Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97849 total results. Showing results 22661 to 22680 «113011311132113311341135113611371138Next ›Last » Old files detail tactics for recruiting Catholics and women to RUC Recruitment strategy targeted shopping centres and nationalist newspapers Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/8/2023 News Risk Factors Associated With Urban Gang Membership in Juveniles: A Systematic Review The involvement of juveniles in urban gangs has increased in different territories. Consequently, government resources have been invested to dismantle and contain such gangs. The aim of this paper was to analyze studies that relate risk factors with the increasing integration of juveniles into urban gangs. Nine scientific articles were included, out of a total of 394 publications. Different risk factors significantly related with the integration of juveniles into urban gangs were identified: social disorganization, unsafety neighborhood, school failure, absenteeism, and failure to pass assessment standards, involvement of family members in criminal acts, depression, substance use, low self-esteem, rebelliousness and elevated feelings of leadership, social disadvantage, or lack of resources. The risk factors analyzed should be integrated into prevention programs. Crime and Delinquency - Subscription at source 24/8/2023 Research article Independent inquiry ordered over Andrew Wilkinson case Lord Chancellor Alex Chalk and Attorney General Victoria Prentis have ordered the inquiry Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/8/2023 News Updated firearms licensing guidance emphasises professional judgement The guidance is designed to inform national training for firearms licensing staff which is currently being developed. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/8/2023 News Police victims of domestic abuse: barriers to reporting victimisation Policing is the institution responsible for protecting victims of domestic abuse and the institution to which victimisation is formally reported. The police workforce, therefore, are routinely exposed to domestic abuse victimisation, perpetration and its consequences. When police themselves become victims of domestic abuse, the interaction between personal and professional identity and cultures may exacerbate the harms of victimisation and discourage victims from reporting victimisation. In this study, we describe themes that emerged from accounts of reporting and not reporting domestic abuse by police officers and staff in an English police force. Through the lenses of victimology theory and police culture theory, we describe how there appears to be few protective components of working in policing and several adverse consequences for victims. Reporting was impeded by difficulty recognising abuse and experiencing feelings of shame in a way similar to that of many non-police victims. These common obstacles were exacerbated by a conflict between police and victim identities, by significant concern about formal and informal violations of privacy by colleagues and by worry about potential damage to their career. These challenges were particularly acute when the perpetrator also worked in policing. The paper concludes with a call for researchers, policy makers and policing to recognise and respond to the unique vulnerabilities inherent in the police-victim overlap. Policing and Society 24/8/2023 Research article Scottish police urged not to cover resource shortage in pay dispute Police are being urged not to report for duty when they should not be working, as the body that represents rank-and-file officers called for a “fair and justifiable” pay rise of 8.5%. The National 24/8/2023 News Met accelerates drive to root out police offenders Misconduct hearings for at least 16 Metropolitan Police officers are set to take place before December as the force attempts to accelerate rooting out offenders in its ranks. This year alone more than 50 officers have faced, or been told they will face, a disciplinary panel for offences including domestic violence, indecent exposure, sexual assault and abusive or cohesive control. The Standard 24/8/2023 News We should push for non-police alternatives to mental health crisis response Police presence in medical institutions creates a barrier to people seeking help and can lead to the criminalisation of mental illness, argues Mashal Iftikhar British Medical Journal 24/8/2023 Feature, Opinion Policing our communities Police Scotland has outlined urgent action to maintain effective policing within the funding available to the organisation. Policing’s funding allocation for 2023-24 represents a real terms reduction, meaning more than £50m of savings are required to ensure a balanced budget. Police Scotland has been clear hard choices are necessary and we have been required to reduce our budgeted officer establishment from 17,234 to 16,600. Police Scotland 24/8/2023 News Logistics behind RCMP’s wildfire response Yesterday, RCMP officers from the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island mustered at the Pacific Regional Training Centre (PRTC) in Chilliwack to deploy to wildfires. As 60 personnel returned to their home districts today, another 76 RCMP members traveled to Kelowna and surrounding areas on August 23, providing relief to those officers already in working in the field. These officers travelled from the RCMP’s north, island and Lower Mainland districts. This is in addition to the over 100 officers deployed during the immediate response to the fires. The logistics, coordinated by PRTC and the RCMP’s Division Emergency Operations Centre (DEOC) are well-entrenched after several years experience responding to wildfires, floods and other provincial emergencies. