We use citizen complaint data from the Chicago Police Department and Civilian Office of Police Accountability filed between 2013-2020 to determine the extent to which Body-worn camera (BWC) footage enhances the efficacy of evidence used to formulate a conclusion of responsibility, and whether racial disparities in investigation outcomes would subsequently be reduced. Accordingly, we exploit the staggered deployment of BWCs across 22 Chicago police districts over time to estimate the effect of BWCs on these outcomes. Findings indicate BWCs led to a significant decrease in the dismissal of investigations due to insufficient evidence (“not sustained”) and a significant increase in disciplinary actions against police officers (“sustained” “outcomes”) with sufficient evidence to sanction their misconduct. We further find that disparities in complaints across racial groups for the “unsustained” category faded away with the implementation of BWCs. The article concludes with theoretical and research implications based on the findings. Justice Quarterly - Subscription at source 21/6/2023 Research article Reforms for police leadership welcomed The College of Policing have today published new national leadership standards to support professional development across policing. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 21/6/2023 News UK Policing’s Lead for Serious Organised Crime visits crime campus Chief Constable Steve Jupp visited the Scottish Crime Campus recently. Police Scotland 21/6/2023 News New leadership standards for officers, staff and volunteers We've released our leadership standards, which apply to everyone in policing, including staff and volunteers. They set out the knowledge, understanding, skills and behaviours expected of effective leaders, whatever their rank or role. College of Policing 21/6/2023 News College unveils ‘radical’ changes to police leadership training Leadership training will be delivered to every rank and role across the service under “radical” changes announced by the College of Policing on Wednesday (June 21). Police Professional 21/6/2023 News Lawyer X investigator threatens to quit because prosecutors won’t charge police AUSTRALIA: The former High Court judge tasked with deciding if criminal charges should be laid in the Lawyer X saga has threatened to quit because the public prosecutor will not charge the Victoria Police officers he has collected evidence against. Special Investigator Geoffrey Nettle tabled an explosive report to parliament on Wednesday, saying it appeared to be a “waste of time and resources” to pursue the Nicola Gobbo matter any further. The Age (Australia) 21/6/2023 News ‘I had to call the same garda station three times in one night’ – Campaigner claims lack of consistency in domestic violence response REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A domestic violence campaigner says he had to call gardaí three times before an alleged abuser was removed from a victim’s home. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 21/6/2023 News «131813191320132113221323132413251326Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events