Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98971 total results. Showing results 25381 to 25400 «126612671268126912701271127212731274Next ›Last » Overhaul of laws to protect women from domestic killers Tougher sentences are being proposed for ex-partners who murder at the end of a relationship. Police Professional - Subscription at source 20/7/2023 News Responding to tragedy: Keyham’s neighbourhood policing team A neighbourhood policing team that was established in Keyham following the shooting in August 2021 has had a positive impact within the community, an independent evaluation has found. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/7/2023 News PC barred after ‘putting the frighteners on’ and threatening arrest A West Yorkshire officer wore her police uniform and attended a member of the public's address while off-duty. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/7/2023 News ‘Come on mate, let’s make you a cup of tea’: Theorising materiality and its impacts on detainee dignity inside police detention In this article, we examine detainee experiences of dignity in police detention through the lens of materiality. To do this, we draw on sociological and anthropological literature on the ‘material turn’ and its application to criminal justice settings, and a mixed-methods study of police custody in England and Wales. First, we conceptualise different dimensions of materiality in police custody. Second, we show how some forms of materiality, in conjunction with staff–detainee relationships, shape detainee dignity rooted in equal worth, privacy and autonomy. Third, we examine how the intertwining of the social and material in police custody opens up new possibilities for theorising police work. The materiality of police work is active, not just symbolic. Alongside social relations, it shapes citizen experiences of the police, including of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ forms of policing, and by implication, pain and injustice. Materiality therefore provides a further way of theorising the production of social order inside and outside police detention. Theoretical Criminology 20/7/2023 Research article York Regional Police officer who disobeyed superior officer cleared by SIU in shooting death of man in Vaughan CANADA: The Special Investigations Unit cleared a York Regional Police officer of criminal charges after he shot and killed a 25-year-old man on Oct. 9, 2022 in Vaughan. (Canada) 20/7/2023 News B.C. directs Surrey to replace RCMP with municipal police force CANADA: British Columbia’s solicitor general says the City of Surrey, B.C., will be policed by a local force, not the RCMP. Mike Farnworth says safety is the main factor in the decision to force the transition even though the mayor and council voted to support a return to the RCMP. The Globe and Mail (Canada) 20/7/2023 News, Video Police Stops and Subsequent Delinquency and Arrest: Race and Gender Differences Research suggests police stops are associated with delinquency and arrest in adolescence, but limited research has examined the extent to which these associations vary by intersectional identities. The labeling and life-course perspectives argue police stops may increase later delinquency/arrest and that these relationships may vary according to when an individual is first stopped. Critical race feminist perspectives suggest Black girls may be especially likely to experience negative consequences following a police stop. The goal of the current study was to examine the relationships between police stops in childhood and adolescence and delinquency and arrest in adolescence, as well as identify how these relationships vary by gender and race. Results suggest the relationships between police stops and subsequent delinquency and arrest differ across gender and race. Further, Black girls experience the greatest increase in probability of arrest following a stop in adolescence. Findings have important implications for research, policy, and practice. Justice Quarterly - Subscription at source 20/7/2023 Research article Socio-demographic Variables and Impulsivity Can Affect the Decision to Use Legitimate Violence Amongst French Gendarmes Our study aimed to investigate a link between impulsivity and use of force amongst French gendarmes. We expected that higher scores on an impulsivity scale (UPPS) would lead to a higher level of coercion, both in frequency and intensity. We also sought to verify whether the French National Gendarmerie was in line with current literature regarding the influence of age, gender, seniority, and level of education on the use of force. Questionnaires were sent to members of the French National Gendarmerie via professional e-mail addresses. Responses were collected over a 1-month period. The questionnaires were accepted when the responses to an impulsivity scale (UPPS) and to a scenario had been completed. Questions on demographic data were also included. The sample consisted of 326 French gendarmes. Participants were divided into three age groups: 18–25 (N = 43, 13.2%), 26–40 (N = 139, 42.6%), and > 41 (N = 144, 44.2%). Seventy-six women (23.3%) and 250 men (76.7%) responded. Most participants were career NCOs (N = 265, 81.3%); the others were volunteer assistant gendarmes or gendarmes under contract (N = 25, 7.67%) or commissioned officers (N = 36, 11.0%). Only urgency and lack of premeditation seemed to have an influence on the use of force, particularly regarding younger novice officers, increasing significantly the means of coercion used. On the other hand, gender and education level had only a slight non-significant influence, whilst age and seniority significantly reduce the use of force. Older and more experienced officers used legitimate violence to a lesser extent. This study shows the strong influence of age and years of service on the use of force. These results indicate a need for more extensive initial training. For some of its subscales, impulsivity also had a direct influence on the amount and intensity of coercion used by law enforcement officers in their daily work. Therefore, courses on impulsivity control could be useful for police officers. Further research should be conducted on actual police interventions to avoid any bias related to behavioural intent. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Subscription at source 20/7/2023 Research article Derek Byrne: People in same-sex relationships also suffer the blight of domestic violence REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The pandemic created perfect conditions over a two-year period for an increase in tension and stress in many Irish homes. