Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97662 total results. Showing results 23701 to 23720 «118211831184118511861187118811891190Next ›Last » Former Greater Manchester Police officer found guilty of child sex offences A former Greater Manchester Police officer has been found guilty of sexual offices against a child who just 12 when the abuse started. Stephen Hardy, 45, formally a detective from the Mottram area, pleaded not guilty to a total of 20 charges including rape, sexual assault and causing a child to engage in sexual activity between December 2012 and June 2020. ITV News 28/7/2023 News ‘Jurisdictional issues’ delayed chief’s suspension A police and crime commissioner has blamed "jurisdictional issues" for delays in suspending a chief constable who is accused of a serious criminal offence. Will Kerr was suspended by Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez following allegations of misconduct. BBC 28/7/2023 News ‘Significant’ increase in deaths in police custody in England and Wales IOPC figures show number of deaths surged past 10-year average to 23 in 2022-23 The Guardian 28/7/2023 News College of Policing CEO awarded honorary doctorate The College of Policing’s chief executive officer Andy Marsh has been awarded an honorary Doctorate of Laws for his commitment to the education and professional development of future officers. Police Professional 28/7/2023 News Two retired Met officers jailed for plot to share CSA images Jack Addis and Jeremy Laxton were sentenced at Southwark Crown Court after admitting to a charge of conspiring with a serving Met officer who was found dead on January 12. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/7/2023 News ‘Concerning’ number of police custody deaths during 2022/23 The 23 deaths in or following police custody during this period was the highest number recorded in five years, though the IOPC says any conclusions about trends need to be treated with caution. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/7/2023 News Interview: Newly appointed national Chief Medical Officer The Police Covenant oversight board agreed in January 2022 to the establishment of a Police Medical Group [now Clinical Governance Group], to be led by a Chief Medical Officer. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/7/2023 Feature, Interview PSNI charges 26 in the first month since new non-fatal strangulation offence introduced Twenty-six people have been charged since a new offence of non-fatal strangulation was introduced in Northern Ireland a month ago, the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) said. Police Professional 28/7/2023 News ‘Significant progress’ on firearms licensing at Devon and Cornwall Police, but improvements still needed, says HMICFRS Devon and Cornwall Police has made “significant improvements” in many areas of firearms licensing since the Keyham mass shooting in 2021, but concerns remain over its licences backlog and improper use of temporary permits, the police inspectorate has said. Police Professional 28/7/2023 News Can we consider a ‘do no harm’ approach to policing? Footage of the recent arrest of a mother in front of her young son for suspected fare evasion has once again ignited a debate about appropriate policing responses; Dr Meron Wondemaghen, a Senior Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Hull, believes this and other cases have highlighted the issues of what constitutes social harm, what is a proportionate response, and why a ‘do no harm’ principle should precede any law and order aims. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/7/2023 Feature, Opinion Top Saskatoon police roles changing hands after spate of retirements CANADA: The Saskatoon city police force has several new faces in senior roles after the retirement of two deputy chiefs. Chief Troy Cooper says he’s excited about the future. Saskatoon Star Phoenix (Canada) 28/7/2023 News Beyond the scene: The importance of time consumed on incident report task components in workload-based patrol allocation and deployment assessments Based on the conclusions of a workload-based assessment of patrol staffing needs conducted at a Canadian police force between 2012 and 2016, this article highlights the importance of capturing time spent on components of calls for service (CFS) that result in an incident report for police allocation and deployment analyses. Initial Computer-Aided Dispatch System (CAD) data analysis suggested that CFS that results in an incident report have a significantly higher completion time than other types of calls. In order to account for CFS handling phases that were not captured by CAD data, a survey was conducted to measure the time spent on the scene, the time spent by backup units on the call, the time spent with the person arrested or taken in charge and time spent on subsequent administrative duties. Research findings suggest that CFS that require the completion of an incident report generate most of the reactive workload of patrol officers, even if they frequently constitute a minority of calls. Results also reveal that the use of supplemental data to assess the workload generated by incidents reports may allow the use of a workload-based approach in police agencies that record less than 15 000 citizen-initiated calls for service per year. The Police Journal: Theory Practice and Principles - Subscription at source 28/7/2023 Research article Garda Commissioner has McEntee’s ‘absolute confidence’ ahead of no-confidence vote REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice has pledged full confidence in Garda Commissioner Drew Harris and called for dialogue as rank-and-file members prepare to vote on a motion of no confidence in him. