Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97810 total results. Showing results 23441 to 23460 «116911701171117211731174117511761177Next ›Last » Judge calls for 999 speed review after police officer jailed for killing pedestrian One of Britain’s top judges has called for a review of police 999 speeds after an officer was jailed for three years for running over and killing a woman during an emergency callout. The Standard 7/8/2023 News Reporting to the Police Among People with Mental Illnesses Who Were Victims of Violence The aim of this study was to explore reporting to the police in people with mental illnesses who were victims of violence. Fifty-eight persons with mental illnesses who had experienced physical, sexual, or psychological violence in the past three years answered quantitative questionnaires. After victimization, 33 (56.9%) participants had police contact, with 22 of them having initiated this contact. Participants who were younger (p = .027), had a substance use disorder (25.8% vs. 50.0%), used drugs or alcohol during victimization (25.0% vs. 51.7%), or experienced shame or guilt (27.5% vs. 62.5%) after victimization were less likely to report to the police. The most frequently named reasons not to report were fear of secondary victimization by the police and the belief that the police could not do anything or that the perpetrator would not be punished adequately. Victims and Offenders 7/8/2023 Research article Are reporting and investigation of rape cases victim friendly? Responses of the police from a cross-sectional study conducted in three states of eastern India The police are the first stakeholders within the criminal justice system responding to the offence of rape. Some specific laws have been enacted in India with the aim of incorporating a victim-friendly approach during the stages of reporting and investigation of rape cases by the police. This paper presents the results from the responses of the police from a cross-sectional study conducted in the states of Odisha (OD), Jharkhand (JH), and West Bengal (WB) in eastern India to see their approaches to the implementation of the victim-friendly provisions of the law at such specific stages. It presents the police perceptions on compliance with laws pertaining to reporting, registration and investigation of rape cases in the three selected states and the corresponding state-wise differences in police attitudes. The findings show that there is more non-compliance and there are differences in the degrees of compliance or non-compliance in the three states. International Review of Victimology - Subscription at source 7/8/2023 Research article Police Crime: Investigating Insider Fraud in UK Policing This study is the first to provide a holistic view of an understudied topic, insider fraud in UK policing. Using semi-structured interviews with twenty-six UK police officers, it explores insider fraud forms, methods, perpetrators, consequences, and detection. The study finds corruption and asset misappropriation the primary forms of insider fraud in UK policing. Various methods for committing these two fraud schemes are identified. However, abusing authority for sexual gain is the most common form of corruption. In contrast, selling confidential data on police systems to criminals for financial gain is the predominant form of asset misappropriation. Financially motivated insider fraud is less likely to be committed by senior management. Conflicts of interest are more likely to be perpetrated by higher managerial ranks, such as superintendents and above. In most cases, the perpetrators were dismissed rather than prosecuted, and in other cases, they did not even get dismissed. Detecting insider fraud in UK policing is reactive rather than proactive. The findings have implications for policing research, policy, and practice, later discussed. Deviant Behavior 7/8/2023 Research article Leaving the table: Organisational (in)justice and the relationship with police officer retention Policing has been beset by controversy in recent years predominantly concerning issues of justice, fairness and trust including widespread concerns over police misconduct. Alongside the continued fallout of budgetary controls and a global pandemic, policing in England and Wales is facing another growing problem – police officer retention. This article takes the conceptual framework of organisational justice, incorporating both distributive and procedural elements, to qualitatively examine voluntary resignations from the police in England and Wales. The findings indicate that those voluntarily resigning from the police service experience a lack of voice, lack of recognition of skills and experience, and barriers to career development and progression which focus on both organisational processes and outcomes. This article significantly contributes to the scarce academic literature on organisational justice within policing organisations from a qualitative perspective and can have a direct impact on policing services in addressing the rising numbers of preventable voluntary resignations. Criminology and Criminal Justice 7/8/2023 Research article “It Has Totally Changed How I Think About the Police”: COVID-19 and the Mis/Trust of Pandemic Policing in Aotearoa New Zealand In the initial phase of COVID-19, Aotearoa New Zealand was internationally praised for its pandemic response that included lockdowns to control the spread and work toward elimination. Community compliance with control measures was thus essential when pursuing elimination as a policy. Using a mixed-methods approach, we sought to explore whether New Zealand Police (NZP) were trusted to police the lockdown rules at Levels 4 and 3. We analyzed 1,020 survey responses comparing trust among respondents who had been stopped by NZP over the lockdown rules (contacts) with those who had not (non-contacts). We found that both contacts and non-contacts