Global progressive policing

Counter Terror Expo (CTX) 2024 – Register today!

CTX2024 Feature

CTX – The Counter Terror Expo returns to ExCeL London on 19th & 20th June to unite professionals from industry, infrastructure, government and policing to explore the latest counter-terrorism technologies and solutions. The event encourages the development of new ideas and discussion of innovative strategies to combat the latest threats facing the UK and its partners.

The main theme of CTX this year is based on the four key strands of the CONTEST strategy: Prevent, Pursue, Protect, and Prepare. As the format of CTX 2023 was so well received, the content programme will again this year will be driven by a series of panel discussions, conversations around the key areas affecting our national security – in the physical, online and emotional spaces – led by senior leaders from Policing (including CTP, BTP and MPS), government, regulatory bodies, P/CVE specialists, academics, victims of terrorist attacks, leading campaigners and charitable organisations, all working towards a common cause.CTX2024

Our expert panellists will share their knowledge and experiences of the CONTEST strategy, and its relevance in the face of an ever-changing terrorist threat. How are events in the Middle East shaping our foreign and domestic security policies? How do we identify the signs of radicalisation and extremism, what are the tools and platforms being used to corrupt the young, the vulnerable and those suffering from mental illnesses? How do we stop this – through preventative education, compassion, reasonable regulation, and legislation? Or by imposing an Orwellian state of surveillance, oppressive legislation, restrictive regulation and closed borders? Whose responsibility is this? Who is accountable for all of this? How do we react as individuals, organisations, communities, and society at large – and is there more that we can do to be better prepared, more organised and have greater resilience to any future events?

The terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel, on 7th October 2023, has ignited passions on both sides, globally. Numerous demonstrations have taken place in major cities around the world – some peacefully, others not. Referrals to PREVENT (the Government’s anti-extremism & radicalisation programme) have soared, since the Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist group launched an unprovoked attack on Israel. Finger-pointing, blame and counter-blame ensued. The spread of misinformation, and disinformation – videos detailing horrific actions from both sides – have flooded social media platforms, and only served to further inflame tempers. How does this affect our counter-terrorism posture? How do the authorities successfully police these demonstrations and the situation as a whole, amid calls of Islamophobia, Racism, and anti-Semitism?

Martyn’s Law has been the subject of a Public Consultation – but only one half of it, the Standard Tier Premises. The Government has dragged its feet on delivering a promise made in the King’s Speech last year, that the Bill will be put before Parliament as a draft bill this Spring. In all likelihood, it is unrealistic to expect it to get its first reading in this session of Parliament. Figen Murray, Nick Aldworth and others who have campaigned relentlessly for the best part of the last 7 years to get this legislation enacted are losing patience with this government – and rightly so.

The programme over the two days of CTX will look like this:

Day One:

A series of four panel discussions:

  • Is the CONTEST strategy nimble enough to deal with the current multi-faceted terrorist threat?
  • How has the Israel/ Hamas conflict changed the narrative for PREVENT?
  • Radicalisation & Extremism – the new global pandemic. How do we PREPARE for it?
  • PROTECT Duty: How can Martyn’s Law support best practice in protective security?

Day Two:

Two panel discussions and a presentation:

  • How to PREVENT and undermine terrorist information operations, including online disinformation efforts
  • The realities of a terrorist attack. Can you PURSUE a normal life as a survivor?
  • Presentation by Dr Craig Jarvis: Cyberterrorism: Myth and Reality.

The key partnership for CTX again this year is with TINYg – the Global Terrorism Information Network – who are a not-for-profit, knowledge sharing organisation, whose Single Unifying Purpose is ‘To maintain an up-to-date understanding of global terrorism by bringing together subject matter experts, in a trusted environment, in order to increase our members awareness of threat and allow them to develop their capability to prepare and respond’. You’ll be able to hear from TINYg members in the conference programme and engage with them at their stand on main exhibition floor.

To reinforce the messages that we are covering at CTX this year, we have chosen to support two charities that are the embodiment of our event RAPAID – The emergency bandage charity who aim to #stopthebleed by making life-saving emergency bandages as commonplace and as accessible as fire extinguishers and defibrillators right across the UK, and the National Emergencies Trust – the Nationwide Disaster Charity. Please engage with them at their stands on the main exhibition floor to see how you and your organisation can support their vital work.

Come and join us at CTX and its co-located event, Forensics Europe Expo this year to learn, engage and form the future of preventative, resilient national security and forensic investigation innovation.

Register today at:

Connect with CTX on LinkedIn here.

Follow us On Twitter/ X here.

Entrance to both CTX and FEE is free, subject to meeting our registration criteria, physical security clearance on the day and production of photo ID on entrance, and adherence to our security protocols.

We look forward to welcoming you to CTX & FEE in June.


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