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 28/7/2023 News Hiring police applicants who support far-left or far-right organizations: A qualitative exploration of New York State chiefs’ and administrators’ viewpoint This study is a qualitative exploration of the thoughts of police chiefs and upper-level police administrators in New York State regarding the hiring of applicants who hold left-wing or right-wing ideological perspectives. A near equal number of respondents indicated little hesitancy to hire, while others stating they should not hire such an applicant. Some respondents offered non-committal viewpoints. Most respondents provided a more thoughtful response, indicating the complexity of this issue for police agencies. The overall conclusion is that employing officers who hold biased opinions can impact police legitimacy. Policy implications and considerations for future research are discussed. The Police Journal: Theory Practice and Principles - Subscription at source 28/7/2023 Research article Developing organisational excellence: Applying benchmarking for guiding and measuring police agency performance – Abu Dhabi Police case study The process of developing organisational excellence requires identifying benchmarks and a model or framework to guide the operationalisation of an organisation's aspirations. Developing evidence through application of strategies to meet benchmark criteria requires commitment at all levels of an organisation to demonstrate a sustained quality level of achievement through continuous improvement to standards of excellence. This article presents the process and outcomes for a police organisation (Abu Dhabi Police [ADP]) utilising the European Foundation for Quality Management (EfQM) criteria to guide development and measurement of organisational excellence. In 2021 ADP were awarded a 6 Star Global Award from the EfQM. This case study explores the extent to which EfQM is an effective framework for organisational excellence in policing. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Subscription at source 28/7/2023 Research article ‘A kick in the teeth’: Just one new Garda allocated to Donegal REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Councillor Gerry McMonagle, the Chair of the Donegal Joint Policing Committee, has called on the Garda Commissioner, Drew Harris, to consider his position. Donegal Live (Republic of Ireland) 28/7/2023 News Minister McEntee addresses new Garda recruits at Garda Attestation Ceremony REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Deputy Commissioners, Distinguished guests, And most importantly, the new Gardaí and your families, It’s a great pleasure to be with you here today. Government of Ireland 28/7/2023 News Patrolling the largest drug market on the eastern seaboard: A synthetic control analysis on the impact of a police bicycle unit This study employed a microsynthetic control method to evaluate the impact of the newly introduced bicycle patrol unit in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia, which is well-known as a major drug market. The findings reveal that the bicycle patrol unit led to a notable reduction in social disorder crimes, which was one of the primary objectives of the patrol officers. However, it also resulted in a significant increase in the number of narcotic crimes, violent person crimes, and shooting offenses. The amount of total crimes and property crimes remained unchanged. Criminology and Public Policy 28/7/2023 Research article Met investigation results in man being jailed for sexual assault A man has been jailed for a serious sexual assault after a thorough investigation by specialist officers. Kyle Meredith, 37 (29.08.85), of Blenheim Crescent, W11, was convicted on Wednesday, 26 July of two counts of sexual assault and sentenced to six years in prison. He was acquitted of a third count of sexual assault. Metropolitan Police Service 28/7/2023 News Met Police has ‘rotten core’ says ex-detective Tom Coling The Metropolitan Police Service has a "rotten core", according to an ex-detective who says the force orchestrated a cover-up after he reported misconduct by senior officers. Newham Recorder 28/7/2023 News «118211831184118511861187118811891190Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events