expressed greater trust in NZP to enforce the Level 4 than the Level 3 rules; contacts expressed less trust in NZP to enforce the lockdown rules than non-contacts; contacts perceived NZP more heavy-handed than non-contacts; contacts perceived NZP as only somewhat procedurally just and feeling somewhat encouraged to comply with the lockdown rules and; that unexpected high-profile policing-related events during the survey only affected contacts’ trust significantly. We offer two explanations: (1) NZP were perceived as procedurally unjust or inconsistent in applying the lockdown rules, (2) members of the public and NZP learned the lockdown rules simultaneously. We caution that the unfamiliar character of pandemic policing may jeopardize trust in NZP even among segments of the population that typically express high levels of trust in NZP, that is, people of European descent. We conclude that community compliance with pandemic control measures is no matter to be dealt with by the criminal legal system. Criminal Justice Review 7/8/2023 Research article Gerald Doyle: ‘Organised crime will never be eradicated or stopped – at best it can be minimised or frustrated’ In the latest in a series of interviews with leading figures involved in the research and investigation of organised crime, Policing Insight’s Dr Chris Allen spoke to fraud and financial crime consultant Gerald Doyle about researching the true scale of waste crime, the changing focus of organised crime from drugs to finance, and why asset recovery may be the best way to target organised crime’s ever-evolving business model. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/8/2023 Feature, Interview Merseyside’s DA behavioural change programme set to expand The 'See the Signs' programme will be expanded after funding has been secured from the Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Fund. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/8/2023 News Sexual assault survivors to help improve justice system AUSTRALIA: The Western Australian Government is urging victim-survivors of sexual offending to contribute to a review of the treatment of victims by the criminal justice system. Government of Western Australia 7/8/2023 News Tasmania Police begin testing BMW 530d sedan and wagon AUSTRALIA: Two BMW 5 Series police cars have begun roaming the highways of Tasmania, as police from the island state look for a replacement for the Kia Stinger. Drive (Australia) 7/8/2023 News Police response ‘inappropriate’ in lead-up to domestic violence siege, coronial inquest finds AUSTRALIA: Police missed red flags in the lead-up to a Christmas Day siege that ended in an estranged husband and father taking his own life, coronial inquest findings have revealed. ABC News (Australia) 7/8/2023 News ACT police made mistakes in investigation, Lehrmann inquiry finds AUSTRALIA: Former Queensland Supreme Court judge Walter Sofronoff, KC, says ACT police made mistakes in their investigation of a rape allegation made by former political staffer Brittany Higgins, including adding her confidential counselling notes to a brief of evidence sent to Bruce Lehrmann’s defence team. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 7/8/2023 News Experts call for more data around meth consumption in NZ NEW ZEALAND: Drug use experts say there is a “desperate” need for more data on methamphetamine use, to fill out the picture presented by wastewater testing. The NZ Drug Foundation is concerned by reports of increased global production of meth and how that affects use in New Zealand. Stuff (New Zealand) 7/8/2023 News Garda chief may have ‘lost the room’ on issue of policing REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: AS a young garda in Dublin in 1980, it was part of my duty to turn up for work 15 minutes before the start of every shift to allow for a briefing. We lined up before a sergeant who gave us our instructions. We received details of any recent criminal activity in the area and advice on what to be aware of during our patrols. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 7/8/2023 Feature, Opinion Police Race Action Plan: Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board report The publication of the Police Race Action Plan is the most significant recognition by UK policing of the continued traumatic legacy of its contact with Black communities in England and Wales, since the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report in 1999. [pdf] Independent Scrutiny & Oversight Board (ISOB) 7/8/2023 Report Reasonableness test applicable in police disciplinary hearings Rex (Officer W80) v Director General of the Independent Office for Police Conduct and others Before Lord Lloyd-Jones, Lord Sales, Lord Leggatt, Lord Burrows, Lord Stephens The Times - Subscription at source 7/8/2023 Report UK MPs warn against growing use of smart tech in domestic abuse Committee’s report says devices including home security systems used to coerce and control victims The Guardian 7/8/2023 News Inquest into fatal Airlie Beach police shooting of Luke Gilbert shown body-worn camera vision AUSTRALIA: A coronial inquest has been shown confronting police body-worn vision of a tradie being shot dead by police on the main strip of a popular Queensland party town. ABC News (Australia) 7/8/2023 News Met only authorised baton rounds for black-led events, FOI reveals Metropolitan police approved their use at Notting Hill carnival and Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 The Guardian 7/8/2023 News Queensland Police Launch Cheeky Recruitment Campaign Targeting NZ Police NEW ZEALAND: The Queensland Police Service has today launched a cheeky recruitment campaign targeting experienced New Zealand officers with thousands of dollars in incentives to cross the ditch. Scoop (New Zealand) 7/8/2023 News «116911701171117211731174117511761177Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events