Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 26401 to 26420 «131713181319132013211322132313241325Next ›Last » Met officer guilty of pepper-spraying serial robber clinging to tower block A Metropolitan Police officer has been convicted of assaulting a serial robber by pepper-spraying him while he was clinging to a drainpipe on a 15-storey building The Standard 21/6/2023 News Head of Prosecutions awarded British Empire Medal for services to Northamptonshire Mandy Rowlatt, Head of Prosecutions has become the first woman in Northamptonshire Police to be awarded the British Empire Medal (BEM) in the inaugural King’s Birthday Honours list for services to the County. Northamptonshire Police 21/6/2023 News Branding force institutionally racist was right thing to do, says Scotland’s police chief Sir Iain Livingstone told the watchdog's meeting on Wednesday it was a difficult thing to say but was absolutely certain it was the truth and the right thing to do. Daily Record 21/6/2023 News Minister McEntee publishes report on disregarding certain historic convictions related to consensual sexual activity between men REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice Helen McEntee T.D has today published the final report and recommendations of the Working Group examining the Disregard of Convictions for Certain Qualifying Offences Related to Consensual Sexual Activity between Men. Government of Ireland 21/6/2023 News Black people face ‘gross over-representation’ in Hamilton police’s use of force, data shows CANADA: According to the latest data, there were 409 use of force reports in 2022, up from 361 in 2021 CBC News (Canada) 21/6/2023 News Protecting the lives of children and their sexual safety – Review of the Child Protection (Offender Reporting and Offender Prohibition Order) Act 2004 — Report AUSTRALIA: On 21 June 2023, the [Queensland] Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) tabled in State Parliament a report following its legislative review of the Child Protection (Offender Reporting and Offender Prohibition Order) Act 2004 (the Act). The Act came into effect in 2004 as part of nationally consistent legislation intended to protect children from the risks posed by people living in the community who had been convicted of sexual or other serious offences against children. The legislation requires such offenders to, among other things, keep police informed of their personal details and whereabouts for a set period of time. In 2014, the then Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) recommended the Act be reviewed, and in 2017, the government implemented that recommendation by legislative change. Specifically, section 74C of the Act requires that the CCC review the operation of the Act, prepare a report on the review, and provide a copy of the report to the Speaker for tabling in the Legislative Assembly. Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) (Australia) 21/6/2023 Report National Cyber Risk Assessment 2022 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The National Cyber Risk Assessment 2022 report is the final output from the National Risk Assessment process, which was concluded in late 2022, with the assistance of a steering group consisting of members from An Garda Síochána, the Office of Emergency Planning, the Defence Forces, the National Security Analysis Centre, the Central Bank of Ireland, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU), and the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg). Government of Ireland 21/6/2023 Report National Cyber Risk Assessment published by Government REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan, and Minister of State with responsibility for Communications, Ossian Smyth, have today published the National Cyber Risk Assessment 2022, which outlines the cyber security risks faced by Ireland and the measures required to strengthen our cyber resilience. Government of Ireland 21/6/2023 News Man arrested after stabbings and axe attack at London hospital, say police Two people stabbed thought to be maintenance staff at Central Middlesex hospital, and one has life-threatening injuries, Met says The Guardian 21/6/2023 News Behind bars: how rap lyrics are being used to convict Black British men Exclusive: Crown Prosecution Service claims no one is convicted solely via lyrics, but shocking new research finds juries being shown music and dance as evidence of guilt The Guardian 21/6/2023 News Gloucestershire Police to cut back on attending mental health calls Police in Gloucestershire are set to reduce the number of mental health calls they respond to. BBC 21/6/2023 News NI justice system close to breaking point, MPs told The justice system in Northern Ireland is close to breaking point, the victims of crime commissioner has told MPs. BBC 21/6/2023 News Offenders caught in Operation Spider’s web NEW ZEALAND: Attributable to Inspector Brett Calkin, Central District Prevention Manager. Central District Police targeting boy racers had great success recently as part of an operation focusing on disrupting anti-social road user behaviour. New Zealand Police 21/6/2023 News NSW police commissioner rejects allegation of ‘cover-up’ over Tasering of 95-year-old Clare Nowland AUSTRALIA: Suggestions of a “cover-up” over the tasering of a 95-year-old grandmother have been rejected by the New South Wales police commissioner, Karen Webb, after the premier was forced to defend his minister’s handling of the situation. The Guardian - Registration at source 21/6/2023 News SA Police seek to expand powers to crack down on crime in Adelaide’s CBD AUSTRALIA: South Australian police want to extend their powers to crack down on anti-social behaviour in Adelaide's central business district. The state government has already declared public precincts in the city on Friday and Saturday nights which give police additional powers. ABC News (Australia) 21/6/2023 News Parliament pays tribute to ‘exemplary’ police constable AUSTRALIA: A young police officer who was killed on duty has been honoured in federal parliament as someone who exemplified the values of the force. Yahoo! 21/6/2023 News Indigenous advocates and families say tallying Australian deaths in custody does not address fundamental causes AUSTRALIA: Indigenous deaths in custody must stop rather than just be counted, families and advocates say as the government announced a real-time database to collect all custodial deaths as they happen. The federal government revealed the new deaths in custody reporting system on Wednesday, with states and territories agreeing to provide more up-to-date figures on people dying in state and territory watch-houses, police stations, prisons and detention centres. The Guardian - Registration at source 21/6/2023 News Safer Schools Officer ‘need’ proven ability to engage with children The recommendation has been issued by the City and Hackney Safeguarding Partnership. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/6/2023 News Beds PCC contesting Mid Bedfordshire by-election Festus Akinbusoye has been Bedfordshire's PCC since May 2021, and will continue in this role while on the election trail. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/6/2023 News Met has over 500 officers on restricted duties in standards probe Sir Mark Rowley has said the force need to "get rid of hundreds of people". Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/6/2023 News «131713181319132013211322132313241325Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events