Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97805 total results. Showing results 23521 to 23540 «117311741175117611771178117911801181Next ›Last » Mother left paralysed by stress amid the Met’s incompetent investigation into her son’s murder I would have given anything to see my son’s killers jailed for life. I wanted to look into the eyes of the callous creatures who murdered my boy. Mail Online 4/8/2023 Feature, Opinion Operation Eremon: Met Police launches new mission to stop anti-Ulez activists wrecking cameras The Metropolitan Police has launched an operation to stop people wrecking Ulez cameras. LBC 4/8/2023 News Watchdog inquiry into Greater Manchester Police custody claims The police watchdog has begun an investigation after a woman claimed she was stripped and sexually assaulted while in custody. BBC 4/8/2023 News ‘Positive changes’ made by Staffordshire Police to improve child protection Staffordshire Police has introduced a “comprehensive action plan” to improve its services to children after an inspection two years ago found “systemic failings” and made 15 recommendations for improvement. Police Professional 4/8/2023 News Gwent Police: Hung jury discharged in John Stringer sex case A jury has been discharged after failing to reach a verdict in the case of a police officer accused of sexually abusing a girl. BBC 4/8/2023 News Principal sexual assault trial: Joseph Moncarz sentenced for abusing student NEW ZEALAND: The former principal of an Auckland-based private school has been sentenced to five-and-a-half years’ imprisonment for the sexual abuse of a young student who he called a liar at trial but - in an unusual reversal - later admitted to having victimised. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 4/8/2023 News Officer cleared of gross misconduct allegations over treatment of Sikh man in custody A West Midlands Police sergeant has been cleared of gross misconduct over allegations relating to his treatment of a Sikh man in custody. Police Professional 4/8/2023 News NZ police monitoring gang movements on Saturday NEW ZEALAND: As put by Area Commander Kāpiti Mana, Inspector Renee Perkins. Police are aware and monitoring the movements of gang members through Porirua tomorrow, as part of funeral proceedings. Mirage News 4/8/2023 Feature, Opinion Invisible predators: the shifting behaviour of paedophiles has Australian police playing catch-up AUSTRALIA: As a former childcare worker stands accused of more than 1,600 charges, experts say the dark web is making offenders harder than ever to detect. The Guardian 4/8/2023 News Every criminal court now connected to single data system for the first time Every Crown Court and magistrates’ court now has access to a single digital platform that will improve information sharing with the police and legal professionals. Police Professional 4/8/2023 News AFP helping to increase cyber safety awareness across the Pacific AUSTRALIA: The AFP is training and upskilling police officers across the Pacific in cybercrime investigations and delivering cyber safety education and awareness programs to assist Pacific police partners to keep their communities safe and secure online. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 4/8/2023 News AFP charges two more alleged offenders over attempted 850kg cocaine import AUSTRALIA: A Perth man and woman are scheduled to face Perth Magistrates Court this afternoon (4 August) for their alleged roles in attempting to import 850kg of cocaine into Australia hidden on a bulk cargo carrier. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 4/8/2023 News Commencement of new firearms measures under the Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2023 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Section 10 of the Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2023 has been commenced with effect from 1 August 2023. This section provides for restrictions on firearms certificates for semi-automatic centre-fire rifles. 4/8/2023 Press release Expert assisting garda investigation into mysterious death of 10-week-old baby in Longford REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The little girl had been found with serious injuries at her home at Ahgnagore, Cloondara, Longford before she was transferred by ambulance to hospital. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 4/8/2023 News Garda dispute: Drew Harris will not be removed from position if GRA votes no confidence, says Taoiseach REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda commissioner is ‘absolutely determined’ to end pandemic rosters after meeting with Garda association ended without resolution. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 4/8/2023 News Police lay charges against Huntsville resident during sexual exploitation investigation CANADA: A Huntsville resident has been charged with luring offences. Provincial police from Huntsville, as well as the Niagara Regional Police Internet Child Exploitation Unit and OPP Digital Forensics Unit, executed a search warrant at the residence of a 51-year-old man. CTV News (Canada) 4/8/2023 News Three Corner Brook residents charged by JFO West in drug trafficking investigation CANADA: Three Corner Brook residents were arrested on July 26, 2023, as part of an ongoing drug trafficking investigation by the RCMP-RNC Joint Forces Operations West (JFO West) Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 4/8/2023 News Long before women police officers came police ‘matrons’: Who were they and what did they do? This year marks the 125th anniversary of the official recognition of police matrons in Australia, but women had undertaken this work for at least 50 years beforehand; University of Newcastle Criminology Lecturer Dr Alice Neikirk explores one of women’s earliest roles in policing – a role which shared many of the same characteristics as today’s problem-orientated policing model. Policing Insight 4/8/2023 Feature, Opinion Consistency of Supervisory Interpretations of Stop-Search Justification in London: A Vignette Assessment Analysis Research Question: Do police supervisors reach different conclusions about the legality of a decision to stop and search in survey vignettes using similar facts with the ethnicity of subjects described as either black or white? Data: We utilize a vignette survey design, presenting 15 real-world stop and search examples from within the South Basic Command Unit policing area to 118 frontline uniformed supervisors (Sergeants and Inspectors) in the Metropolitan Police Service of London. Methods: We introduce a randomised characteristic assignment of the ethnicity of the subject featured in the vignette to compare officer decision-making when the suspect is black or white. Using both Likert scale and free-text responses, a combination of descriptive statistics, inferential methods, and text mining is applied to the survey data. Findings: We found no substantive difference in the justification of stop and search powers by officers between white suspects and black suspects. We did find substantial variability in supervisor assessments of whether vignettes provided sufficient legal grounds for conducting a stop and search. Conclusions: Within the limits of the methodology, we conclude that there is no racial disparity in perceptions of legal thresholds for conducting searches across a range of circumstances. We must also conclude that there is a substantial range of opinion regarding different specific circumstances that are understood to provide a threshold of sufficient evidence to search. Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing 4/8/2023 Research article RCMP officer who shot activist Dani Cooper during mental health episode was justified: B.C. police watchdog CANADA: Officer acted lawfully, justifiably given Cooper was advancing with a knife: Independent Investigations Office CBC News (Canada) 4/8/2023 News «117311741175117611771178117911801181Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events