Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98736 total results. Showing results 26321 to 26340 «131313141315131613171318131913201321Next ›Last » Organizations say new Hamilton Police use of force data shows “systemic anti-Black racism” CANADA: The Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre (HARRC) and the Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion (HCCI) say the latest use of force data from Hamilton Police shows systemic anti-Black racism in policing. CHCH 23/6/2023 News Producing the results your policing agency needs through continuous improvement: How to stay efficient while reducing costs CANADA: Money got tight and we were forced to make adjustments. Blue Line (Canada) 23/6/2023 Feature, Opinion Sharp rise in drug arrests but still ‘only tip of the iceberg’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A ‘ramping up’ of Galway Garda efforts to tackle drug lords is reaping rewards but they are only reaching the “tip of the iceberg”, a Joint Policing Committee (JPC) meeting was told this week. Connacht Tribune (Republic of Ireland) 23/6/2023 News €120,000 of ketamine seized by Gardaí in Clondalkin after arrest REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaí arrested a young man in Corkagh Park for the possession of cannabis and later discovered ketamine nearby. The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 23/6/2023 News Calls to reinstate Donegal as stand-alone Garda Division REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Donegal Joint Policing Committee (JPC) has written to the Garda Commissioner, Drew Harris, asking that Donegal be reinstated as a stand-alone Garda Division. Donegal News (Republic of Ireland) 23/6/2023 News The crime and the place: Robbery in the night-time economy The night-time economy (NTE) provides many opportunities for crime as there is an abundance of potential victims who are often intoxicated and clustered in a small geographical area. Previous research on NTE violence has primarily focused on assault. However, other offences are also common, such as robbery. This study focused on NTE-related robbery using police recorded crime data relating to 1624 personal robberies (including attempts) from West Midlands Police, UK. The data was binary coded to identify and compare offence characteristics. Robbery offences in the NTE showed unique characteristics compared to robberies unrelated to this context. In particular, there were differences in alcohol, use of violence, injuries, approach style and crime locations. The findings of the current research align with theoretical frameworks from environmental criminology (e.g. crime generators and attractors), have implications for crime prevention and investigations and can feed into developing policing strategies that take into account the background context for offending. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 23/6/2023 Research article Hamilton police have no plans to track or share data on $279K armoured rescue vehicle CANADA: A Hamilton police staff sergeant says the service has no plans to track or release any data on how officers use its $279,000 armoured rescue vehicle. Staff Sgt. Darren Murphy told CBC Hamilton in an interview this week he doesn't think its use is worth tracking, saying it's just another vehicle that's part of the fleet. CBC News (Canada) 23/6/2023 News ‘Very effective use of force’: Queensland police chief defends officer filmed punching crash driver AUSTRALIA: Queensland’s police commissioner has defended an officer’s actions after “confronting footage” emerged of him repeatedly punching a man involved in a head-on crash in Brisbane’s north. The footage, first published by Nine, appears to show the officer repeatedly punching and hitting the driver through a car window before Tasering the man, on Thursday. The Guardian 23/6/2023 News Police Association: New gun registry will be a key tool to reducing crime NEW ZEALAND: There is optimism the country's first digital gun registry will put criminals under the pump. The online registry goes live tomorrow, aiming to track nearly 240,000 licensed gun owners. It relies upon people registering within five years. Police Association president Chris Cahill told Tim Dower it'll be a key tool to reducing crime, as it would track those selling guns to criminals. [AUDIO] NewstalkZB (New Zealand) 23/6/2023 Feature, Interview, Opinion Neurodiversity in the criminal justice system: Improving lives and reducing criminality Neurodiverse young people and adults – particularly those with ADHD – may experience a number of traits that are likely to push them towards criminality; Met Police DC Daley Jones, co-chair of the ADHD Alliance, believes asking detainees to complete a simple, 18-step questionnaire could give them an indication that they might have a life-changing condition that can be helped with treatment and care, which may lead them away from offending. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/6/2023 Feature, Opinion Police Scotland to hold training courses for motorcyclists POLICE Scotland is planning to hold training courses for motorcyclists to help them ride responsibly and reduce the number of collisions. Border Telegraph 23/6/2023 News Record numbers leaving Police Scotland due to pension changes The SPF believes that changes to pension regulations are not the only reason why officers are choosing to leave the course. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/6/2023 News HMICFRS to review vetting of charged TVP officer PC Luke Christopher Horner has been charged with two sexual offences following an investigation by Northamptonshire Police. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/6/2023 News Former police officer Matthew James Kelly sentenced over death of motorcyclist during pursuit AUSTRALIA: A former police officer has been sentenced to a 12-month community corrections order over the death of a motorcycle rider during a 2020 police pursuit on the NSW Central Coast. ABC News (Australia) 23/6/2023 News The freedom of information request that revealed a NSW Police cover-up AUSTRALIA: Several weeks have passed since I last wrote to you, and what a busy time it has been. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 23/6/2023 Feature, Opinion Exclusive: 8300 arrests made in first year of major gang crackdown NEW ZEALAND: Thousands of people have been arrested in the first year of a major police crackdown on Aotearoa's gangs. 1 News (New Zealand) 23/6/2023 News, Video ‘I had to call same garda station three times in one night’ – campaigner claims lack of consistency in domestic violence response REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A domestic violence campaigner says he had to call gardaí three times in the same evening before an alleged abuser was removed from a victim’s home. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 23/6/2023 News Increased Police presence in West Auckland as Operation Cobalt carries out enforcement action NEW ZEALAND: This morning Operation Cobalt staff are being assisted by the Armed Offenders Squad to execute search warrants in View Road and Cranwell Street, Henderson. Police will also be carrying out checkpoints alongside the planned Operation Cobalt warrants targeting the Head Hunters in Henderson. New Zealand Police 23/6/2023 News Police warn Android phone users over 999 call feature Police forces across the UK have warned that a new feature on some Android phones is plaguing switchboards with inadvertent "silent" 999 calls. BBC 22/6/2023 News Former Lincolnshire Police officer charged over indecent images A former Lincolnshire Police officer has been charged with distributing indecent images. BBC 22/6/2023 News «131313141315131613171318131913201321Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events