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) - Subscription at source 20/7/2023 Feature, Opinion Clare GRA representative claims Gardaí in state of “disbelief and confusion” over reintroduction of pre-covid roster REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has announced a return to the controversial roster which will see members work six consecutive days of 10-hour shifts followed by four days off in a 10-week cycle. [AUDIO] (Republic of Ireland) 20/7/2023 News Cocaine and the port: Utopias of security, urban relations, and displacement of policing efforts in the port of Piraeus In large commercial seaports policing and security efforts to counter the drug trade, especially cocaine, do not appear to be effective beyond a mere displacement effect. In the port of Piraeus, Greece, (perceived) rising quantities of cocaine have led to calls for further securitisation of the port to curb illicit trafficking. This article will present the current trends of countering and disrupting cocaine at the port of Piraeus and question how these efforts, together with the growth of the port, are affecting the overall territory of and around the port. This article will first argue that the (perceived) increase in cocaine trade towards/in the port of Piraeus has activated a ‘utopia of security’ in the policing and security responses at the port. This utopia of security leads to paradoxes when it comes to being effective against organised crime in the port. The article will conclude by discussing the possibility of a different approach, one of displacement of countering efforts rather than of cocaine flows. This different approach can also rebalance the focus of policing and security authorities on the relationship between the port and its territory. European Journal of Criminology 20/7/2023 Research article Published on Jul 20, 2023 Patrolling the largest drug market on the eastern seaboard: A synthetic control analysis on the impact of a police bicycle unit Research Summary: This study employed a microsynthetic control method to evaluate the impact of the newly introduced bicycle patrol unit in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia, which is well-known as a major drug market. The findings reveal that the bicycle patrol unit led to a notable reduction in social disorder crimes, which was one of the primary objectives of the patrol officers. However, it also resulted in a significant increase in the number of narcotic crimes, violent person crimes, and shooting offenses. The amount of total crimes and property crimes remained unchanged. Policy Implications: Bicycle patrols can effectively reduce street-level disorder and increase police efforts to arrest drug offenders and remove drugs from the streets. However, the introduction of this police activity may disrupt the normal operation of drug markets, which can lead to increased violence from instability in the street-level drug business. Therefore, departments should conduct detailed crime analyses and gather intelligence alongside directed patrols to better understand and respond to the potential consequences of their interventions. CRIMRXIV 20/7/2023 Research article Staff hampered by ‘unconventional’ layout of police custody facility, report finds The “unconventional” layout of police custody facilities in Tayside impacts on the efficiency of staff, according to a new report. Police Professional 20/7/2023 News “A Panel of Good ol’ Boys”: Women Navigating the Police Promotions Process Women are significantly underrepresented among police supervisors, middle managers, and leaders in the United States. To investigate this problem, the current study examines challenges faced by women officers as they pursue promotions. Narrative data from 226 women who earned promotions in U.S. policing are analyzed using a content analysis of responses to an open-ended survey question. Emergent themes reflected gender bias within the promotions process and, more broadly, in the organizational culture of participants’ agencies that impact promotions. Findings support the characterization of policing as a gendered occupation with a culture that views and supports men as more competent leaders. American Journal of Criminal Justice 20/7/2023 Research article Vetting standards for police officers bolstered under revised Code of Practice Officers who are unable to hold minimum vetting clearance will face dismissal proceedings under new standards introduced by the Home Office and College of Policing on Thursday (July 20). Police Professional 20/7/2023 News Tell me, teach me and involve me: Should police education be ‘more policey’? The requirement for a degree qualification as part of the professionalisation of UK policing is opposed by the Home Secretary and several chief constables, who argue that academic work is too far removed from operational policing; a study by the University of Portsmouth with student officers has found that problem-based learning has the potential to make academic policing more relevant to student police officers by linking theory with practice, as Lecturer in Policing David Knowles explains. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/7/2023 Analysis, Feature, Opinion HMICS Custody Inspection Report – Tayside The aim of this inspection, undertaken jointly by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) and Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS), was to assess the treatment of, and conditions for, individuals detained in the primary police custody centre at Dundee, which serves Tayside. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 20/7/2023 Report Police Custody in Tayside Inspected The police custody centre serving Tayside is managed by professional and respectful staff but the layout of the facility presents them with a number of challenges. A report published today (Thursday, July 20, 2023) highlighted that the unconventional split-level layout of the Dundee centre impacted on the efficiency and effectiveness of the booking-in process for detainees. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 20/7/2023 News Disability in Policing Conference 2023: Valuing our people Join us for this years Disability in Policing Conference supported by Policing Insight as media partner and taking place 20th – 21st September 2023 at the Leonardo Hotel at Hinckley Island in the UK. Policing Insight 20/7/2023 Advertisement, Feature Crime in England and Wales: year ending March 2023 Crime against households and people aged 16 and over using data from police recorded crime and the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW). Office for National Statistics (ONS) 20/7/2023 Report «126612671268126912701271127212731274Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events