Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97412 total results. Showing results 24401 to 24420 «121712181219122012211222122312241225Next ›Last » A new course teaches Ontario police recruits how to defuse a mental health crisis CANADA: Ontario now offers an 18-hour course that teaches police recruits how to deal with people suffering from a mental health crisis, marking the first time such training has been offered to the province's law enforcement cadets. CBC News (Canada) 7/7/2023 News National Intelligence Conference: Decoding evolving threats to intelligence in law enforcement This year’s NPCC National Intelligence Conference focused on the themes of prevention and early intervention; Matt Horne, Head of Policing & Government for Clue Software and former Deputy Director of Investigations at the National Crime Agency, who was among those attending the event, explores the key issues that arose from the Conference, and shares his own experiences and insight into the current intelligence challenges and opportunities. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/7/2023 Feature, Opinion Senior Metropolitan Police officer denies failing to comply with sex offenders register rules A senior Metropolitan Police officer who was convicted of possessing a child abuse video in 2019, has appeared in court to deny she failed to comply with sex offenders register notification requirements. Yahoo! 7/7/2023 News Ontario police watchdog recommends Brantford police update policies after raiding wrong home CANADA: The Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD) is recommending Brantford Police Service (BPS) make changes to its policies after officers looking for drugs raided the wrong home in September, 2022. CBC News (Canada) 7/7/2023 News PFEW responds to the HMICFRS PEEL inspection report The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has termed the HMICFRS’ PEEL inspection report 2021/22 as shining a spotlight on the real-world consequences of more than a decade of underfunding the UK’s police service. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 7/7/2023 News Human trafficking does not appear to be a problem in Tipperary, says Garda Chief REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Domestic violence reports continue their trend of increasing by 14% between January 1 and June 11. Tipperary Live (Republic of Ireland) 7/7/2023 News Home Secretary backs ‘swift police action’ to stop disruption of sporting events The Home Secretary has given her full backing to police to take swift action to tackle the “unacceptable” disruption of sporting events by protestors. Police Professional 7/7/2023 News Garda Commissioner Drew Harris warns of cyber attacks and scam texts during his visit to Carlow REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: At the monthly meeting of the Joint Policing Committee Commissioner Harris also said that Leighlinbridge Garda Station would not reopen under the Garda's National Development Plan KCLR (Ireland) 7/7/2023 News Public being let down too often because forces failing to manage performance, inspectorate warns The public is being let down “too often” by policing because many forces are failing to properly manage their own performance, according to His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary. Police Professional 7/7/2023 News Senior Metropolitan Police officer denies failing to comply with sex offenders register rules A senior Metropolitan Police officer who was convicted of possessing a child abuse video in 2019, has appeared in court to deny she failed to comply with sex offenders register notification requirements. The Standard 7/7/2023 News But Someone Was Right There: An Examination of How Third-Party Presence Is Associated With Rape and Sexual Assault Victim Help-Seeking Behavior and Reports to Police This research evaluates whether third-party presence is associated with rape and sexual assault (RSA) victims help-seeking and reporting to police, addressing a gap in the literature about how the presence of a third-party is associated with victim behavior. This research uses secondary data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). Findings indicate that third-party presence has no statistically significant association with help-seeking and marginal significance with police reporting. This research focuses on third-party presence as a precursor to understanding victim help-seeking behaviors and reports to police. This research raises questions about the expected role of third parties in RSA victimizations. Violence Against Women - Subscription at source 7/7/2023 Research article Examining the predictors of the public’s trust in the police using local data Assessing public attitudes toward the police is a mainstay of policing research because of the importance of police-community relations for the betterment of society. To have a better understanding of the antecedents of public trust in the police, we analyze data from residents of the Hampton Roads region of Southeast Virginia. Our findings indicate that older respondents, those who believe that the police treat racial and ethnic minorities equally as they do whites, and those who believe that the police protect people from crime expressed higher levels of trust in the police. Conversely, males, Blacks, and those who earned $50,000 or less expressed lower levels of trust in the police. To our surprise, we found that protection from crime appeared to matter more for community members than the police’s treatment of racial and ethnic minorities as far as trust in the police was concerned. This means that police effectiveness remains a crucial component of policing, even if the way the police treat minority community members is also very important for improving police-community relations. We point out the implications of our findings for police-community relations, public policy, and future research. Criminal Justice Studies 7/7/2023 Research article Chief constable backs campaign for posthumous ‘Elizabeth Medal’ Northamptonshire's Chief Constable has become the first senior serving police officer to publicly back calls for the creation of an ‘Elizabeth Medal’ to honour emergency workers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 7/7/2023 News Do you and the team understand PIM? Whenever a death or serious injury occurs following police contact in the UK, a post-incident management (PIM) process is instigated, but not all officers are aware of or understand what this entails; former Kent Police Sergeant Darren Moor, a PIM Manager during his own career, looks at the history of the approach, how PIM operates, and what officers need to know to be comfortable taking part in the process. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/7/2023 Analysis, Feature Devon and Cornwall Police sharing control room calls on social media Real-time updates on calls received by a police control room will be shared on social media for 12 hours from 15:00 BST on Friday. Devon and Cornwall Police is holding the 'tweetathon' to show the "significant demand" it faces. BBC 7/7/2023 News How a stubborn cop changed the rules AUSTRALIA: Visit the Police Academy these days and it strikes you as a little like a tertiary campus blended with the carefully curated regalia of old school police culture. The new breed walk past the framed photos of stern looking former chief commissioners (one was known as Sheep’s Head because, well, he had a head like a sheep) without the slightest interest in the past. It is their police force now. The Age (Australia) 7/7/2023 Feature WA Police Academy Doubles Recruit Numbers AUSTRALIA: The WA Police Academy is doubling the number of courses it runs, dramatically increasing how many new officers are entering the force. Western Australia Police Force 7/7/2023 News Police performance: Getting a grip This report focuses on the findings from our police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy 2021/22 inspection programme, which assesses the performance of the 43 police forces in England and Wales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 7/7/2023 Report Policing is making progress in some areas, but forces still need to get a grip on performance Police forces have improved in several areas in recent years, but the public is still being failed too often, the police inspectorate has warned. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 7/7/2023 News ‘Too many forces’ failing to properly understand and manage performance Chief HMIC Andy Cooke has urged forces to 'learn from each other' after the report into policing performance during 2021/22 also revealed numerous examples of positive practice. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/7/2023 News «121712181219122012211222122312241225Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events