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 24/8/2023 News RCMP appoints new Commanding Officer for Quebec CANADA: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has officially named a new Commanding Officer to lead its Quebec division. Assistant Commissioner Martin Roach, 53, will be C Division's 31st Commanding Officer since 1920. He succeeds Assistant Commissioner François Deschênes, who has headed the RCMP in Quebec for the past 11 years. C Division will benefit from Martin Roach's extensive experience managing policing operations. His various roles have helped him shape a modern vision of our police force, and he will be able to count on committed, dedicated employees, determined to take C Division to the next level on all fronts. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 24/8/2023 News Saskatoon police asked to file report on detention of people with complex housing needs CANADA: 79 people with complex housing needs have spent 10 or more nights in detention cells, says police chief. There's a small group of people in Saskatoon that officers know well from their repeat visits to cells, but when they're released they have nowhere to go. Saskatoon mayor Charlie Clark put forward a motion during a Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners meeting Thursday afternoon asking the police service to file an in-depth report on the Saskatoon Police Service's interactions with them, hoping to better understand how to support them. CBC News (Canada) 24/8/2023 News National Party vows to scrap contracts with gangs for community support NEW ZEALAND: National Party leader Christopher Luxon says his party would put an end to gangs getting government contracts, if elected in October. Successive governments of red and blue stripes have funded community programmes to support gang members and their families. This may change after the election after National promised to scrap such contracts, potentially spelling an end to its long-standing tradition of working with gangs. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 24/8/2023 News Gardaí had ‘eyes and ears’ on dissident republicans within minutes of PSNI data breach Drew Harris, who formerly served as Deputy Chief Constable of the PSNI, is now Commissioner of An Garda Síochána in the Republic of Ireland. Belfast Telegraph 24/8/2023 News Call for better training for gardaí to tackle car theft rise instead of ‘simply standing down’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: It comes as a stinger operation intercepted an allegedly stolen vehicle in an area of Dublin where 460 cars have reportedly been stolen this year Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 24/8/2023 News Andrew Malkinson: Inquiry ordered into ‘miscarriage of justice’ The wrongly convicted man spent 17 years in prison for rape The Times - Subscription at source 24/8/2023 News ‘Vile, disgraceful’: Police officer who raped teenage girl identified for the first time AUSTRALIA: Decorated detective Jordan Koch groomed the girl before sexually assaulting her in 2021. A teenage girl raped by a police officer in South Australia has told a court of the impact of the assault, as the man is identified publicly for the first time. 7 News (Australia) 24/8/2023 News ‘People don’t believe if they report a crime it’s going to be solved, so stats don’t matter. What you see with your eyes is what’s happening’ — Dublin business owners REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: After a meeting with around 200 business owners yesterday, the garda in charge of policing in Dublin spoke about the perception that the capital city is not safe. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 24/8/2023 News Garda body welcomes progress on boundary changes REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Frontline garda supervisors have welcomed changes to a controversial overhaul of garda geographic structures — but continue to have problems with the new model. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 24/8/2023 News Minnesota city where entire police force quit narrowly avoids having no law enforcement CANADA: A small city in Minnesota approved a contract just hours before it was to be left with no law enforcement following the resignation of its entire police department. The Goodhue City Council unanimously agreed Wednesday to a temporary contract with the Goodhue County Sheriff's Office to run from Thursday through the end of the year. NBC 24/8/2023 News «113011311132113311341135113611371138Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events