Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97918 total results. Showing results 21781 to 21800 «108610871088108910901091109210931094Next ›Last » Joint Inspection of the multi agency response to abuse and neglect of children in Bridgend Today, Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) published a report of the findings from a joint inspection of the multi-agency response to abuse and neglect of children in Bridgend. This inspection was carried out by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services, CIW, Healthcare Inspectorate Wales and Estyn. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 14/9/2023 Report Met police admit overusing powers to strip-search children after IOPC inquiry Three officers face accusations of gross misconduct over intimate search of teenager at Hackney school in 2020 The Guardian 14/9/2023 News Ex-RUC officer to lead investigations in new Troubles legacy body The ICRIR, which will take over hundreds of unresolved Troubles cases from next May, is being created by the government's legacy Bill that is awaiting royal assent. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/9/2023 News Garda Commissioner and Justice Minister re-open refurbished Rathcormac garda station REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD and Garda Commissioner Drew Harris were in Cork today where they officially reopened the newly refurbished Rathcormac Garda Station. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 14/9/2023 News Garda Commissioner Drew Harris said he is ‘always open to negotiation’ after GRA vote of no confidence REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda Commissioner Drew Harris said he's "always open to negotiation" after the GRA vote of no confidence. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 14/9/2023 News, Video Greater Manchester Police affected by cyber attac Greater Manchester Police has said one of its suppliers has been hit by a cyber attack that could have given the attackers access to information on its employees. 14/9/2023 News Police Decisions in a Rape Scenario: The Effect of Trauma Response, Forensic Evidence, Stranger–Perpetrators, and Rape Mythology This study examined the direct effect of “classic rape” characteristics, and how they were moderated by rape myth endorsement, on the likelihood of arrest, perceived district attorney charge acceptance, and perceived suspect conviction using a formal rape disclosure among a sample of 468 police participants from a sizeable municipal law enforcement agency in one of the fifth largest and most diverse U.S. cities. A randomly assigned, between-subjects factorial vignette design was employed. Manipulations included stereotypical trauma response, forensic medical exam, and perpetrator type. Path modeling revealed statistically significant relations between stereotypical trauma response, forensic medical exam, perpetrator type, and the three outcome variables. Rape myth endorsement moderated the effect of manipulations on the dependent variables. Implications for research and policy are discussed. Violence Against Women - Subscription at source 14/9/2023 Research article IOPC calls for review of police strip search powers following Child Q investigation The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) is calling for a substantial review of policing powers under the laws relating to the strip searches of children, to improve safeguarding and prioritise the welfare of minors. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 14/9/2023 News Justice Minister Helen McEntee says Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has government’s ‘full support’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Justice Minister Helen McEntee said Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has her and the Taoiseach's "full support" and calls for the industrial relations matter to be "resolved". Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 14/9/2023 News, Video Racial Identity Attitudes and Vicarious Traumatization from Undue Police Violence on Anticipatory Traumatic Reaction Among Black Americans Although the viral nature of videos that capture violent and racialized policing of Black Americans in the United States can increase awareness, exposure to race-based violence can result in vicarious traumatization, particularly among Black Americans. The relationship between anticipatory traumatic reactions (ATRs) and racial identity attitudes is not clearly addressed in the extant body of literature. The current study addresses this research disparity by first analyzing group mean differences among Black Americans (N = 138) who were assigned to audiovisual, written, and imaginal exposure groups. The current study also used a cluster analysis of Black Americans to examine the differences between racial identity attitudes and ATRs following media exposure to undue police violence. Results from the study indicated that no differences in ATRs existed based on types of media exposure. Significant differences across three racial identity clusters existed between ATR in association with attitudes of assimilation, miseducation, self-hatred, anti-dominance, and ethnic-racial salience. Findings from the study suggest that mental health professionals should attend to racial identity attitudes as a relevant factor in how Black American clients experience the psychological impact of media exposure to undue police violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence - Subscription at source 14/9/2023 Research article Digital policing in Nigeria: A study of Jigawa State Police Command The application of digital technologies in police practices can engender a number of benefits, which include round-the-clock surveillance, intelligence collection (in real time), community policing (through regular online briefings and trust-building by policing agencies) and disruption of crimes, among others. This study used situational crime prevention theory and examined the use, benefits and challenges of digital policing in Jigawa State Police Command, Nigeria. A sample of 230 respondents was utilized in the study. From the sample, 215 police personnel were administered questionnaires, and 15 in-depth interviews were conducted with 5 police personnel, 5 information technology professionals and 5 policing scholars. The study revealed that use of digital technologies in police practice is low in Jigawa State, because the study discovered insufficient digital technologies in the police command. Furthermore, the majority of police personnel sampled were not skilled in information and communications technologies. No doubt, poor use of digital technologies may pose a serious setback to crime prevention in Jigawa State, Nigeria. Therefore, it is recommended that the police should acquire and leverage on emerging policing technologies. Police personnel should be given adequate training and retraining on the use of digital technologies. Collaboration and information sharing with relevant agencies should also be improved. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Subscription at source 14/9/2023 Research article Woman dies after being tasered by police at Stockton near Newcastle NEW ZEALAND: A woman has died in hospital after being hit with a taser during a stand-off with police. NSW Police said the 47-year-old barricaded herself in a unit at Stockton, near Newcastle, early yesterday afternoon after threatening people with an axe. ABC News (Australia) 14/9/2023 News Tauranga drugs ring: Criminal with $1.5m debt to Crown has to give up ‘bequest’ from late father NEW ZEALAND: A parolee who owes the Crown more than $1.5 million earned from a large-scale organised drug-dealing operation has been forced to give up $37,000 he claims was an inheritance from his father. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 14/9/2023 News Police to buy new tasers but monitoring and cost still unclear NEW ZEALAND: Police are replacing their tasers but will not say exactly what the new weapons are or how they will be monitored for public safety. Neither will Police Minister Ginny Andersen. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 14/9/2023 News Family members protest during Steven Nixon-McKellar death in police custody inquest AUSTRALIA: The family of Steven Nixon-McKellar have refused to read an edited victim impact statement at the conclusion of an inquest into his death. ABC News (Australia) 14/9/2023 News Former Sussex Police officer appears at Brighton magistrates David Rolls, 46, is alleged to have abused his position of trust and responsibility to a woman known to him. He wore a shirt as he appeared at Brighton Magistrates’ Court by video link from his home in Cumnock, East Ayrshire, this afternoon for the first hearing. The Argus 14/9/2023 News Police officers could face sack over school strip-search of 15-year-old girl The girl was searched with no appropriate adult present while on her period at a school in Hackney in 2020. Three Metropolitan Police officers are facing allegations of gross misconduct over the strip-search of a 15-year-old schoolgirl wrongly accused of possessing cannabis. The Independent 14/9/2023 News Patsy Stevenson: Woman arrested at Sarah Everard vigil calls for Metropolitan Police to be abolished Patsy Stevenson and Dania Al-Obeid were both arrested in March 2021 while taking part in a vigil for Sarah Everard. They have now been given payouts and apologies by the Metropolitan Police. Sky News 14/9/2023 News Greater Manchester Police officers’ details hacked in cyber attack Personal details of officers from Greater Manchester Police (GMP) may have been hacked after a third-party supplier was targeted in a cyber attack. Police Professional 14/9/2023 News IOPC calls for review of strip search powers after Child Q investigation Four officers will be facing disciplinary proceedings for their actions during the Child Q incident. The IOPC has concluded their investigation into the strip search of Child Q and as subsequently called for a "substantial review of policing powers" relating to strip searches of children. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/9/2023 News «108610871088108910901091109210931094Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events