Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98074 total results. Showing results 20001 to 20020 «997998999100010011002100310041005Next ›Last » Bianca Williams: Two Met officers sacked over athlete search gross misconduct Two Met Police officers have been sacked after carrying out a stop-and-search of two athletes which was found to have amounted to gross misconduct. BBC 25/10/2023 News Use of force review to consider investigation thresholds The Home Office has published the Terms of reference for the review into armed policing. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/10/2023 News Police officer unmasked as ‘UK’s most prolific online paedophile’ Lewis Edwards, who worked for South Wales Police, groomed 210 young girls and left many of his victims feeling suicidal The Telegraph - Subscription at source 25/10/2023 News Two officers sacked but three cleared of misconduct in Maida Vale stop Gross misconduct allegations were not proven against A/PS Rachel Simpson, PC Michael Bond and PC Alan Casey, who will all be subject to the reflective practice review process. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/10/2023 News Safer Streets Fund – Round Five POLICY PAPER: £42 million has been allocated through the Safer Streets Fund to deal with neighbourhood crime, violence against women and girls (VAWG) and anti-social behaviour (ASB). Home Office 25/10/2023 Report New agreement gives victims of alleged crimes by armed forces personnel their say in the criminal justice process For the first time, the views of victims will be considered when deciding whether criminal cases involving a member of the armed forces should be dealt with by the civilian or military justice system in England and Wales. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 25/10/2023 News Legal challenges in police use of automated number plate recognition cameras NEW ZEALAND: Police use of footage from high-tech automated number plate recognition cameras is being challenged in court by defendants. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 25/10/2023 News Community policing units expected to be rolled out across Kerry in the new year REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Core community policing units are expected to be rolled out across the county by the first quarter of next year. Radio Kerry (Republic of Ireland) 25/10/2023 News Two police officers sacked after being found guilty of gross misconduct for lying during search of athletes Bianca Williams and Ricardo dos Santos Team GB's Bianca Williams and fellow athlete Ricardo dos Santos were travelling home with their baby son when they were pulled over by police in west London in July 2020. Sky News 25/10/2023 News Joint statement on Hate Crime from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Foreword from Lionel Idan, CPS National Hate Crime Lead, and Mark Hamilton, NPCC Hate Crime Lead Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 25/10/2023 News A former police officer jailed for life for over 160 child sexual offences A former police officer for South Wales Police has been jailed after admitting to over 160 offences of child sexual abuse against victims as young as 10-years-old. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 25/10/2023 News Comment: stop and search can be unfair, it targets people Racial profiling accusations are easy to make and conveniently ignore the realities of street policing. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/10/2023 Feature, Opinion Advocates praise NT government’s ‘strong’ domestic violence reforms, but say proposed legislation does not go far enough AUSTRALIA: Experts and advocates in the Northern Territory's domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV) sector have welcomed proposed changes to legislation but warned the law can only go so far in tackling the scourge of domestic violence in the territory. ABC News (Australia) 25/10/2023 News CSO removes warning about reliability of garda stats REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Central Statistics Office has said it now has confidence in the Garda crime figures and has removed its warning about the reliability of the data. The CSO has been publishing crime statistics "under reservation" for the past nine years and had suspended publication for a time because it was not satisfied with An Garda SÃochána's PULSE data. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 25/10/2023 News Police paedophiles: More than 30 guilty since January 2022 More than 30 police and support officers have been convicted of child sex abuse offences in England and Wales since January 2022, BBC research has revealed. BBC 25/10/2023 News Disarming Edmonton Gangs: Police curfew checks with criminals CANADA: From curfew checks to building relationships, the Edmonton Police Service’s gang suppression team (GST) keeps tabs on gang members when they get out of prison. The hope is to steer individuals towards a crime-free life and, at the very least, prevent more violence from happening. Global News (Canada) 25/10/2023 Feature Police chief defends officers’ actions in strip mall shootout CANADA: Officers weren’t acting out of the ordinary when they engaged in a shootout that left a suspect dead and one of their own injured in a northeast strip mall, Calgary police Chief Mark Neufeld said Wednesday. Blame for putting the public in danger in the Oct. 18 afternoon incident — one that sent a bullet into the window of a barber shop at the McKnight Village Shopping Centre and had bystanders cowering in fear — lay with the suspect who opened fire on police, who then shot back, said Neufeld. Calgary Herald (Canada) 25/10/2023 News Family violence history being part of custody decisions will give courts ‘full picture’, says advocate AUSTRALIA: Australian courts will soon have to consider a history of family violence when determining a child's best interests. It is part of a suite of changes passed by the federal government and has been welcomed by victim-survivors and family violence activists. ABC News (Australia) 25/10/2023 News Brad Royce appointed Commissioner of Corrective Services AUSTRALIA: The Director General of the Department of Justice has appointed Brad Royce APM as Commissioner, Corrective Services. Government of Western Australia 25/10/2023 News Two officers dismissed for gross misconduct over stop and search of Bianca Williams and Ricardo Dos Santos Two Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officers involved in the stop and search of athletes Bianca Williams and Ricardo Dos Santos have been dismissed for gross misconduct. Police Professional 25/10/2023 News «997998999100010011002100310041005Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events